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May 2016 · 346
Love In Eternity(edited)
Zay Bliss May 2016
All it took was for my eyes to widen
Upon noticing her presence
like the sun knows the moon, we would be together for an eternity
Even if an eternity only meant a single moment in my life that would scar time forever
Still, I am in love
Dec 2015 · 325
Love in eternity
Zay Bliss Dec 2015
All it took was for my eyes to widen
Upon noticing her presence
like the sun knows the moon, we would be together for an eternity
Even if an eternity only meant a single moment in my life that would scar time forever
Still, I am in love
Sep 2015 · 315
Zay Bliss Sep 2015
I always lay watching the sky move
Imagine a view through which passes like the dawn of age
It was when it happened, I aged too
Realizing that animosity was pointless, it aged

When the sky aged and there were no more clouds of white
I met someone with eyes that would open eyes to sight

Maybe we can save this cold world
I was left  starring through those eyes

Time turns but why?, in her eyes its deep
Time drifting as the beauty is ever stunning

I looked back up into her Blue eyes
The sky was gone and With age I died

Now I know what to do
Apr 2015 · 339
Roads Sight
Zay Bliss Apr 2015
(im on my knees in the streets looking up) what am i doing?
this road is a mirror forever
hell is forever
I know what to do but, I'm only human

If thats the excuse
then it will be the excuse of my life so
why couldnt i change?
or maybe, why couldnt I just be more human
all i see is difference
all difference sees is me
Jan 2015 · 545
Mr Nobody
Zay Bliss Jan 2015
Im alone and afraid
Im angry, im selfish, im sad,
So many things all convulging together
But most of all,
Im in love. Im in love with someone who doesnt exist. Someone ill never find as though im incapable.
why cant i find them? Im here but im not!
When i realize this everything goes dark as i stand in the light.
Who am i?
Why wont i be remebered...
God answered with no voice
And i spoke with long forgotten words
I am Nobody
And Mr Nobody does not exist
Jan 2015 · 600
Zay Bliss Jan 2015
I lay in the depths of the past
still stuck and struck with fear as normality stays the same, my nightmares steer their way.
I lay in the ocean of regret
stained with my mistakes,  they brake me like waves that never set me free
as I drown in the cold melancholy of my life.
I lay in a lie,
telling myself what I want to hear, always knowing the reality from the dreams and what I'll always want things to seem.
its all true, I dont fear anymore.
Im just laying.
Apr 2014 · 344
Alone In Solitude
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
she will bring you down,
all good things come to an end
like the sun and the moon,
neither gets full authority over the crown,
and when this happens, time begins to bend,
you will realize its just your inevitable doom,
just let reality take over and consume,
all is lost, all thats left is you
Apr 2014 · 324
Thoughts of Peace
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
Is peace real?
Or is it just a thought?
Or something we can feel?
Is it just an emotion, that cannot be sought
just produced by the mind
Threw great commotion,
Still yet to be achieved by mankind,
So is Peace Real?
If so, then it's something we need to find...
Apr 2014 · 291
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
My love for her reached beyond the skies, not even jets or planes could reach as they would assume they can fly high
She said i dont love her
I am immature! but,
my feelings were more real than the stars in space
to tell me this, I had thought my heart was in her place
but she never had it, or she didnt know
continuing her daily life with my heart there as my river ceased to flow,
It was a hidden steal, she doesnt believe how I feel
she took it with her and it will never show
she tried to say it was mechanical love because, its not real...
Apr 2014 · 495
I Was Mezmorized
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
I did see her! I did!
I was just walking by mellowfully,
Upon seeing her, so shocked, a trick?
My mood changed rapidly,
This feeling for a while, it will stick,
Her voice, her hair,
Those colored eyes, it was penitrating.
Her look, her stare,
This, it was so mesmerizing,
An Angel,
She walked beside me,
My cage was fragile,
And she helped set me free,
Without a sign,
It all changed so suddenly,
The light turned to dark,
My heart crumbled as it fell apart,
This mesmerization was all too bad,
Now she stays inside me and I can never run,
For that angel, look again,

