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Zev Sharma Dec 2020
As I sit here thinking about how time has passed
Wondering how it all happened so fast
We were both NRI's who shared the same last name
Bonded over various silly little games
Never really thought anything much of it
And from there we became closely knit

Wherever you would go, you would see the Sharma bros
We shared our excitement and our woes
Complained about school, talked about Minecraft ideas
We reminisced over the US, and now it's time to see ya
I'm not really sure how I'll say goodbye
I'm not sure how our friendship happened or why
But I know I'll really miss you when you leave
Your absence was a thought I never concieved

Minecraft, Angry Birds Go, Bad Piggies, oh them all
They just won't feel the same when you're gone
I still remember our hopes of becoming internet sensations
Our endless talks on how to achieve our aspirations
Moving to India was hard, but we shared this difficulty together
Like two brave Steves fighting off the wither

I remember our first sleepover; it was a new experience for you and me
Getting to know you better and cutting down oak trees
We talked through the night about anything and everything
Addictively competing to see who was recieving the lowest ping
I had been alone in the US, never really found someone quite like me
You turned out to be so similar, sometimes I think we share a family tree

We always talked about going back to the US and how it was so much better there
And now when we are both returning back to our old homes, why does life seem unfair
We lamented about what all we gave up when we left the US
But never talked about what all we gained by reaching this address
They say you only realize the value of something when you lose it
I have Skype to play with you, but alone I will sit

We often play online, but there is a value to your presence
Even while we enjoy ourselves, I will lose your essence
I hope that you have a safe flight and journey
And will definitely come and meet you some time personally
I hope our stars align
We shall meet at least one more time
But for now, my dear friend Rohan, I shall say goodbye

If there is ever any problem, remember that I will be there to pacify
Be sure to send me a picture of your untanned hands building a snowman
We shall surely make some more memories and have something planned
Zev Sharma Dec 2020
Alone on a hot dry day
I sit and contemplate
What happened to me?
Yeah, What happened to me?
I was up on stage, rocking that song
Then I messed up and sung it all wrong
Oh, why right now of all times
Oh why right now
I’m the laughing stock of the city (Build-Up)
I must prevail against controversy
So what do I do?  x4 (Rap)

I will redeem myself(Chorus)
I will show my strength
Show those judges I can sing
Give me the mic
Turn up the gain
And let loose all the pain
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption!
I want redemption…

I was the best of all of them
People thought I could win
I began to grow slack
And committed a huge sin
The appreciation got to my head
All 4 judges wanted me
Oh, the direction I was being led
Music came naturally to me
I breezed through the semifinals with little practice
Took me music for granted
“Now what do I do”, I chanted

I will redeem myself(Chorus)
I will swallow my pride
I will sway them to my side
Give me the stage
Turn up the bass
And show the world my face
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption!
I just want redemption…

I will rebuild my reputation back
Maybe even become a national sensation
But I will forget not the importance of humility
And shall not go astray
I will pray but don’t know about fate
I don’t believe in fate anyways
I will control my destiny
And reach the core of everybody I see
Now it’s time for action

I will expose myself to the public eye(Chorus)
Might be laughed at a couple times
But I will sway them to my side
Give me the audience
Turn up the expectations
And show the world how hard I’ve been practicing for this
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption!
I just want redemption…
Zev Sharma Dec 2020
Happy Birthday Palla Maushi
I wish you a great day and a happy year
Here's a little poem and drawing I made for you
Enjoy! :)

Today on this wonderful day
Your exsistance has concluded half a century
I've only known you for a small part of that freeway
But today, I wanted to celebrate you for being exemplary

One of my oldest memories is of your visit to Seattle in 2011
The DS and toys that you brought have given me an abundance of entertainment
Indeed, while the DS was a short term obsession
You are someone to whom I can share my joy and lament

Your bubbly presence brings light into the darkness
You disrupt the solemn silence and fill the room with energy
When I hear your spirited call, "Zevy Darling", I feel a surge of happiness
Neev and I eagerly wait to make the next memory

Your exuberant attitude towards life inspires me
I hope I can imbibe some of your vibrancy and qualities
Whenever circumstances are adversarial, I know I have a friend down the lane
You are like a boquet of vervain

Thank you for being so lively and cheerful
I hope this year blesses you with much joy

Sincerely, Zev
Zev Sharma Dec 2020
As this tenth grade year rolls by
I just don't have a chance to take a sigh
Life is taking me for a ride
Forcing me at every moment to abide

It seems like everyone is doing better than me
Anyone remember when life was carefree
At one time, learning was play
Not one of those agressive F1 freeways

I've never been the competitive types
Despite all the Asian stereotypes
But peace seems to be all but forgotten
The college race seems to be a race we all entered in

I see teenage achievers, wonder how they do it
They have already entered their cockpits
While I stand on the stairs, looking back at the beautiful view
Knowing in a short amount of time, boarding will soon ensue

I feel overwhelmed even though I shouldn't be
I feel overwhelmed even when there are a thousand people working harder than me
I feel overwhelmed when I look at 2018's reality
I feel overwhelmed at the idea of being handed the control key

Life was much simpler back then
I felt like I lived in a lion's den
The world seemed like a land of infinite possibilities
Now, it seems like an ever increasing stack of responsibilities

The memories are etched in my mind
My days in Rosa Parks and ICS on rewind
My life has changed so dramatically
Ever since the move in January

My life took a U-turn
My skin got scorched brown in the ruthless sun
Everything seemed to be preparation for the firing gun
Everyone except me seemed to be prepared to run

