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Jul 2014 · 813
Dont worry K.
Zachary G Jul 2014
Hey.. I know things have been rough for the longest time..Im really sorry  that you have to go through this, You deserve much more...much better.. And I wanna at least be there for you as  a close friend..someone you can depend on.. That past person doesn't even know what he's losing.. Believe you me , that will be one of the biggest mistakes he ever makes. You  know that too. I know that when you get back from this you'll  know real people from the fakes. I know you'll be okay. As I said he doesn't  know what he's losing..
Jul 2014 · 262
I miss you.
Zachary G Jul 2014
I don't know but when were together... when were talking... when were in each others presence I feel some type of meaning, something which I can live for and be happy with as long as I live... but when your gone. When your gone its like im drowning and you and God would be the only persons to save me... it looks like its just God alone here then. I wake up with my first intentions being you, I cant go through my day without exchanging words with you. I feel so worried because I don't know if your okay or not.. and usually i'll be there to change that.. I call and it goes to voicemail at that time im like okay your not by the phone, where are you then.. Your surely in my heart, in my mind, you run my soul. I feel like I'll die and not even get the chance to say bye.. and if that ever seemed to happen there's no way I could forgive myself.. well not for a long while. I really do... miss you.
Jun 2014 · 2.4k
Your Smile
Zachary G Jun 2014
I see a light at the end of this dark, depressing, abandoned place. I stop and wonder what it might be.. This place  in my mind  has a wanted sign with your smile on it. Something I long for everyday all day. That's the only thing that can light up my world... make me the happiest guy on earth  which is quite awkward because who would get so ecstatic over a simple smile. Well I guess I would be that person. To tell the truth, I look to your smile for   everything. Your smile fuels my engine, keeps me going, gives me something to live for. Without you I have no idea  what will happen, because with you comes your smile, something i'll cherish even when im turning in my grave. My one source of happiness, my one source of motivation.. I feel so free when I see you smile.. Its like my lungs have opened up a whole new level... Because of you.... Because of your smile.
Jun 2014 · 257
For you A.J
Zachary G Jun 2014
27/5/14 was the day we officially started our me I finally began to  put the pieces into my little reality puzzle. You had completed me... showed me a different side of things.. Because of you I understand why things are like that. Its like you opened a portal in my brain and showed me what's really life or should I say love. My heart urges to communicate with you, when im with you or talking to you its like earth has no effect on me. Distractions cant come anywhere close. I know we had a discussion about trying new things and Im willing to.. just make sure its you and me... together like always. As I had said before there's no way I can add to your perfection. Its like God has some light shining out of you which just grabs my eyes and I cant close them.... and I don't want too. And yes I will be the friend you can lean on.. the friend you can cry upon...the friend you can depend on while everyone else is against you. I'll be your Best Friend...your friend till the end. I'll always be there for you.
Jun 2014 · 630
Lost in Thoughts
Zachary G Jun 2014 and I. I'm not sure if you and I are on the same page, have the same ideas, desire the same things. If you do why act like were such strangers. I thought that all along  things were going on just fine well not fine but excellent but to realize that I was actually doing too much. Pushing you away from me... drowning you in what I thought was love. It seems like I was actually dragging life out of that word.. or is it an expression... an action.. who knows. I believe that anyone can make a definition of that one word.. Love. Im sorry if I crippled you in all my thoughts... thinking what is and ignoring what if. I just want the best for us cause I do love you.. I really doo

— The End —