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5.6k · Apr 2013
Zahava Apr 2013
I'm in love with spiderman
he may be called off
at any time
he goes where the wind blows
at least I know he's doing good
wherever he is

meanwhile I'm surrounded
by simple states of arousal
1.0k · Apr 2013
Zahava Apr 2013
How I long to haunt your memory
me, a somber, lusting soul
questioning your rigidity
Your heartbeat flutters
as you ponder my summons

A bird becomes tigress
in the sphere
of my embrace
641 · Apr 2013
Lap Dance
Zahava Apr 2013
That fiery madness
lit her eyes
she let her body succumb

to my offering
of goddess drum music

I let it wrap around her
as she whorled
into my lap
600 · Apr 2013
Zahava Apr 2013
When you're not with me
time slips away, ponderous,
pleased with itself
pretending you don't exist

Then reality strikes
as I hear your key in the lock
For a moment, I am panicked
checking... preparing for your mood

I am a forest creature
hiding in the bush
listening to your footsteps
crush the leafy floor
529 · Apr 2013
Zahava Apr 2013
I cannot explain
how yummy you are
like manna for my soul
each piece of you
to be savoured

I eat you in tiny bits
saving the best for last

lying sated in your arms
411 · Apr 2013
Dance of desire
Zahava Apr 2013
She can turn it on
if the moon is right
it's my own self she wants
she takes me dancing
into the fire
her ******* & hips
swinging in time
she calls for me
hypnotized...  I am lost in her scent
the dance of desire
402 · Apr 2013
silent crevices
Zahava Apr 2013
In silent crevices have they gathered
do for eternity dwell upon matter's
irascible habit of changing it's form
as spirit dies
is reborn
325 · Apr 2013
Zahava Apr 2013
Born by her
Fed by her
Nourished from her belly
He emerges
driven to deliver his seed
back to her
314 · Apr 2013
A Haiku
Zahava Apr 2013
The clock keeps ticking
But the hands don't move at all
Why does it taunt me?
254 · Apr 2013
Zahava Apr 2013
Pieces of my self
rise to greet me
in the night
I hold them to the
mirror of truth
and judge them
in it's naked light

— The End —