It Was A Demon......
Apr 2014 · 294
When She Goes
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
Beauty could not be more vivid,
Opening up world's threw her eyes,
And threw her voice,
It is the sound of angels melodies.
No hurts, or pains, or cries.
A mirage, Yet, Truly and undoubtedly Lucid.
If not with me,
Then I want to be near her until the end of time.
As her shadow,
I will take in the pain and sorrow as she will feel anew.
This alone, Will make me all the more fine.
But when she goes,
And can no longer be in anyones sight,
I hope that a transcended being takes her spirit and makes it into many stars,
With this,
All of the world shall be in love with the night...
Thank you shakespeare!
Apr 2014 · 395
Who Are You??????
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
I am weight of your mind,
I am the dark of your soul,
When you think bad you think me,
When your lost who is it you find? it is me, that is my role,
I bring you down,
Only I can put you back up,
Noone can hurt you, or make you upset
It is only I
I am a shadow that lingers behind you for all of time,
When your hiding, and lite that match to bring a spark, dont you see that Figure with you in the dark?
When you ask yourself what are you becoming?
In that mirror what do you see?
Understand im your only friend
You are me..
You are your greatest enemy..
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
All hope is gone
No hope, no anger, no need for peace, nothing can be ceased
Endless sights of nothingness, antisocials would consider a long bewildered wish
Where have I been?
What have I seen?
So lucid its absolutely impossible to be a dream,
Am I dead? Have I ascended?
Is this good or bad?
How much of this can be comprehended,
If this is "it", then what could it have been?
What do I really fear?
Nevertheless... Im here, Im still here, I'll always be here...
Apr 2014 · 388
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
I used to be a fragment alone in distraught,
Put there by those who bare my trust, it was a battle not easily fought.
Rage and hate took over me, fluctuating with the melancholy,
This is when I changed, They noticed it in my eyes.
They noticed the change, i was simply different, eyelids were red due to the release of Everything within, when present i couldnt help but to scream and cry.
I couldnt controll it and it all began to release, im sorry i wasnt strong Enough, Yet... Im only a human being.

I succumbed to emotionality, this is my fatal reality
World Peace was no longer my ultimatums wish,
Empty like dark space.
My inner self ceased to exist.
As they looked deep into my eyes there was nothing, because they realeased it All and there was Nothing to be left,

I was empty, gone, just emotionless...
Apr 2014 · 643
Lost For A Purpose
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
There will always be that one moment in life when ask yourwelf those fateful questions, "What is my Purpose, how can I find it"?

Ramanticism reached beyond beyond,
Darkening and lightening the world,
But it wasn't a purpose that i had written down it was my feelings that i had referled.
Just my emotions Drawing in others and making a subsequential bond.
It was either happy or sad i had blindly written down,
But it was not a purpose, for this I longed.
So I was nothing but determined to search for mine,  I was lost in a realm of blank,
For a purpose deep down I needed to find.
Endless nothingness, as if alone at last, to find my purpose before my time come to pass.
So lost, and still wanderingg, even from the highest reaches, There was no purpose in sight,
I even went deep down inside myself and challenged my nightmares to a fight.
Still lost if not even deeper in the darkness of the pit,  soon approaching destination point and my burdens making me deadly sick, I will not dig my grave, and I cannot need help, it is me who must rescue myself, find my purpose and then be saved,
Not taken by any other or anyone else, if so, failed accomplishements, I will be internally graved.
  Ive fallin, to deep, to dreary, to steep, nearly succumbed to defeat.
When all seemed gone and I was forever lost, it approached me and seemed fragile, bearly to be ceased, almost nothing was there to permit. When I was lost in a search, it was there, fading and just wanting to live.
I realized it isnt me who needed to find my purpose.
It was my purpose who needed to find me to exist.

