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Zachary Devitt Jan 2013
soft silly syllables sauntering slowly at sunset
after all ambiguous adjectives adversely affect our amicability
feigning fickleness funding fearfulness finding finality in foolishness
egress endlessly ever evading the
Mar 2012 · 809
Starkly Raving Madness
Zachary Devitt Mar 2012
A lion that cannot roar,
A mouse's voice that booms across a tiny horizon
in a box pushed up against the window
shuffling about in the night
aimlessly pacing forgetting what was just back there
but knowing that he unwraps the fabric of time
spinning it back, onto A spindle-y future
a mouse gone blind now thrice
what can't I see
What can can i see
what if you don't see too
well then i must be
there is something blurry off there in the distance
i can cannot tell if my window is *****
or the thing is simply a vague example of poor resolution
My voice booms
is it is louder than it isn't is it
if you brought your nocs
what is it you see
that poorly resolved distant figurine behind the ***** glass of the cardboard prison is it could it be
Zachary Devitt Mar 2012
A man in a house sits in one room,
he can only do this one room at a time, perhaps
occupying all space, all rooms
but probably not
because when i move
i hope its not just a room
but a room with me in it
alas he is alone even still
bah i dont need this ranch house crocidile dundee *******
even still
spreading my hands apart and touching either horizon
i see no answer from here
even still
looking around wandering about the places i have found myself
i still fall in
like a seed
penetrating the earth
i do it backwards
knowing that the end result
is the sun
sun in, love out
Jun 2011 · 976
Timeless and Tiresome
Zachary Devitt Jun 2011
We were playing a strange game
this old man and I
the coin in the middle of the table
we stared at it
we stared at each other
he slammed his fist down
the coin flipped into the air
when it touched back down
I did the same
then it was his turn
he screamed something unsettling
and it was my turn and i laughed
unfortunately this went on
May 2011 · 946
just two and a half of us
Zachary Devitt May 2011
bukowski while my two best friends ****
this is what i am reduced too
it is pleasant in a sense
the sounds they make
I have never truly understood bukowski
like that
each uuunnh bringing out just a little more crazy
each ecstatic giggle showing me the fun in crazy
I have never truly understood bukowski
he is like two ******* hippies wrapped inside a poet
i read bukowski while my two best friends ******
and i could not tear myself from the page
and in fact i turned each one deliberately with volume
trying to add to the sound
why be a couple when you can be a few
Zachary Devitt May 2011
My shoes are ***** from walking through ****
I should have taken them off
that would have been nice
to let the **** flow over my toes
to feel the squish beneath my heel
do you know of the squish
it is divine
i could have been up to my knees in ****
Apr 2011 · 508
That Corner There
Zachary Devitt Apr 2011
There is that corner in the top, on the far end of the room
it catches my eye and begins to draw on my thoughts
like faithful moths
a beautiful smile of death and living on in each of there faces
Zachary Devitt Feb 2011
I went* to california today
when i arrived i ran from the car straight to the beach
there i frolicked in the surf and the sand
until i realized that i was tired from the long drive
and the sand was making me itchy
so i went inside to enjoy a cup of tea
i found that tea tastes the same in california
the walls look the same too and the textured ceiling
turns out the tv runs an hour early out there though
but thats only by my watch apparently
i will go and meet the locals
and so i did
they are no more local than me
i met a man who told me that the government was out to get me
i met an older lady who likes flowers
i met an older man who didn't like the look of me
I found twenty somethings that like to sit around and get confused
i met a happy couple with a child they were holding hands and smiling
i found myself at the end of the day sitting on a bench
i found myself bored with life
so i sat lost in a downward spiral of beautiful thoughts
my outside must have looked sad
because a pretty girl  sat beside me
she said
"what are you doing here"
i looked apologetic and started to leave
she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me back
she said
"you look like you want to play a waiting game"
i was but i would never tell her that
she smiled and laid her head on my shoulder
at that moment the sun was setting
we watched and waited
*and then it was dark
and i knew that this place was special
Feb 2011 · 537
I can't hear you
Zachary Devitt Feb 2011
word are words
no different from
the whining of a hound
we can sit in our silly circle
and bite and bark in each others faces
i will be completely entertained
dancing around the outside
laughing smiling
but there are times when all i want
is for you to see me
watch me dance
look what i can do
and how am i supposed to do such a thing
get your attention
i will howl
i will howl
i will howl and howl and howl
until you come over and
softly sweetly with a smile
scratch me behind my ear
Feb 2011 · 503
How to Have a Conversation
Zachary Devitt Feb 2011
we are all standing out in the rain
huddled close for warmth
staring at our feet
and a blue light streams
