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Zachary Devitt Jul 2010
Little golden hoops spinning round and round.
each time the paddle falls they explode in terrifying color.
mother superior beats me
she found out
i have been worshipping false gods again.
she found me in bathroom candles lit
bowing down to the mighty walls, i was
praying to the patterns of lysergic bliss
i was afraid i suppose
afraid that if i did not pray to something
the demons would come to take my trip.
**** it for the life of me
i could not remember the name of her god.
she found the little strips of paper,
she found the dried up mushrooms,
she found the fine yellow powder,
she found the mighty ganj,
but i found it first
and for that i am beaten
again again
my mind whirling with these crazy sounds and colors
each time the paddle falls
my eyes roll
and i get harder
so please mother superior remind me why I will go to hell
copyright 7/9/2010
Zachary Devitt Jul 2010
Eyes do not wish to open
For fear of what they see
...have seen
**** my eyes
My body rouses itself
Tickled by the morning sun
It crawls through the window
pushing until the glass gives way
Blood is but a small price to pay
Blood is the currency of my body
and my mind has use of neither
toppling five feet to the ground below
I... it struggles to my... my knees
so that it may hug the sunshine
leaving identical
dents in the soft earth
the Marks of Servitude

— The End —