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409 · Feb 2017
Shining Heart
Zachary Bellamy Feb 2017
You're like a touch of spring through winter,
Subtle and bold,
Warmth through cold.

A gentle soul,
Creating something so beautiful.

To envoke such demanding emotion is a blessing,
Something that is shared not give.

Thank you for sharing with me your shining heart.

Powerful Premonitions Prosper
In the darkest places

The darker they are the deeper the stomach churning feeling becomes
That all that is good will sour and rot

Darkness looms the cloth of fate we're all sewn into
It's in everything we do.

Are darkness.

338 · Feb 2017
Winged Angel
Zachary Bellamy Feb 2017
A soul a light with desire and vibrance
The wings of a glorious soul asoar
Can be seen from space
A spectral phenom
Pure beauty manifest.
315 · Feb 2017
Hidden Hate
Zachary Bellamy Feb 2017
Gentle teeth on Delicious skin
Nawing at what lies within,
Hidden darkness and horrible sin
Parrellel With hatred akin.

Sweet and sour, Twisted Grin
Vile Demeanor, A soul left dim.

301 · Feb 2017
Golden Fire
Zachary Bellamy Feb 2017
Hair and eyes aflame
A soul taught through tough times and hardship
Heart akindle and love shared
Comfort in the place of pain
Curiousity in the place of gain
296 · Mar 2017
Anything Else
Zachary Bellamy Mar 2017
Pain's Distraction.
290 · Feb 2017
Brilliant Soul
Zachary Bellamy Feb 2017
One who's soul is sewn with the kind of fabric normal people can't obtain
It has a certain, Lack of element almost a ghost. It would vaporize in the hands of those unworthy
But those who can hold it sew it to themselves.
Creating one, Brilliant Soul.
281 · Feb 2017
Fresh Wounds
Zachary Bellamy Feb 2017
Fresh Wounds
Begin to fester
Tearing inward
Scars  deepen
Transported from flesh
To the soul of a victim,

Specific pain
Catered to the controller
An intimate bond of blood to emotion
Crimsion Consumption
Pristine Flagellation
Perfect Punishment

With each step
My youth deteriorates
Enticing me deeper into the void
To which I am held captive

l.v.s and z.w.b

— The End —