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Sep 2011 · 703
Zakk Hedges Sep 2011
My Heart throbs
Though I’m not nervous
God’s telling me
It’s time to live for a purpose

Change how you perceive
My surroundings blurred
The only thing that I believe
Shown in whats occurred

My heads in the clouds
Yet it feels so real
Not just in the heart
But the soul I feel

These eyes ache
Exhausted and forewarned
This night may never end
This soul can’t be left torn

In my mind I realize
It’s fine to die alone
When all is said and done
There are still hearts that call mine

I call them my own
Only till my shelter blows down
I call them my own
Only till my shelter blows down

My heads in the clouds
Yet it feels so real
Not just in the heart
But the soul I feel

My minds on the stars
Yet I’m laying on the ground
Reasoning against myself
All know I am unsound
these are lyrics I wrote to my bands song Unsound
Sep 2011 · 619
Poem A Day
Zakk Hedges Sep 2011
A poem a day, keeps the devil away
Unless you want the devil to help
Giving a dark interpretation to poems each day
The fires of hell fueling your words
But then again, who wants the ray
Of darkness filling their mind
Sep 2011 · 1.3k
Zakk Hedges Sep 2011
I’ve always had a fascination for sound.
Waves of notes or just jumbled noises
Listening closely to creaks, weeps and notes
Arranged in our everyday life’s own score
The minor quartet of simple
Pages flipping, doors closing
And wood creaking
Cascaded over by the major symphony
Of wind, stampedes of feet walking
And ocean waves crashing on shore

But, now I have a headache, making
Each pound, pow and note
Erupt inside

— The End —