in my ear and out the other
into yours
and into his and so on
until it comes back to my ear
and onto yours
we are standing in the rain
i look up at you and smile
you smile back
Jan 2011 · 562
When You Fell
Zachary Devitt Jan 2011
It was a calm morning
sitting being with friends
with strangers
with the past and the present all at once
well you know, recovering
it was a calm morning
or afternoon
the ringing from the night before
still lying beneath the cacophony
of unfettered conversation
you stood up and walked toward me
smiling and I looked into your eyes
i could tell... I really could
but I did not... care...
and then you fell
it was not a calm morning
i realized as you hit the floor
how much i needed you
how much you meant to me
i realized as your glasses cut into your face
how much you must have needed me
and as you shook upon the floor i
Jan 2011 · 507
Are You Digging
Zachary Devitt Jan 2011
In this world of big lows and little highs
we've created these holes for us to live in
we've created these problems
I don't want you to solve them
I just want to forget them
and dig my way out of this entropy
girl wont you come and dig with me
dig with me
dig with me
I despise this world of little highs
little lies told by your pretty eyes
but there is truth on the surface
beyond the chaos
dig with me
"we've been workin on this plan for a long time and i have been here for quite a while.......but the key thing you seem to be forgetting Charlie, We are digging OUT .. not digging in
Nov 2010 · 476
There Is No Way
Zachary Devitt Nov 2010
are you going my way
this way that way my way
which way are we going
are we going down
are we going to get down
........... get dooooowwwn
are we coming up
up up up and away from here
lets just go
come on your killing me
lets just ******* go
go go go
lets not stop whats going to stop us
that way quick quick that way
what are you afraid of
Zachary Devitt Nov 2010
my brain feels sticky
thoughts aren't clicking
dragged down in this house
being trapped like a mouse
this rolling twisting thing is icky
folding me in screaming and kicking
so long dearest friends
time is long again
beating a mouse named mickey
i long to be with you licking
your loose ends
there is love to apprehend
i got out and i found you
Nov 2010 · 496
me i am
Zachary Devitt Nov 2010
touching the tips of my fingers to my thumb
one by one
and deliberately
each connection making a small sound
and gradually they grow into a cacophony
of screams and scrapes
and i continue to feed the sound
holding it high above my head
letting it echo across this floaty wastedscape
with the tune at my fingertips
I command I
thats right
listen to me
its blowing my mind how me i am
Zachary Devitt Nov 2010
Standing on the shore
This line between two oblivions
I watch the sun doused by ocean
and with it i melt into sand
becoming millions of tiny little grains
pushed and pulled by struggling waves
I am draged out to sea
drifting away from myself
in millions of tiny directions
and today I was swallowed by a clam
cooking in the belly of this beast
that anchors itself for fear of...
perhaps one day I will become a pearl
and be carried off to an exotic land
where I will adorn the neck of
the most beautiful lady
and after each dinner party
she will put me away and sigh
and i will still be a million tiny little grains of sand
this was an impromptu spoken word poem that i  let fly in a recent drum circle it was really well received so i thought i would share it.
Sep 2010 · 660
Brillo and Bleach
Zachary Devitt Sep 2010
my glowing eyes
and your darkened
feelings, i will
illuminate the
the nastiness
in your soul
and once we
find it, together
we can scrub it
clean with brillo
and bleach
and oh, beware
it will hurt
Sep 2010 · 929
Foxhole Affairs
Zachary Devitt Sep 2010
to love
deadly lies
razor sharp feelings
dynamite ***
and die
for love
Sep 2010 · 627
My Thrills
Zachary Devitt Sep 2010
touching bodies in the pit
sweating like some fat thing
swinging to the power of the drums
beats that beat me like
the poor lifeless equine
in the middle of the track
i feel her and i shudder
i feel him and i quake
i feel all of you and you feel it too
because we might as well be naked
****** here in the pit
the tones that tear our chests apart
threatining to explode
in a shower of glorious gore
binding us in blood and love
dance dance dance
Sep 2010 · 739
tradgedy of a telemarketer
Zachary Devitt Sep 2010
i fell in love with you today
the way you kind of rolled your r's
trying to sound more sophisticated
i think thats what did it
your voice was soft as my most favorite blanket
your laugh was sudden and mirthful
i could see your eyes
i could feel you curves
even when i told you about the 49.99
you just smiled with your words
making my fluttering heart drift slowly
to where it belongs
and then you said
"honey do we want to get dvr"
i know he isn't good enough for you
Aug 2010 · 4.1k
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
Today i woke up
went outside to take a ****
and when i came back in
I found a cockroach
he says hi
Aug 2010 · 748
Black Hole
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
believing in things that i dont believe in
living a life that everyone is so proud of
acting out quietly and where noone can see me
coddled by the assurance that i will be eternally rewarded
**** me please please please **** this thing i have become

