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5.4k · Jun 2017
A Sad One Before I Go
Zachary William Jun 2017
I remember the way
the alcohol
lubricated our words to each other
and she told me those three
poisonous words:
"I love you"
Except she added
my name to the end
to make sure I knew
how important it was.
"You're the only
person I've said that to,"
She told me that night
as we parted ways

The next day she told
me that it didn't count
and that she was being
and I remained in place
amongst those
who function better
as shadows,
withering under her
hoping to hear the
meaningless words
2.2k · May 2017
Zachary William May 2017
A friend once
offered me a
Not just any cupcake,
but a Gourmet (capital G) Cupcake
from some bakery that sells
cupcakes and cupcakes
alone at almost four dollars a pop.
It was a beautiful creation,
pink with a little candy crown on top,
promising a fantasy world
of strawberry flavor.
It was named the Pink Princess
and I threw it away after one bite.

Because, much like everything else
in life,
it doesn't matter how much
and bright color
you use to present something.
If it still tastes like ****,
it is.
1.9k · Sep 2017
Her, Pt. 10
Zachary William Sep 2017
last night
I dreamt
that I got into
a fistfight
with Copernicus
he wouldn't agree
with me that
the universe seems
to revolve around
your smile
1.8k · Jun 2017
If You Have Something To Say
Zachary William Jun 2017
If you have something to say,
say it with conviction
believe in the words coming
from your mouth
because once they're out
they don't go back in
and no mouth to mouth
will resuscitate
a bridge that's in flames
and as long as you
meant every last word
every last volley
shot over the walls
built from years of
then no blame can be sent
your way
but do not be alarmed
when they come back around,
a little crispy around the edges
all shrieking like demons
faces black and sooty
and eyes red from the smoke
that rose from the fires
that only tears could put out
and they've got a hot coal
in their hand that they
don't feel and they
want to see you burn.

All that makes our demons
scary is who they're
throwing fire at.
1.5k · Jul 2017
Her, Pt. 9
Zachary William Jul 2017
If God
is love
then I really
need to tell you
how intensely
I experience
when you're in
the room.
1.5k · Jan 2018
Zachary William Jan 2018
I dreamt last
night of a long
lost friend
which was strange
because I hadn't been
and this friend
talked me out
of suicide
even though I wasn't
considering it
and I almost reached
out to her
when I woke up
but that would
be worse than
1.4k · Jan 2012
Zachary William Jan 2012
Often, when I disclose the fact that I'm from,
The Lone Star State,
I am asked,
"Do you miss it?"

I don't miss the people,
but I miss a lot of things about it.

I miss the warm springs,
blazing summers,
warm falls,
and the chilly winters.
Chilly, but warm enough that you can still go outside and have fun.

I miss how flat everything was.
I was like the landscape itself was saying,
"I have nothing to hide. This is your adventure,
traverse me with force."
I miss the cotton fields that would be the spectators,
the spectators of the fun times and the hard times.

When I'm asked if I miss Texas,
I respond with "the weather",
but there is always more to every story.
1.3k · Apr 2018
Zachary William Apr 2018
A cheerleader
once wrote me a
love song
and it had lots of
horse imagery
and it turned out
that she had lifted
the song from some kids
tv show
but none of that mattered
because she wasn't a cheerleader
quite yet
and I wasn't educated enough
to scoff at plagiarism
when someone was trying
to show that they cared
1.0k · Jan 2012
Zachary William Jan 2012
That bridge in your mind, I wonder
how often it is I wander across.
Or did it burn with the rest of our letters,
tattered remnants of the time that we both lost?
Now which way are we running aimlessly,
in hopes that our paths won't cross some day?
The stars had crossed, the moon had cracked,
on the day that you had gone away

As the sun finally sets on our Shakespearean tale,
you said that we shouldn't have to be ******* in a cause that
we both knew had no avail.

Now winter's come 'round again,
filling me some form of bitter clarity.
About the day we decided we'd tear our hearts out
with a special deliberate dexterity.
It's been quite some time now,
and we're both loving without regrets.
With the exception of those nights alone,
haunted by old silhouettes.

You said that you couldn't follow your heart,
because you didn't know where it would lead.
You said that we could no longer be us,
You'd be you and, I, I'd be me.

That bridge in my mind, you wonder,
how it is I stopped you from wandering across.
I had to burn it with all of the sketches,
Lest I be reminded of just what I had lost.
And now you're here, you're standing before me,
talking of regrets and wanting a second chance.
The memories return, they flood in,
of a fateful day, and you ask me if I want to dance.

The bridge in my mind's rebuilt,
as we begin the poisonous waltz across the floor.
The sun, it started rising again,
I turned to your pillow but you were there no more.

The bridge in my mind is ashes,
no longer can you wander across.
Some day it will rebuild itself,
with patches from the hearts that have lost.
1.0k · Jun 2018
Zachary William Jun 2018
It is the silence
between strikes
of lightning
that gives
thunder any
real meaning
but that does not mean
you shouldn't speak
984 · May 2017
Zachary William May 2017
She was fun
in the way that
she would send
to me
through text messaging.

Sometimes it was
just the way she wrote
to tell me to
do the dishes.

Other times,
it was prose
and verse
helping her make sense of the day.

