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197 · Apr 2018
Suburban Cleanup Project
Zachary William Apr 2018
Perhaps we
could take
a lesson
from the
whose knife
any and all
from her life
standing knee deep
in fictional blood
spilled over
fictional drama
"just being honest"
is a license
to maim
and otherwise
any answers
other than
"yes ma'am"
because like
a malignant tumor,
dissent messes
with the
clockwork equilibrium
of the idyllic
life in
"If I cut you out of my life, it's because you handed me the scissors..."

Zachary William Jun 2018
I read somewhere once
that sailors on the open sea
would often see mermaids
in the water
and I find it so
delightfully human that they tried
to find wonder and amazement
out where no human life can thrive
and perhaps the mermaids were an
or a reflection of the lack of humanity
in the open sea
like how we reflect ourselves off of smoke
and mirrors through hallowed halls
of social media and shares and tweets and likes
to give the impression of humanity
there is none
to be
196 · Feb 2018
Needs A Title
Zachary William Feb 2018
Needs a title
as all things do
because existence is most
when it is defined
and while every action
for meaning
and every inaction
to be heard
we are somewhere
in between
a holding pattern between
meaning and meaningless
and we latch on to
the floating driftwood
of trends
and fads
and music scenes
because everyone has it
figured out but

so anyway
that's why you should
Diet Coke
because all the cool
people are doing it
and you do want to be

195 · Jun 2017
Zachary William Jun 2017
That which doesn't
**** you
only gives you
one hell of a life
story to tell.
195 · Jun 2017
Zachary William Jun 2017
I stood
in that parking lot
the one that overlooked
the lake
and remembered the time
that I shared a cigarette with
And you said,
"This is the first
time I have had nicotine
in a while."

Part of me
felt bad
that I had reintroduced
you to the beast
of addiction
but then again
I was addicted
to you
and your words
and your smile
so maybe it wasnt all that bad
and we were young
so whats the worst that could happen?
I quit smoking
because it feels good
to self-destruct
and I know cigarettes
taste better when
pondering the days
that have blown
away like toxic
and I have too many
of those
and spend too much
time thinking
about the immutable
past that I
would inevitably become ash.
194 · Apr 2018
A Story About A Cake
Zachary William Apr 2018

It had taken something
like fourteen hours
for the devil
to make a cake for her
perfect daughter
all custard-filled
and chocolate
and I threw it down the stairs.

Not that I was trying
to do so.


It's just that
I slipped
on a rogue sock that
had made its home
on the sixth step down
and when I lost balance
I instinctively extended
my legs and
l a u n c h e d
myself into the musty
cosmos of the basement

And for a brief moment,
I was Superman


"Great, it's in the
******* carpeting"
was all she had to say
as I lay gasping on
the concrete floor of the
pain blooming in
my side
and for a moment
I thought that maybe I deserved
to the pain because
I broke the cake.

Either way,
I hid the pain in my side
for weeks
and haven't
eaten chocolate cake since.