help is a luxury for afforded to those less fortunate
originally that is what i thought
lately i've realized that we are all pretty unfortunate
evil permeates the very existence of man
Aug 2010 · 484
i dont wanna die here
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
My heart? My heart!
oh god whats happening to my heart
its failing me
im only twenty years old and my heart is done
its being ****** slowly into this black hole
heart...come back
Aug 2010 · 477
Rough Draft
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
Have you

Ever felt like


Jotted on the


Of a napkin

In some

Celestial bar
Aug 2010 · 463
Get Me Higher
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
I feel the soft

Grass beneath my fingers

Dissolving into dirt

Staring at the sky

Earth swallows

Me whole

The worms crawl through

Me blades of grass take root

In my chest

I am in mothers

Womb but I never

Lose sight of the sun

It shines on me with

The brilliance of life

Tree roots grow under me

Into my mouth

And nose the sun

Bids me rise

My brother tree

Lefts me from


Holds me in his mighty arms

Lifts me high

An offering

As I grow taller

I play with the

Baby clouds

They run and laugh


Through clouds

Past sky

In space I grab


Pop them like pills

Near the sun

I melt
Aug 2010 · 632
Dirty Girl
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
Follow me home

Pretty girl

Take me home


Down one more

Take one more

**** to yourself

Esteemed ****

Hide one more


Scream shake

When I get




Your daddy

Didn’t love you


Let me do it too



Pretty girl

Little pretty girl

Will you **** me

Back home



smile and laugh
Aug 2010 · 714
The Loom
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010


Dancing floating

Dipping tucking diving

Falling in and out

A graceful melody

Full of highs and lows

Direct yet vague

Falling stars in and of each other

One yet many

United in order to divide

Wings songs stories

Aug 2010 · 549
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010

So far down

May be I should

Fling myself from solid ground

Free fall for the rest of my life


I’ve come too far

No turning back

Leap into the unknown

Free fall for the rest of my life


Dark bottomless void

Wings will not open

Nothing to hold me back

Free fall for the rest of my life


Alright  into oblivion

Wind rushes through my veins

A poison is ripped from my bones

Life flows through my finally beating heart

My mind is opened wide

Free fall for the rest of my long life
Aug 2010 · 434
Maybe So
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
Please God right now

