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Zazu 5d
Nothing needs to change
But we talk between whispers
We bite our tongues
And reserve our judgement

Angry glares across the room
You should have kept it to yourself

Nothing needs to change
Tangled instructions
What am I allowed to say?
When you’re afraid criticisms
Have decided to stay
Zazu 6d
I hate the idea
that if I had given out better answers -
the honest answer
The one that would leave them speechless
the one that would have left them
more grateful for their fruits than before,

but instead,
I took a second to reflect
took a second to compare
- Others have had it tougher
and out of my mouth, I said
"I don't know, I think I've had it pretty easy."
Zazu 6d
Something sets off the day
In a way that makes me stay
in my head
and I think
"I've spoken so much that I forgot to blink"
On those days, I propose something to myself
stay quiet
I'm tired of talking
and getting talked over
of accidentally interrupting
and for those moments
where you don't know what to say

stay quiet
because I feel like being a listener today
Quiet Girl Diaries
Zazu 6d
all with it's premise

waiting for the hour to arrive
so that you can transcribe
all your problems onto me

Now that the clock strikes lonely
and I wait  patiently for the season
to love someone again

No calling it out
No calling it quits
No keeping score
just serving over the fence
to someone who's not always on defense
to someone who brings some sense
Sequel to "breakup season"
Zazu Mar 13
Who is the audience of our thoughts
when flooded by speech?

Who is the audience of our words
threaded through the needle of interpretation
sewn into a poem of subjection
when we all have something to say?
Zazu Mar 12
You can keep him
him and inconsistency
him and his unthoughtfulness
him and confusion
him and contradictions

you are made for each other
he can keep you
you and your suspicious communication
you and your close relationship with his best friend
you and the way you left him talking
you and your floral prom dress
you and his matching tie

you were the best year of his life,
weren't you?
"at least we don't hate each other," he thinks
oh, but doesn't he know
how clever you can be.
I don't know what I saw in him, but I certainly did see that enormous I-still-talk-to-my-cheating-ex red flag.
Zazu Mar 12
Like clockwork
couples go through seasons
truth and foolishness
adaptation and distress
Talking stage
to situationship
to dating

to not.
Fall, Winter
Spring, Summer
Warm kisses
Cold shoulders and tears
Forever and ever
turned into never
People watching and seeing how year after year, people go through the same cycle
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