My side doesn't hurt much
And my soul burns a whole lot less.
This is a true story.
194 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
It sneaks up on you
and you suddenly realize
that maybe teaching
a fish to climb
isn't going to solve
the turbulent waters
194 · Jun 2017
A Walk Downtown
Zachary William Jun 2017
Music pulsing in my ears
and even though it's a sixteen minute
I feel like my time is running
out as I plod along
the near empty historic downtown
on a sunday evening
and I'm feeling antsy
and on edge
for some unknown reason.
I round the corner while
my eyes are distracted by
endless daydreams of heroism
and death
and I run into a bush
and in my panic I flail at the non-burning bush
to scare away any gods that are going
to tell me that I need to tell people
how to live their lives
but I had McDonald's for dinner,
so I really can't be trusted
with that sort of thing anyway.
All I'm left with is a scratched up hand
and a blank sky with the stars as
endless eyes
staring blankly at my hysteria.
192 · Jun 2017
This Guy
Zachary William Jun 2017
He drew a graph
on the roll of paper
attached to the wall
that served as a grocery
and I didn't need a graph to
tell me to buy milk
and I asked him why
and one of his friends said
from the other room
"he does recreational calculus"
and in that moment I
seethed with rage
and I didn't know enough
calculus to figure out if the
graph was accurate
but being *******
and indignant
is easier than
differential equations.
192 · Oct 2017
I Exist
Zachary William Oct 2017
Most days
I exist solely
as a rebellion
against the countless
whose numbers I will
eventually join
192 · Aug 2017
Zachary William Aug 2017
We watched him fall
from the sky
and thought about
how lucky he was
to be able to follow
his dreams.
191 · Nov 2017
Zachary William Nov 2017
He spent all his
digging holes in his soul,
deep wells where others could
throw in their coins
and wish for better
things and while
it never made him
happy it did make
him awful rich
and he found that
the key to happiness
was shaped an awful lot
like a 40 foot yacht
and a supermodel wife
191 · Jun 2017
Zachary William Jun 2017
I remember
laying there
with you
on a quilted blanket
under the stars
with a storm
creeping in the distance.
I remember
staying silent
when I should have told you
I loved you
and letting the
rain and reckless
cut our evening short.
191 · Sep 2017
Zachary William Sep 2017
She had a heart like
one of those two-way
and those around her
debated endlessly
about whether or not
you could see in
or if it was her heart looking out
and when the mirror
eventually cracked
under the constant
poking and prodding
those around her
were suddenly
a lot less
190 · Nov 2017
Glory, Glory
Zachary William Nov 2017
The night came
across the sky
faster than
the sun was
to meet the horizon
like I was dying
to meet
the ideas in your mind
and all the curvature
of your soul
and all the bits
and pieces of
space dust orbiting
those eyes that
can't quite focus on
anything other than
the horizon where
dreams and hopes
await the sunrise
to bring nourishment
and the eventual bloom
of reality
with creeping roots
dancing down our
brain stems
and into the
bottoms of our
where the truly good
in this world lies
190 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
Maybe I'm just
getting tired
and overworked
and overwhelmed
and this is wearing
my faith
in humanity
and an intermittently-existent
thin and frail
and like the Autumn
I'm just another strong
breeze away from
floating off into
the gray sky
190 · May 2017
Zachary William May 2017
The boy had a heart of gold
which was fine
until the price of gold went up.
Now a commodity,
the boy was
by collectors who cared only for
the purity of a golden heart
and little for the humanity
surrounding it.
With a little gray matter
and a little bit of paint,
the boy disguised his heart
with a layer of silver.

Which was fine,
Until the price of silver went up.
188 · Jun 2018
Something Old
Zachary William Jun 2018
She had eyes
like the Devil's Accountant
always making sure
we were up to some good
and I never thought she'd
find me
while I did some sleeping
in the grass
of an empty lot
in the old neighborhood
and of course the
divine punishment was rich
with irony
and pure and good
as is the case when one
inflicts the best
sort of pain

the kind of pain that
teaches a lesson
188 · Aug 2017
Zachary William Aug 2017
I once caught
Patriotism (capital p)
and it was like the
spirit of ol' Ronnie Reagan
had possessed me
and I wanted to fling
myself through the
and rows
of houses that hold
the standards of modern suburbia
and coopt the values of the
chrisitan (lowercase c) flavor
of ethics
and I found myself surrounded
by emptiness
and the flag flying outside
had become a stranger to me
as I had become a stranger to my
and I looked to the horizon
trying to find a savior
and I couldn't see
past the sun
188 · Jan 2018
O, Death
Zachary William Jan 2018
O, death
wait for us
for some of us
don't quite have
our shoes tied
there are leftovers in
the fridge
that I'm sure the cat will
get into
and you know
how the vet
said poor kitty needs to
watch her weight
o, Death
wait for us
because the theater kids
are doing the Charleston
in a flash mob
in the library during
parent teacher conferences
and it's kind of hard to hear,
o death
and O, death,
wait for your turn
you really should have called
i'm just so busy these days
with school
and work
and the kids
and really it's kind of late
and I should be getting to
but let's schedule something
for a week or so from now
because I just don't have time
for you today

O, death
o, death
o, death
my love
do not cry
i hear you've been
awful busy these days
and you just can't catch
a break from the tedium
so let me help you
and I will walk myself
over, o death
and together we shall wander
the horizon
behind the sunset
186 · Jun 2018
Zachary William Jun 2018
one of the greatest
mysteries of my
revolves around
a dozen roses
and a card that read:

"for crying out loud..."
186 · Jun 2018
Town Hall
Zachary William Jun 2018
I used to live
(and I can say that now)
in a town that I hated
where the police were
perpetually parked in church
parking lots
ready to mete out divine Justice
to those who drive a little too quickly
and the people smoking outside the bars
go silent and glare as you walk by
giving the impression that
you were the topic of conversation
and even though you know it's not the case
you still watch your back
lest you be dragged through
the mud of the community Facebook pages
because this is God's country
and you can be exorcised
for cheap
185 · Oct 2017
It's Not
Zachary William Oct 2017
It's not that I'm a
or that I've been hurt
so much
that I've decided that
glorification of suffering
would be more validating
than seeking comfort in others
I don't think the world is
a fundamentally broken place
nor do I think that people
are broken too
People are what I need them
to be at times and
the world is all part of a greater
and the truth is just
whatever is useful
at that moment
and right now
it all is veering
towards being
185 · Jul 2017
Zachary William Jul 2017
Someone should
call a doctor
as it seems
I have the
human condition.
185 · Jun 2017
I'd Write A Poem About You
Zachary William Jun 2017
I'd write a poem
about you
but I haven't fallen
in love with you
nor do I regret meeting
The gray area in which
you reside is poetry
in and of itself
and I would prefer
to keep it that way,
184 · Sep 2017
Zachary William Sep 2017
While waiting for
my tires to be changed
an old lady struck up
conversation with me
and we talked like old friends
and she told me about how
she grew up near a cannery
where you could buy unlabeled
cans for two dollars a case
so dinner was always a surprise
and we talked about how to
heal the world and she gave
me a book of Catholic prayers
and when we parted ways
we agreed that we would like
to cross paths again but
didn't exchange information
because sometimes the absolute
best experiences are spontaneous
but altogether life-changing
184 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
Which brings
us to the
of Deuteronomic
and nothing is
all one way
or another
all ruled by
the things
we must do to
get by

I can't know
if God notices

I don't know
if I'd want
Him to
183 · Jun 2017
Zachary William Jun 2017
When we split
it was three days
before my grandmother
and the blow was so great that
I couldn't stomach listening
to Andrew Bird
lest I hear the conversation
where you talked about how his
was for the "higher echelon of people"
and even though I thought this was
I didn't say anything because
I was so
to make that failing relationship work
because if I couldn't fix the fact
that I heard a piece of my grandmother
dying each and every night
during the month of November
the very least I could do
would be to make the relationship
last so as not to suffer
too much loss all at once.
special thanks to Riot for writing a poem about associating music with people and sparking the memory to make this poem
183 · Jun 2017
Whispered Wonders
Zachary William Jun 2017
I was there when my grandmother
I was urged to say something as she went
but couldn't as I had already
said everything
I needed to say
during our front porch conversations
where she would tell me that kids
shouldn't have to be sad like we were
and answered my questions about life.

The idea of sending people off with peaceful
words doesn't make sense to me.
The peaceful words,
the staggering revelations,
the infinite bounty of love
should be said during life,
not on the brink of life everlasting.

Whispering wonders to the
dead and dying
is about as useful as painting
a broken window.
It looks pretty, but what does it really do?
182 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
It's Wednesday
and I realized
I haven't taken
a breath since
the Sunday
before my birthday
and the only way
I found out was that
people kept asking
"Why are you so blue?
How can we help you
be happy?"
but I am happy
I am so very happy
at least that's what I
was thinking while
my head was spinning
against the earth
due to oxygen
182 · Dec 2017
Your Hand In Mine
Zachary William Dec 2017
I had listened to
the song
on repeat
eight times
sitting in the
bowling alley
moving only
to restart the
as I desperately
tried to get the
gentle carefree
snow outside
to fall in time
with the pieces of my
shredded heart
but gravity had different
plans and where the
snow stopped on the ground
I fell through
until I reached warmth
from the core,
Earth's heart
and mine beat in
for one beautiful
and at that point

