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Jun 2014 · 601
Smart phone
anonymous Jun 2014
I am the reason you wake in the morning

When your in the showers I serenade you with your favorite songs

I'm the one you turn to when your lost

If your un sure you always ask me and I'll tell you the truth

I capture every memory every moment of you and I

I keep in touch with all your friends

I help you plan your day,your life

I know more about you than your closest friends

I am the last thing you see before you rest your head

But that man over there
He loves you
Loves you more than I ever could

You see your his girl his world and I am your life
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Silence is golden (10 word)
anonymous Jun 2014
You caught my eye,
nothing stopped
but everything went silent
Jun 2014 · 487
anonymous Jun 2014
There's a darkness grown upon me
And threw my eyes you can see
The vacancy that I must feed
With melancholy and misery

Everything I'd be has escapes me
The eveil has erased me
The Demond's
They still chase me
And my great escape is apathy
Mar 2014 · 525
reminiscence of you
anonymous Mar 2014
at times I reminisce
I think of our first kiss
I wake from dreams
and remember your tinder, quivering lips

I can still picture your smile
the way your cheeks would recoil from your chain
as if they were trying to cover your eye lids

I get lost in the moment
when the sun would shimmer of your face
in first morning light

no make up
hair all mess
hiding under the covers from the day
and how pitiful an innocent your voice crept out
you'd say "morning  babe"

id have a cup coffee for you
your face alone
said it was the greatest jester know to man

I miss holding your hand in public
I miss how much you would blush
when I kissed you in front of your friends
most of all I miss the fact you were my best friend

but every good thing comes to an end
what could of been
should of been

never was
never will be

and it breaks my heart to know your happy with him
Feb 2014 · 526
true love
anonymous Feb 2014
why would a man concur a nation
when at home
he has the world
when a person you love is all you've  ever asked for, wished for, lived for
Feb 2014 · 661
down in the dungeon
anonymous Feb 2014
chained in a dungeon
no one can reach you
at the top there's a window
it has bars running threw it
so no chance of escape
you can see all the people
and what's going on
but when people pass by
you cant scream at all
your throat is to dry
from not eating
or drinking for weeks
your under weight
skin dangles from your bones
your eyes are black
from no sleep
and selling your sole
shaking chained to the floor
its completely dark
aside from the ceiling hole
you hear the gnarling and gnashing of teeth
you hear the beast get closer as it creeps
you cant run away
you cant scream for help
your shaking
my addiction has imprisoned me
into true hell
Feb 2014 · 557
moving on
anonymous Feb 2014
i want a new love
I want sweaty palms
a rapid heart beat
I want to stu stu stu
stumble over my words when you talk to me

I want something brand new
doesn't have to be love
maybe a fling?
I just want the next best thing

we could go to the beach
awkward as hell
no one in the car saying a peep

or we could lay in the street
look at the stars
is show you how they spell out your name

maybe a night club?
we'd dance
id make an *** of my self
just to se you laugh

yes this would be nice
no amazing
scratch that
bitter sweet

if only I could get over the past
Jan 2014 · 581
billy joel
anonymous Jan 2014
First time I saw you I knew I had to have more
Opening my heart on that bedroom floor
Regardless if I came off as a bore

The second you denied me a kiss I thought
How can I get her not to resist
Every moment mattered, not one could be missed

Laing in bed thinking
Only if I could get you to give in
Now were more then friends
Going steady I believes what they said
Every time we speak I fall deeper within
Saying to our selves
This could be it

To much trust for one man to comprehend
I gave up on us and hurt my best friend
My selfishness lead us to one thing, an that was the
its a billy joel song. first letter of every line.....for the longest time
Jan 2014 · 851
drug dependency
anonymous Jan 2014
six foot tall
but I should be six foot deep
I remember thinking
if I keep this up
ill be pushing daisy's by the end of the week

I made it out of the streets
only with the power
of something bigger than me

selfish deeds cost more that you think
it can cost your life
your job
your family
your peace

first thing to go
is moral mentality
then your heath
your friends
next thing you know
you have a psychopathic personality
it pulls you in stronger than gravity

I found out first hand
trust me
that's a place you don't want to be
leave the drugs alone
they'll destroy
your life
worst of all
your dreams

it will leave your bare
only thing left
suicidal tendencies
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
dying breed
anonymous Jan 2014
this is not a democracy!
this is a nation of hypocrisy
the only chance of survival
is a frontal lobe lobotomy

creativity is a dying breed
open your mind
look around
tell me what you truly see
Beautiful minds dying on the streets every day

this country was founded on dreams
now day were focused on gay marriage
and smoking ****

find your passion
whether its fashion
a paint can
or the musical aspect

plant the seed
lets make its a place people want to be
Jan 2014 · 705
a tale from the crypt
anonymous Jan 2014
to be honest

I ****** up
I abused your trust
I went back to drugs
for some reason your love
just wasn't enough

I told you every secret
every skeleton in my closet
ever scream heard echo down the hall

an for what
for you to put down your wall
for me to rip into you
tear your heart to shreds
i abandoned you
left you

left you for dead

I told you about every suicide attempt
every girl I slept with
every time I gave in
i showed you the dark that lives within
i showed you my scars
and what each one of them meant

you trusted me
you looked up to me
you cherished me
and you loved me

after all that i left you with this
did you hear
Travis is a potential suicide risk
Jan 2014 · 577
mixed emotions
anonymous Jan 2014
I miss the way youd bite my lip
I miss when youd dragging your fingers
down my ribs
as if you were strumming the strings on a guitar

the way you arch your back when im digging in
never holding back
it was just all fun in till then

we would stay up late
id watch you sleep
I miss you sleeping chest to cheek
your the best thing to see when id wake

I miss your laugh
I miss your smile
I miss those blue eyes
I could see from miles

I hate the fact we would never fight
I hate how I fiend to see you every night
I hate how you were always by my side
I hate how we had to say good bye

I hate that I was broke without a job
I hate that that never bothered you at all
I hate how I miss your touch
I hate the fact that I fell in love
Jan 2014 · 613
loss for words
anonymous Jan 2014
ive been searching for a word to say
a word that could describe every day
a word that is more powerful
then the scent of autumn rain
a word that forms a picture
that captures the moment
like when im with you
how I feel like our two souls
are intertwined
how we are no longer relevant
to space
or time
a word that tells a story in just a few letters
one that could capture the emotion
of when you would look deep into my eyes
then whisper
when we would lay in the road
stare at the sky
how i your hand
the whole night
it cant be a word that is easily abused
it must be strong
like when I hug you
in till oxygen no longer exists
in our lungs
this word must mean all these things at once
what im trying to say
when im with you

Jan 2014 · 476
chains of addiction
anonymous Jan 2014
no surprise to me today
the pain it seems its here to stay
seasons change sky's turn gray
an loneliness never seems to go away

demands seem to follow me
they always seem to haunt my dreams
day to day they speak to me
lets go out and have a drink

I've ran away
I've  hid for days
but it seems addiction holds my chains
Jan 2014 · 708
anonymous Jan 2014
I rember you's said your favorite color is blue
I never noticed so much blue

the sky
your eyes
my favorite shirt

everywhere I look

when I see blue I think of you
curse this woman
she's every where I look

every night when I go to sleep
I think god for showing blue to me

— The End —