I wanted to tell my story
Let it out in all its glory
But copying from the passage was obligatory
Everything I read was explanatory

The grades passed on, yet I never really felt a change
My interests were increasingly estrange
While my peers constantly tried to grow up ASAP
I continued living life in recap

As the pressure began to build, I could feel it too
Would I be able to pull through
At times I wish I could start life anew
Maybe waste less time and make an amazing debut

I feel overwhelmed even when life is going well
My nostalgia keeps me from enjoying the present
I feel overwhelmed when I face the future
Feeling that the past was much more pleasant
I feel overwhelmed when I am reminded of my poor dad
Slogging away just to get to see us for a few months in the year
I feel overwhelmed when I see the the fate of a impoverished young lad
Forced to work out of fear

They say change is the only constant in this universe
Change has been what I repel
But now I am on my last verses
After letting it out, life has a reduced ability to overwhelm
Zev Sharma Dec 2020

Remember when life was fun and easy
Yeah I remember too
Nowdays, the stress makes me queasy
My life seems awfully blue

Millennial life is easy, my elders say
Whenever we get into a feud
Yet I fear my life may be going astray
When the college bills got me *******

Remember when school used to be enjoyable
Life was just a breeze
Suddenly the pressure seemed unavoidable
My pile of work never seemed to cease

I'm tired of living in a rut
Procrastinating till my next exam
I feel sick in my gut
When I think about how lazy I am

But what will I do
What will I do? *2

I will reform my self
I will develop inner strength
Show my parents and my self that I can succeed

Give me the pen
Cleanse my mind
And keep me focused for the entire time

Reformation *3
I want reformation

I used to be good at school
Felt confident with my life in an of itself
My body has plenty of energy (S.I unit: joules)
Why is it so hard for me to assert myself

The work is in front of me
Right front and center
My conciousness has a plea
Why am I unable to be my mind's mentor

I sit here exhausted and fatigued
Nothing makes sense to me
It's 2 AM and I am studying the heart's anatomy
Who even knows if my neurons will fire properly

But what will I do
What will I do? *2

I will reform myself
Keep my phone aside
My eyes will be kept open wide

Give me the table
Turn off the distractions
Let my thoughts turn into actions

Reformation *3
I just want reformation

The time ticks 4 AM and I head off to sleep
Regurgitating the roles of various enzymes
I know that the fruit of my efforts will be mine to reap
I listen attentively for the sound of my alarm's chimes

As I hear my phone vibrations diffract all around the room
I come to the realization that my day to shine has come
My shower is on freezing cold with my mind warning me of my impending doom
But I know I won't let that be my outcome

While I put on my shoes and get my bag
I watch a motivational video to pump me up
I dump my head in water to overcome my feeling of jet lag
My mind keeps doing mental push ups

Now what do I do
What do I do? *2

I will make myself capable of excellence
Ensure there is no more procrastination
This is my opportunity for transformation

Give me the test paper
Show them the hall ticket
I will hack my way through the thicket

Reformation *7
I just want reformation

As I sit here with my exam results in hand
Proudly displaying the fruits of my work
I remember that I took a stand
Doing what ever I could to clear up the murk

These struggles of mine are just like life
Some concepts are useless, like studying about an alewife
But each new concept is always nice to know
It might not be practical, but hey it might at least end up in a trivia show
Zev Sharma Dec 2020
When I feel bogged down
When I've had enough
Life seems like a letdown
I feel like I'm in handcuffs

When I want to thrive
I look around me and sigh
I'm barely able to survive
It's tough to get by

Life keeps on kicking me every day
Got a ton of distractions leading me astray
Stuck between the archway
While my friends are having a field day

After my short break to respite  
I gaze upon the task at hand
I observe the topics and  revise
If I fail, I will be reprimanded

The clock struck 2
Would I pull through
I wish I could start my project anew
Make an amazing debut

There is no other choice
I have nothing to lose
I will have to silence my lazy voice
And pull up my shoes

Go the extra mile

Times are tough for me
I just want to be set free
Life has no guarantee
I feel like an internee

The challenge is great
But my ambition must be greater
I must let my stress ablate
I envision performing at the theater

The end is in sight
My hard work is paying off
I make sure to save each software byte
I hope I make the cutoff

The project IS COMPLETE!
Now I gotta rush to school
I feel my rising heartbeat
As my schoolbus leaves without me

I grab my bag and head outside
Running as fast as I can
I had stayed too long inside
I sprinted like a mad man

Go the extra mile
Zev Sharma Dec 2020
I sit down and daydream
About the perfect world
My mind plays a joyous theme
The globe shines like a pearl

Suffering has ended
Begin the fun
The economy is splendid
We celebrate with our loved ones

The days are long
Enough time has passed
The wind sings a song
Happiness is the forecast

This world is fantasy but who cares
The size of a galaxy in a giant lair
Can't exist practically but why despair
In our dreams thankfully anywhere

Daydreams, oh so nice and sweet
Daydreams, a visit to your mind's back seat
Daydreams, oh a little treat
To get your mind off of your recent defeat

I lay down and dream dream dream
About the day's events
I assemble a team, team , team
To sort out my memories recent contents

I come back home
Full marks in my hand
Feel like the emperor of Rome
Conquerer of every land

The sun is bright
It's time to chill
I have done what is right
I'm enjoying the thrill

The thoughts are tranquillity no one can share
They are the tonality of my silent snare
My cavity in the middle of nowhere
Is happily echoing of care and flair

Daydreams, so wonderful and clear
Daydreams, my answer to life's biggest spear
Daydreams, my alone time for visiting a utopia
That I will never get to see with my fovea
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