They were only boys

Please god right now

If they could only say

Please God right now

Sail until Sunday

Please god right now

Left outside in the rain

Please God right now

These young are done

Please god right now

They were only boys

But they are men

Please God they need you now
Aug 2010 · 523
Faith in Fevers
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
what world is the this that seems so lost
where vision is dream and dream is forgotten
as i step through the void of faith
and enter the realm of fever
i lose my body and its willingness to be
i cannot feel the pain but it’s still there
gnawing at me like scavenger of sanity
i let my feet shuffle off the icy floor
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
Maybe one day I will find out

what it means to love

I know what lust is

lust is long dark hair

lust is a firm body

an ecstatic giggle

in the dark

lust is a long touch

in a crowded room

lust is a carnal and wholly animal thing

that occurs when eyes meet

in a terrible exchange

of hedonistic intentions

lust is sugar and snails

and a happy puppy wagging his tail

lust is two bodies

sweating together

in the heat of passion


writhing squirming scratching


pushing, for the polar opposites of torture

perhaps one day I will learn to love

unconditionally till death

but i think lust is

good, too
Aug 2010 · 608
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
The power, it may be man

while they sit in their

gold and fat, and sweat

I’ll tell em all the   truth

they will call for

rope to neck, for blood

I’ll tell em all the   truth

I’ll tell em all          truth

And spit it out like demons

I’ll laugh

As they squirm

Then they laugh

“whats funny”

Then I will laugh harder

And I’ll laugh

And I’ll laugh



perhaps now

if not now


then what do you want with me
Aug 2010 · 987
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
I cast my line into the water. The bobber bounced a few times and then rested on the surface slightly cocked to the side. I pulled my hat down low, just far enough to block the sun and still see the water. Everything was quiet. Tigger was running around the other end of the pond, looking for raccoons I guess. He went to the water and took a drink, then he took off into the woods. He’ll be back. I love that dog. I must have had him for 10 years now.

              I lit up a cigarette, a Marb red. God, this is the life, man, just chillin, fishin. I had other things to do. I should be looking for a job I guess. I should probably be cleaning my apartment, or taking care of those overdraft fees, I forgot about those, ****. Oh well, this is my day. The birds had started to sing again. I whistled along, Andy Griffith’s theme song, God’s gift to whistlin fishermen. I could feel the sun on my bare arms. That’ll be good for my tan. I took another drag on my cigarette, the air was calm enough that I could blow smoke rings. So I did, for about an hour.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the tip of my pole dip down a little, it did it again, again, and again. Finally the bobber disappeared under the water. I grabbed my pole and started to reel ‘er in. It was a catfish, about five pounds I’d say. This was perfect, I would get Tigger and we could go home and fry this sucker up, and I would drink a few brews, watch the game and go to bed. What a wonderful day. I called for Tigger, but he didn’t come out of the woods. Probably found one of those *****. So I walked around the pond to where I saw him go in. No matter how many times I called for him he didn’t come back. I searched for two whole hours but I couldn’t find my dog. He was gone.
Aug 2010 · 746
Luxury For Solitary
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
How can you say you want into my world                                                            ­            

How can you know, I guess you can’t.

Into this dark rancid place here,

Mine is a world filled with deep shadow

And grainy lights

Mine is a world of dripping pipes

Broken bones, blobodies of

Creatures that twitch and

Moan and wail in death

Mine is a world of deeper shadow

Where none would dare to stray

From the sanctuary of grainy light

This place needs a candle, just one

To fight on the side of warmth

Forces here that pull me down

I mean literally pull me down

And make me move by dragging

My heavy body across concrete fields

They are my life blood

This existence has ripped my clothing long ago

And now proceeds to strip me to

The bone

My fingers bleed

and my mouth was sown shut by dead rabbits

That couldn’t stand the laughter

So I crawl and mumble through stitches

Let me say what needs to be heard

So I can tell these people from shadow

Come this way and the light will follow

They can’t see the bruised blood

On dusty lamps

I need your help to tidy up a bit

Let me tell them

I am here I am here

I am alone

Please send help
Aug 2010 · 525
Death in The Summer Heat
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
What a wonderful feeling
Having you in my arms
You sing me songs and laugh

I love more than anything when you’re

Years have passed in these moments
Under the tree

Lazy summer wind
Every bird is singing
And after the sunsets it feels so
Very perfect
Even the stars are dancing

