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Zak Ridge Oct 2010
Such a charmer, quick witted and eloquent,
Handsome and tall, A friend to one a friend to all.
He whispers word's you want to hear,
Stands till you sit, pulls out your chair.
Everyone loves Him, oh what a card
His jokes call forth laughter his wit razor sharp.
Then he stands alone and is empty and dark
Raging at shadows and cursing his heart
So cold and empty He knows he's insane
This act makes him sick but he performs just the same.
If you could see Him now would you want him around?
Muttering and angry eyes fixed on the ground.
He knows He's a bargain two men in one
Half dark madness half bright like the Sun.
One wanting to love one wishing you dead
One confused heart.  One broken head.
Zak Ridge Aug 2010
Just another day
Soon they will find me out
Peering round curtains
Staring at nothing travellers
I take what is given to me

Pills like land mines
confusion in the dusk
So stupid in the morning
Bravery is way beyond
I take what is given to me

Still wanting you
Throwing poems at walls
Sew your heart shut
The medicine wont help
I take what is given to me

Porcelain insanity is still my love
Don't get what you want
Forget what I need
Get what your given
I take what is given to me
Zak Ridge Jun 2010
I look at you across this smoky room,
You are some one I just cant have ,
I wish i knew what enchanted me so,
I reel as I roll it in my mind.

After all theres the way you walk
the way you move
the way you sit
the way you stand
thers nothing more to say

I love the way you speak
the way you smile
the way your eyes sparkle when you look my way
the way you make it known that you know you own me
theres nothing left to say

I love the way slow anger burns inside you
the way you know your not perfect
the way you know you are perfect
the way you care so little
theres nothing left to say

I love you
Written some years ago about a young lady I obsessed over as most young Men do before they realise that you can in fact approach and talk you women folk.
Zak Ridge May 2010
My Uniform was all pomp and shine
Now it's reduced to rust and grime
The Duke wants another push up hill
Its not what I'm here for I came for the ****
Lost amongst 10'000 just a face in the crowd
I would shout and yell but I was never that loud
I try to laugh through it but I'm never more than half up
Never an optimist half filled is my cup
I try to persevere try not to frown
But we all know that when I'm down I'm down.
Playing with nursery rhymes. What joy.
Zak Ridge May 2010
I sit here in fear I don't want to go back
But I know it wont be long as my brain is still cracked
Still jumping at shadows still hearing them talk
Still ignoring my bed still up with the lark
I don't want the medicine I can do with out chats
The friendly banter they peddle is frankly all crap
They know how I feel? They know it must hurt?
Keep taking or pills or take a nap in the dirt
I know it seems silly to moan about this
There is nothing I can do when senses are amiss
I just wish I could be normal no more trips to Hospital
and I know you don't care because to you it's all so trivial.
Zak Ridge May 2010
I find it hard to sleep
I find it hard to eat
I find it hard to think
I find it hard to speak
I wonder is this love
Or the use of a Serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor?
Zak Ridge Apr 2010
Just Three summers long
Every year it remains as strong
No closer to a third kiss
No tenderness to miss
Yet every day I love you just the same
I know If I admit it you would end the game
Lasting love is still so new to me
Other than you there is no one you see?
Violence and anger seem to disappear
Evil thoughts kept at bay when you are near
Under all my stoic smiles you know It's no Lie
I still believe Hope is the last thing to Die.
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