                            Without you there is no purpose.
Apr 2014 · 263
Whats Underneath???
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
She gazes at me, and always loves what she sees,
Always tying to get closer and closer, were together, isnt it enough your My beholder?
Trying to see all that I am, I want you to see all that you need
When your eyes pierce my soul, its like the worst of me your trying to Conceive,
I only want the good for you, stop trying to feel for the dark,
Believe me when I say this love is true,
Stop trying to make it so hard,
It will not work if it continues this way,
She wants whats behind the mask,
If I give it to her, what will she say?
Can she really journey that path?
I cant keep it concealed because only just a mirage,
She holds my heart and begins tightening,
Cracking and cracking the disguise, breaking it harder as she keeps on Fighting,
Maybe ill show her, inevitably she's just to wise,
Look forth, For beneath this mask...
               Its just a ripple, another and another disquise...
No one will ever know who you truly are.
Apr 2014 · 342
Heavenly Divine
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
Negative emotions clouding thoughts with translucent feelings, Breaking free from a cage.
Unknowingly,  its the cage of my soul
It Ripped straight through the ceiling.
Now im lost and out of control, all so very unappealing.
Will I find a way to conceal this purge, or will I die fully consumed, Whatever happens, it must be heavenly divine.
Even if that means I lose myself and all the love I hide guarded in a Tomb begins to slowly age and die.
Apr 2014 · 331
Beautiful Death
Zay Bliss Apr 2014
My only fear is fear itself.
Im not afraid to die, more afraid of myself.
I may die but when I look death in the eyes,
Ill stay sane and brave, rid myself of all those cries.
So many tragedies, soon to come after I die.
Peace; my wanted fantasy.
My heart wanted to save lives.
Death came too soon but I accept it.
Its time for me to rest.
Beautiful death...
Mar 2014 · 449
Fantasy Called Reality
Zay Bliss Mar 2014
Lost in someone elses melodie
going to the beat of their drum, like im stuck in their head awake and sound asleep.
Wonderland on a cliff,
Somewhere unknown in the back of my mind, yet I still might find home.
Dorthy got her wish,
Im still stuck flashing in a rave, an echoe in the mist.
Im lost and im found.
World shapeless, Well my minds round.
Its like a dream, I feel like a fish, like a meteor burnt to crisp.
What it may seem, Im lost in someone elses melodie
The pain is taking over everything
Its like a fantasy
Exept its called reality...
I had a weird dream..
Zay Bliss Mar 2014
If it happened, who knows what would result.
She can go blind from all the corruption,
Or even find she can care for me, and hate me not.
What will I find in her? Whats beyond beauty in seduction?
Maybe the so called love would just disperse.
In truth and lies we would know it all,
All the black from the white.
I'll know her greatest mistakes
She will know its myself I always fight.
What will we find threw our secrets.
Desperation could soon secrete,
If I fail to care for her,
I've already been lost in my own defeat.

If we knew eachothers secrets, what would we find we hide?
Will it be the sense of satisfaction, Lost and Deprived?
Maybe, we will find the Apathy behind doors after doors so heavily confined...
Feb 2014 · 413
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
The pain ached, it echoed and repeated each day a fragment of you Surfaced my mind.
Suffering time and time again, Soon enough the pain will cease.
Numbness I shall find.
I am not a beast, but I adapt to pain.
When hurt enough, all the pain will turn to normality,
More and more endurance I shall gain.
Hurt me now, hurt me later, it will never turn to fatality.
I care not, I'm a bridge that shall never break,
Strengthened by the hurtful memories beneath my surface,
It will always hurt, yet soon enough, ill even adapt to the numbness. . .
Feb 2014 · 327
Walking in The Dark
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Stuck, wandering in the dark and exploring all around.
Blind as a baby in its womb , clearer is the words that shall be said when I Am found,
No need to focus, all around me and all i see is sound.
Traveling in a lightless tomb, like a man trapped in his head.
I am walking in the dark,
My ears have gained the sight,
I can no longer see my art.
But I see anyhing that emits a sound,
To me, I see as clear as light
Feb 2014 · 702
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
To live forever,
Death truly eternal, no grey hairs to show your aged wisdom.
It is A life screaming and furthermoring ******.
Companions impicting memories, there deaths tragically depressing.
Stuck Apex to the humans,
A being superior with no known end,
Would it be worth it? Maybe more gaining than losing.
But a life without aging,
Is not a life full of living
Feb 2014 · 351
Wolf in The Rain
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Sound of raindrops so beautiful like a melodie of harmonious moans,
Bringing me down as weight but comforting my eaars as I screech for prey To eat,
Flowers, sticks, crushed by my feet like defenseless pieces of foam,
Sacrificing themselves for my presence as I benevolently freely roam,
As I fight to maintain my role, the blood blends with the rain creating a Dilution of color,
So beautiful it quenches me to watch it flow as I lay and flutter,

This place, surrounded by rain is my home,
I am a killer but at the same time a lover,
When i **** I love
To be killed by me is to be loved by me,
from the scars on my body, to the blood in the ground remaining forever As a stain
It is all a symbol of my reign
And when I fall, whether it be from the might of another beast or bolt of Lightning,

I have not fallin by you, I have merely fallin for the rain.

