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Sep 2010 · 536
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
what is it if not man's excuse for idleness
prophecy is useless when rendered toward god
refute space
refute time
"god loves you"
god loves himself
because he is you
Sep 2010 · 672
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
The red dawn rewound itself
He sits on gold
this is heaven
hell came
with but four words
the spectre is latent
elusive at best
freedom dawned
prisons flooded
it's all crashing down
for you, at least
Sep 2010 · 363
no, it's not right
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
The old man
walked with purpose
I thought
Why grow old?
with his best years
behind him
he turned towards me
and collapsed
Sep 2010 · 784
devil's advocate
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
The whip cracked
loudly then recoiled
standing alone
I'll build my empire

"you won't be followed"
followed by a sly grin
yellowing teeth not divine in the least
Who is the diabolical one here?

I turned my back
only to be struck again
my prolific years
ended at the last sight of the gates

They all love you
Should they not?
They're all yours
They have forsaken nothing

Doubting existence
even through mirrors
standing alone
I'll build my empire
Sep 2010 · 1.0k
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
I drifted away
on a piece of ice
land disappeared from view
I became delirious
I drank from the cold ocean
the salt scarred my esophagus
I drank
and drank
finally, I dove
into the water
with my stomach full of icy water
and salt
I then grew gills
and swam away.
Sep 2010 · 487
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
I laugh as I
spout blasphemy
you cringe at every word
but when I walk
on the streets
I avoid
Sep 2010 · 346
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
I trust
that you
will always
be far away
even as I
make strides
you shield
I am not
a good man
but passion
is seeded
I may never
Let it
Sep 2010 · 588
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
Laughing at nothing, I sat back in my chair
reclining, then nodding off into sleep
I was no longer home
I was greeted with
lavish ceremonies,
fought mythical beasts,
raised children
founded ideas,
schools of thought
grew in every way
When I awoke,
I was no one again.
Sep 2010 · 595
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
I watched years go by
but no one
the way
I felt
I was growing
more decadently
oblivious to all
around me
surrounded by
boosts of ego
that boosted
Oh, how
I feel destined
to be
Sep 2010 · 432
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
Crying out in a fit of rage
Dying soon there after
the sun
blood red
perched above the tree of knowledge
keeping guard over all
This is God
Sep 2010 · 610
where natives end
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
Where natives end
the time as specific as the place
rapidly multiplied by buying
buying things
buying earth
material legions from the mouth of the beast
the beast which stood deceivingly tall
shoulders slumped in a fit of insolence
monikered by an owl above all
cyclical rounds penetrated deep
feet met with cold, hard ground
you will never win
Sep 2010 · 634
Zachary Fore Sep 2010
And they will see us laughing;
ceaselessly as we end them
Don't fire until you see the sweat perched on their foreheads
coming strong with an able foot in the door
watch for the answer
splitting time into shifts
forcing tears out of able eyes
the call
heard almost too late
heard by them as well
tapped under caution
the best of us were weak at mind
our hearts picked up the slack
Could we win?
Leviathan reared back
units crumbled
stand your ground
the sickle
rendered useless
by the hammer

— The End —