My heart is pounding
Every feeling I have leaps when you kiss me

Nothing can stop us
Our love is immortal
What a wonderful feeling
This is an acrostic
Aug 2010 · 481
19 At Night
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
Not a soul
as the snow flies
through the headlights
become neon blurs
each one
allowing me to peer
into what was once
the road tries to
me, it works
Aug 2010 · 658
When God Plays Piano
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
Memory just like an old wine

Little notes from the past

A song that slips in and out of key

Or letters to an old friend who can never write back

A fingertip on the surface of a lake

Causes ripples that have potential to

Yet never quite making it to the other side

To the past I say as I lift my glass high

And drink the memories

A toast to you my long gone friend

While I play a song that slips in and out of key
Aug 2010 · 1.3k
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
spinning twirling
fire dancing
laughing singing
brothers sisters
goblet drummers
hipsters trippers
moonlight shimmers

welcome one and all
i assume since your here
you've started to fall
see your vision is clear
your having a ball
join us up here
take up the call

the government is wrong
it tears itself apart
they won't last too long
they are people without heart
they'll never here our song

so **** em
we left em
forget em

we are together watching from a distance laughing and playing and enjoying what is around us without having all of the rules that we as a species have imposed upon ourselves through years of mental debauchery constantly trying to get ahead of the guy next to us constantly consuming simply for the sake of consuming we dont need but the plague of man kind can be reduced to one little word "want"


spinning twirling
fire dancing
laughing singing
brothers sisters
goblet drummers
hipsters trippers
moonlight shimmers
Aug 2010 · 478
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
Forget time little men
just mother
wrapped in my womb
you hurt your mother
you stab and hack
you are all my children
all a product of my creativity
why why my tiny friends
do you hate me
do you hate eachother more
why do you hurt your poor mother
you worry me sick
but it hurts me more to see you go
i will be here long after you have all gone
Aug 2010 · 499
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
sitting singing
songs of solitude
swallows swoop slowly by
staring at my soft serenity
so i stand
start to run
swinging my arms
held aloft by good will
higher than the

Letting my body melt as i climb closer to the sun
it is just me
set amongst the stars
not a soul, just a star, shining bright
Zachary Devitt Jul 2010
It is time for a cleansing
washaway this job
this car, wife and children
forsake these friend

forget the monotony of money
forget the constraints of time
forget forget forget
and baptise yourself in the "sins" of the counterculture
Jul 2010 · 854
Zachary Devitt Jul 2010
The captain stood solemnly
recieving what he saw
with stark indifference

the dark clouds towered above his tiny ship

he drank deep in the danger
taking a lungful of air
he finally let himself see his crew

they were frightened

this invigorated him
but he did not want it to
he had always taken pleasure
in being "The Captain"

hoping when hope was lost to other men
lesser men

but he knew deep down
there was nothing lesser about
these particular men
he also knew they would all die

he parted his lips to begin his final oration
c. 2010
Zachary Devitt Jul 2010
Little golden hoops spinning round and round.
each time the paddle falls they explode in terrifying color.
mother superior beats me
she found out
i have been worshipping false gods again.
she found me in bathroom candles lit
bowing down to the mighty walls, i was
praying to the patterns of lysergic bliss
i was afraid i suppose
afraid that if i did not pray to something
the demons would come to take my trip.
**** it for the life of me
i could not remember the name of her god.
she found the little strips of paper,
she found the dried up mushrooms,
she found the fine yellow powder,
she found the mighty ganj,
but i found it first
and for that i am beaten
again again
my mind whirling with these crazy sounds and colors
each time the paddle falls
my eyes roll
and i get harder
so please mother superior remind me why I will go to hell
copyright 7/9/2010
Jul 2010 · 570
Wake Up Tiny Soul
Zachary Devitt Jul 2010
Eyes do not wish to open
For fear of what they see
...have seen
**** my eyes
My body rouses itself
Tickled by the morning sun
It crawls through the window
pushing until the glass gives way
Blood is but a small price to pay
Blood is the currency of my body
and my mind has use of neither
toppling five feet to the ground below
I... it struggles to my... my knees
so that it may hug the sunshine
leaving identical
dents in the soft earth
the Marks of Servitude

— The End —