In a sense I am living and roaming again.
Feb 2014 · 462
When the World Ends
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Skies falls, true happy ones die with no regrets,
Blood reigns, depression worsens, for some it stays the same,
The young die at their peek of youth,
The old are left to await death, undoubtful truth,
But, the lonely ones,
We were here,
We will always be here,
The truth was always near,
To die isnt what we had to fear,
It was to be alone when everyone else is nothing but ash and bone,
It should be written in stone,
That in the end,  we will survive,
When all is gone, no more loneliness,
Together and forever The Lonely Ones shall roam...
Feb 2014 · 541
Feelings of A Poet
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Feelings of un-grander,

Misconseptions of the mind,

Thoughts of words, so slander...

Yet how can one seem so kind?

My head reaks of thoughts of hate,

Trauma that can't be left behind,

If such a thing is fate,

Then I transfer my thoughts onto several lines,

Bracefully, recovering sanity...

Its my only hope for peace in reality,

Without this, I'd be a dog rapped in chains,

Never to be set free,

Releasing constant thoughts onto several lines,

Patiently waiting... for peace to return to me
Feb 2014 · 378
Peace of Mind
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
A weakness of the mind,
Unforgiving,  Yet im still trying to find the peace I hide inside,
All that shows is scars,
Of course Noone cares,
But my chest cannot contain this,
Something I cannot bare,
Just wishing it could be a bliss,
In order to become reality, dreams must be held by a beloved who cares
Feb 2014 · 328
Shadow I've Become
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Sins of my father, sins of my mother
sins of the daughter, or even sins of the brother,
your sins are not passed down to you, there merely just a choice,
a compelling one at that to do, but its only you who can really avoid,
my father sinned and my family as well,
I do not blame them for my mistakes,
although ive slipped through darkness and essence Ive let compell,
I have become a translucent shadow
this is experiences shape and experience shaped me well
Feb 2014 · 431
Moth Drowning in A Flame
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Whats the meaning of this?
Back and forth, Back and forth,
Go for a burning swim, knowing the sole result, knowing the risks,
All that I stand for, all that im worth,
I go back to her, I will not win, im just another hopeless romantic
Blindly repeating a burning swim, I keep thinking I can change her mind
Maybe my heart will change the stormy skies,
Only to make them darker and make me want, and want her even more,
Im clouding my world with darkness, swimming in a fiery abyss,
Like a moth to a flame, immensely lothing, but urging again and again that Maybe she will care like I do and I'll feel something other than pain
Why do I do this, how can I be so hipocritical,
I overthink so hard I become dizzy and weary, just a mothly fool,
I dont need her, I want her, but she she doesnt want me, I just abuse Myself like a tool...
The more I scar, and feel her hurt me, the more I want, and even more.

She will be the bitter death of me, In Flames, and In Scorched, for as


as forever,

I will be eternally sore.
Feb 2014 · 443
Im not Alone
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
I dont have issues, I dont have problems
That look of pity, like I carry sadness and you wish to solve them,
**** your pity!
Im exactley where I want to be, all Ineed is the ones I want, and me,
No more looks, no more pity, no more trying to help
I am a helper, I am an open book, you just forgot how read
I dont need help, im not alone
Maybe I just dont want to be perceived.
Feb 2014 · 757
Endless Beauty
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Her Youth is just a fraction of what she has and deems
The light that you see in her soul is an auroma that exceeds
All evils rights and motives to bring darkness and displease
If I have felt true purity along with a heart to remain good
It is this girl, no this women, the one to go against the sin
If a flood were to take her, then she shall flow with it peacefully, she would
She is truly divine, so simple and amazing like that of a straight rainbow existing in the sky
I must be the guy aloud to love and cherish her, I must win
The day I let her know I can love her more than anyone else
is the day I let this Endless Beauty consume me and overpower all the sin and release the peace I hide within
Feb 2014 · 404
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Falling so fast air emits sound,
All you see is is endless blue,
No point in avoiding it, you know your bound,
Memories comfort you in a cacoon,
Only to ease the unchangeable, its coming soon,
Crows screech for you at the ground
Sad story, this is the ending sound
Stay calm, I am no coward, this I accept
I just wish I could've told.....(dead)
Feb 2014 · 2.1k
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
It is only through love and death, that we remain truly sincere,
Through pain and relief that our souls stay here,
This is what it means to be human
Feb 2014 · 321
Lucid Nightmare
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
On distant skies off,
and all alone,
Its loneliness that creeps up,
In my hearts solemn home,
Began to fall,
Trying to find my way back up,
Without the help of another,
I know im stuck.

— The End —