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Zarron Cascade May 2014
Oh night, I bid thee well.
For you always wait.
Never do you tell,
Nor judge my true fate.

Man is weak and frail,
But you hold power.
Magistrates do fail,
Under your great tower.

Does thee deserve praise?
For all those you catch?
They shall always raise,
Attempting to match.

A friend in me found,
Void of life and sound.
Zarron Cascade May 2014
It awakens with a bang
Quickly crawling out
Showing the pearly white fang
Hanging from the snout.

Running wild and free
Rampant without care.
I wanted to flee,
However I stare.

"Maul me" once cried out.
Oh, but I can not.
The mad man they doubt,
All in what was sought

Do you see the devil gleam?
Or was this in your dream?
Zarron Cascade May 2014
My warm blanket, crimson and thick,
Your moist touch welcomes me to madness
Oh but the others see it as sick,
The way I have been granted bliss

Most delicate crimson
Your light is divine
Despite all the fun
You can never be mine.

The sirens blair out in the night
My time with you is oh too short
I must flee from this site
The others mustn't see this sport.

Dear crimson blanket of mine,
This edge is not the end,
One day you will begin to shine,
Then, to you I shall tend.

The lights flash before my eyes
They have come to separate us again.
Do not listen or fear their lies
To you i shall cause no pain.

Here I await you, dearest blanket
Always ready for your embrace.
If you want my freedom, take it
I need to see your lovely face.

With this edge I now hold
I will join into your fold.
Zarron Cascade May 2014
Like a worm it inches
The squirming and scratching.
It never falters or flinches
Hands undoing the latching.

Scratch scratch, tap tap.
He calls out my name.
Pound pound, rap rap.
I am the one to blame.

The sights and sounds
Strange yet familiar.
From under all mounds,
Far from the bright star.

I hear its pleas for help.
Scrape scrape, pound pound.
The silence of the whelp
Knock knock, No sound.

Around every corner,
In the darkest places,
The shimmering black fur
Hiding grotesque faces.

Scratch scratch, crumble crumble.
The tongue begins to lap.
Fall fall, tumble tumble.
I can feel its bones snap.

You sit there, dressed in red.
But it was all in good fun.
I listened to what you said.
One can not change what's done.

Hunt hunt, stalk stalk.
You shall never be found.
Tick tick, tock tock.
That insufferable sound.

The men in black noticed me
Blended well into the night.
They come to end the spree
And bring me to rooms of white.

Rock rock, cackle cackle.
This forced eternal hug of mine.
Run run, tackle tackle.
My last rays of sun now shine.

I spot your face in this madness.
Never shall I suffer from sadness.
Zarron Cascade May 2014
Through the light darkness awakes
Once more enveloping my soul
The earth once more quakes
Until fissure forms the hole.

Oh sweet darkness of all days
Tearing out my heart again
Leaving me in disarray
Betrayed by my closest friend.

My love has found another
But i knew it would come
I was no true lover
He was the only one.

Oh bitter darkness of dismay
May you never let through the light
For I was one for blackest day
And oh so tired of the fight.

She has returned to her forbidden fruit
Lost to me, her devoted
The sharp sound of a forgotten lute
My love was un-noted.

Oh beloved maiden darkness nevermore
Take hold and love me forever more

— The End —