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Dec 2013 · 1.7k
Ever thought how these four years would turn out for you??

Classes, proxies and birthday surprises,

Or ‘Junior– senior’ interaction which was a ragging in disguise!

The unlimited Gangtok trips-

Which was a first step towards your relationships!

Momos, Thukpas, Jalebi and Falay,

Which you would have it without any delay!

Kaalrav or departmental fest,

Which you would attend with utter zest!

The 6.9 turbulence-

Causing a whole lot of turbulence!

People seeming like refugees-

With no phone networks to contact friends, relatives and families!

Those 14 tiring sessionals in total

Which you crossed, thinking it to be a hurdle!

The placement tension-

And getting a job was the ultimate question!

Aahhh! These four years of igniting memories are just too wonderful,

Which  are definitely unforgetful!!!
(Meanings : Kaalrav- College fest
Momos, Thukpa, Jalebi and Falay- local cuisines in the state of Sikkim, India
Sessional- mid-sems)
May 2012 · 2.1k
(This poem is on the earthquake that people in Sikkim,India had faced on 18 September 2011. I was one among them too! P.S- on this very that is my brother's birthday! So i remember it more profoundly....just read on to find out more. Certain words mean the following out here-
MG MARG- MAHATMA GANDHI MARG.{Marg means street.}
LAL BAZAAR-refers to a marketing place in the capital of Sikkim,i.e,Gangtok)
MAAL ROADING-Maal road is generally found in most of the hill stations in India. But in my college, Maal Road has a different and funny meaning.)
DISCO COMMITTEE-refers to the DISCIPLINARY Committee in our college,which takes stringent actions against the guilty.)

18 was the date-
When a bunch of girls had decided
to travel through the city.
But I was the one who wasn't prepared,
As it was raining pretty heavy.
The girls planned to eat,roam and shop about,
through the MG MARG and LAL BAZAAR!
Fortunately for me due to some unavoidable circumstances
the plan got dropped....
And all I could see was girls making unbearable pouts!!

In the evening,
when people go out MAAL ROADING,
I went to the shop with a company
for buying a recharge card as done daily!
Though I bought it,
I somehow forgot to scratch it, I rather kept it inside my bag.

Strolling down the campus
We sat on the football field
Watching the players kicking the ball in glee
With their boots,shorts and tee!
At exactly 6:10 pm, there was a great turbulence,
which caused a whole lot of purturbence!
Yes, that was the 6.9 that shook us!
People running to and fro to save their lives,
some shirtless,some barefooted and some in towels!

With buildings shaking and cracking
there was nothing
but utter horror and shouting!
People seemed like Refugees,
With no phone networks to contact friends,relatives and families!
We were told to sleep with our room doors open.
But how could we when there were still tremors coming?
SHAKE! and people would be out on the streets!

Such a day it was, when Mother Nature had terrorised us!
Still the authorities couldn't help themselves from separating boys and girls!!
If they happen to meet each other,
They would have to face the DISCO COMMITTEE all together!

Huh!! When will you get rid off this mentality?
So that we can live joyous and peacefully!!!
Dec 2011 · 832
My First Love
(A dedication to someone whom I really love from the inner core of my heart.)
                                                                         - ZEBA ZOARIAH AHSAN.

I really don’t know, when did I get my feelings for someone for the first time??
May be when I was 17???

Almost everyday I thanked the ALMIGHTY for not giving me such awkward feelings!
Almost everyday I thanked him for not making me look beautiful.
Almost everyday I asked him for more and more intelligence-which I think I was given….

I still remember those people,
Whom I saw falling in this ‘CUPIDITY’
Which I thought to be a real ‘STUPIDITY’!!!!!
I remember them telling me-“It feels heaven; it feels great!!!”
To which I always turned a deaf ear and a blind eye.
You cross any area of the learning temple
You get a chance to see these love birds holding each other’s hand.
What pleasure do they get by doing this??

And one fine day, when I got irritated as they teased me with a guy-
I simply said------

“Who? That captain? Cut it out. Does not suit my personality! Well; not my cup of tea!”

But I couldn’t believe that “THAT CAPTAIN” would really come into my life!!
He came as a stroke of wind,
The feelings were MAGICAL!!
And it made my life ever BEAUTIFUL!!

I with all the guts, said one Saturday midnight-
“CAPTAIN! You made me smile.
You made me realize what you mean for me.
To which he replied---
“Look girl!
It doesn’t matter me.
I don’t know why you love me?
Don’t mind, but I already have had heartbreak by loving that “LOVE” and I don’t wanna suffer any more.
So we are better off as FRIENDS! Please don’t mind!! ;)

Well! I was very happy with his reply.
Atleast I won’t get my “heartbreak”!

And then, from good friends,
We became close friends
To more and more close friends……..

And one fine day, he said-
“Actually speaking, you are the closest friend I have ever had.
Your friendship means a lot to me.
So don’t ever desert me…
I’ll miss you dear friend….”

Days passed by, when one day I heard my conscience telling me---
“Forget him!
Your family needs you.
You need to shine for them and make them feel proud of you.
Don’t forget your responsibilities!
I did what my conscience had asked me to do and I started losing contact with my “CAPTAIN”…

I don’t know! But—
The feelings were awesome!
But it’s really hard to get over him.
I am trying my level best….

Still, just wanted to say-
I love you a lot CAPTAIN.

— The End —