I shut off the music
and drove home
182 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
All I've ever done
is recount the
permanent blessing
bestowed by a homeless
outside the seven-eleven
with my slurpee communion
and a bag of snacks
that were all junk food
because sugary
treats taste best
alongside chaos
and I haven't
had good luck
she called upon
to bless and keep
me after I gave her
a dollar
182 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
I write poetry
as journal entries
since I am all out
of secrets to keep
after the birds
I talked to
flew off with
the very notion
of trust
and here I struggle
against the idea
of identity
182 · Dec 2017
Zachary William Dec 2017
The lady at the store
was complaining of
global warning
and how the snow
the snow outside
yes look there
that snow shouldn't
now should it
and I had only
stepped inside
to warm my face
because my soul
couldn't reach my extremities
but that global warming
that climate change
she said it can't be real
and she love love loves the cold
and I took note and
thanked her for her time
and went off into the cold
because at least the wind
has no shame about trying
to tear your face off
if you disagree
181 · Feb 2018
Keep Coming Back
Zachary William Feb 2018
I keep coming back here
because I crave the rush
of putting words down
and pretending they are
totally original all the
while holding casual
disdain for how this
digital medium rewards
punchline after punchline
and punishes exploration
and long winded
discussions about existence
because even art needs to
fit into our busy schedules
181 · Jan 2018
Zachary William Jan 2018
It's midnight again
and the guy with
the truck
out back is
revving his engine
no, 4
times tonight to
get going
and I am once again
here without adventure
with wine to tell me
remembering the time
someone told me they loved me
and how disastrous that
all turned out to be
but hey
at least i can make
perfect over easy
at midnight
when the occasion
calls for it
180 · Jun 2017
Keep Your Head Up High
Zachary William Jun 2017
You should keep your head
up high.
If not in the clouds
at least above your shoulders
and out of the sand.
So that I can hear you
and the beautiful things you say
without it all sounding like
You should keep your head
up high
if only so that when someone
lops it off,
the ride down will be like
the physical manifestation
of the rollercoaster
of your life and emotions
180 · Nov 2018
Zachary William Nov 2018
Another plane
homeward bound
and once again
Texas feels a little
without you
180 · Apr 2018
Chicken Little
Zachary William Apr 2018
I saw the sky falling
but it didn't make a sound
seeing as you weren't around
to hear it
180 · Dec 2017
Notified, An Apology
Zachary William Dec 2017
It's not about
but it is about
the words
and the patterns
arising every single
day with new
old thoughts
and speculations
over the nature of
and we call it poetry
endlessly repeating
ourselves for that
ever out-of-reach
notification bubble
bright red like a heart
to show us we are loved
by strangers
and I can't stop craving
the flavor of that
carrot we call
because all words
and thoughts
need an appreciative
180 · Mar 2018
Zachary William Mar 2018
The last time I saw
he was sitting on
a park bench all
denim-clad and
cowboy boots
reading a worn out
copy of
True Grit
trying to find
his way home
to an idea of
the old west
180 · Aug 2017
Zachary William Aug 2017
God is no longer
an obligation
but rather a feeling,
an inclination to invoke
when things really start to
go wrong
and you can be born again
because you have now
Subscribed to God (patent pending)
for only $8.99 a month
179 · Nov 2017
Zachary William Nov 2017
I'm more tired
than not
these days
and the man on
the television
tells me that
this means I am
because to be busy
is to not be idle
and being idle
is a sin
so I am exhausted
all the time now
and I hope that everyone
will be proud
of the bags under my
eyes in which I carry
everyone else's
problems and solutions
because to be busy
is to not be idle
and being idle is
a sin
179 · Mar 2018
Zachary William Mar 2018
We made love
in our tiny
bathroom today
and the cat
banged on the door
wanting to come in
so she could drink out
of the sink
which to her was
a lot more urgent
than whatever we
had going on
at the time
178 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
great whales
swim through my dreams
and Ahab is there
but he always screams
when he loses his leg
and I can't help but
hold my breath when the
whales go back under
the water to see if I'd
be able to follow them
and live
just for a little bit
out of reach
of the sunlight
178 · Jun 2017
Bar Stranger
Zachary William Jun 2017
It’s 1:22 am
and I’m sitting on the
patio furniture
of the restaurant above
which I live
and I can see a bar
down the road with
a regal sounding name
and we’re nearing
bar time
when all dreams end
and a lady comes out
and loudly yelling to her friend
points at me
“What’s he doing?”
“What are you doing?”
and I wave and say
“Come over here!
I’ll write you a poem!”
and she hesitates
for a split second
and decides that
a buzzed ride home
would be less dangerous
than a conversation with
a stranger in the middle
of the night and a free
but all poetry is free
and maybe she knew this
and I had fooled myself
by assuming my
would enrich her night.
178 · Jun 2017
Zachary William Jun 2017
I watched a video
where a pastor was
talking about why they
were building a second sanctuary
in the mega-complex-compound
that was his church and he said
"We've thought carefully and prayerfully
about this..."
and I tuned out because I got
caught up in the time I couldn't
come home because someone had a
dream that they had to ****** me
and how
"That was God's way of telling
me that I can't let you come home"
which made me feel really
special that God was sending dreams
about me to people
and so I asked Him real prayerfully
while He was at it
to send a Magic Mike-esque dream
about me
to this girl I had a crush on
and in the dream
I would have the body of Hulk Hogan
in his pre reality show years.

She and I never ended up together.
I like this ending better.
177 · Jan 2018
Darling. Clementine.
Zachary William Jan 2018
he walked
from station
to station
his heart in a paper bag
holding it out
asking for spare change
because it doesn't matter
when the heart's not beating
all clogged and weighed
down by quarters
and half-cent platitudes
that it'll all get better in time
and that everything happens for a reason
and there is nothing to worry about

and all the kid really needed
was a little blood
176 · Sep 2017
Zachary William Sep 2017
Last night I dreamt
that eagles came
to bring the end of
civilization as we knew it
and with every beat of
their wings more of our
society would crumble
all the while on the ground
we argued about whether
or not this happening
was the fault
of Wolves
176 · Jul 2017
Zachary William Jul 2017
play your stringless
guitar and shout
at the sky
words previously
unheard by
God himself
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