Sending her thoughts
from the cosmos of
her mind
into the cosmos surrounding
our terra firma,
converted into
and ones
and then
back into beauty.
816 · Jun 2017
Do Not Be Afraid
Zachary William Jun 2017
Do not be afraid to write
do not be afraid to let parts
of your soul take form
in word and verse
and do not be afraid to crush the mountains
of doubt from the ones you love
and show them that what you have
to say is worthwhile and permanent
and show them that you are not afraid
of your scars and your thoughts
and your mistakes
and do not be afraid of the pain
of reopening old wounds
and letting the gush splash across
the page in witty diatribes
that make you feel a little better
about the fact that you let a relationship
nearly **** you
and do not be afraid to line up all the painful
memories and conversations you'll never be able to have
and one by one
write them into poetry
and get them out of your soul
where they've been rotting
and turning you inside out.
788 · Jun 2017
Her, Pt. 5
Zachary William Jun 2017
After a day
of pondering
I flew into
a frenzy,
burning books that
couldn’t help me
and so through centuries
of love poems and stories
I blazed
wondering if this was how the
ghosts who wrote them felt
when they poured out their
and I burned and
I burned and I
until I came to my final
A Dictionary…
And I burned that too
because in it
I could not find words to
adequately describe how you
make me feel.
788 · Jun 2017
I Like This Place
Zachary William Jun 2017
I like this place.
so many people
trying to deal with pain
and anger
and talking about
their joys
and so much of it
under the surface
because the profanity
filter is on by default.
776 · Jun 2017
Food is Love
Zachary William Jun 2017
I fundamentally
that the best way
you can show
you care about them
is to cook for them.

To take something
and spend your
and love
to convert it to a dish
that quite literally
sustains the
of another being
to me
the epitome of love.

Death is the absence
of Life
and Food sustains Life
so by feeding those around you,
you indirectly say,
"I want you to live."
I work in a kitchen, by the way.
747 · Jul 2017
Zachary William Jul 2017
came down to Hammurabi
and provided the
of the kingdom
in hopes that
the strong
might not oppress
the weak
and it all disappeared
under the ceaseless
sands of existence
and doubt.
728 · Oct 2017
asteres planetai
Zachary William Oct 2017
We are all planets
wanderers in an
endless waltz
across the canvases
of the cosmos
trying to find the
nearest star to
provide warmth
and light
to support the life
within and
we sometimes get
sunburned and
we sometimes get
the endless vacuum
seems a lot less desperate
when we are in synchronous
orbit with
one another
Asteres Planetai means Wandering Stars, which was the Greek observation and naming of the way the planets move in the sky.
694 · Jul 2017
Stolen Seconds
Zachary William Jul 2017
how often we
block the future
by scrambling to
pick up all of the stolen
seconds that we gave
to people we want only
to forget
all while we
are in a continuous
state of forgetting
that you can't un-live
you can't un-****
and you can't
rewrite your own
string of moments
no matter how much
they make you
671 · Jul 2017
Zachary William Jul 2017
we rely on poetry
in the same way
we relied on parables
to better explain the
universe within
our collective souls
584 · Sep 2017
Zachary William Sep 2017
My father was always
a bit of a showman
but I'll never know
if he was aware of that
as he would stand up a little
straighter and puff out his
chest and his slight
Ohio/Texas twang would
become a full on
Sam Elliot drawl
but three octaves lower
like he was a real life cowboy
only to be outdone
by his favorite president
Ol' Papa Reagan
and I guess I found it strange
that he could never really
get into the role
of being a caring, kind, and sweet
517 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
I'm not losing my
grip on reality
though it may
seem that way
with how abstract
my writing is
starting to
on the contrary
I somehow have
managed to
get a death grip
around the throat of
reality and the harder
I stare into the now-turning-blue
face of life itself
the more and more
nebulous it gets

Gone are the
didactic binaries
of right and wrong
and good and evil
and love and hate
it all just sort of
blends together
in a sticky narrative
of just what it means
to be alive and well
carving meaning
out of the universe's
hide in order to keep
warm against
the endless chilling
gusts of strangers
sighing and God
shaking his head
at the fact that
we stunt our
lives by
trying to contain
it in vessels
that hold the
organic flow of existence
in stasis for long
enough that we can
look at all the peculiarities
of this world
and classify them
without the risk
of living among
fellow human beings

why do we cling so
desperately to the past
and the ghosts of memories
of those with whom we
no longer speak
is it because they stay still?
because the ground underneath
our feet is constantly
shifting and rolling
with each new ideal
and we hold on to the flickering
still-life images
of summers long gone
as a means of anchoring ourselves
against the storm?
there has to be so much
more to this life other
than doggy-paddling
from buoy to buoy
memory to memory
endlessly bracing for
the next wave
the next wave
the next wave
until we finally
reach dry land
and can rest easy
on the beaches
of longevity
relaxing in the sand
made up of the bones
of those who just
couldn't make it
to the next
500 · Jun 2017
Gods and Gallbladders
Zachary William Jun 2017
I told a friend
that my gallbladder
had stopped working
and he said
May Allah bless you
with good health
and I thanked him
but can't stop thinking
about the time God
wiped out humanity
for not listening
to Him
and I hope that I've
been listening well
to at least
survive the surgery
493 · Jul 2017
Current Status
Zachary William Jul 2017
Poor in health,
high in spirits
487 · Dec 2017
Under the silver screen
Zachary William Dec 2017
When I was younger
and perhaps wiser
than I am now
I went on a date
with a young woman
to see a movie whose name
I pretend to forget
and I remember her laughing
at children being hanged in
the opening scene and I knew
that it was bad and that I was
in the wrong place at the wrong
so I told her I loved her
because I was a wise boy back then
and luckily she said
and we parted ways
and it wasn't until I became foolish
and a few years older that
I realized just what I had
done and that
the children on the screen
were all dressed like me
Zachary William Dec 2017
She asked me to write her
a poem
for Christmas
and so while I sit here
waiting for the car to warm up
I look at all the sets of
footprints in the snow
all going in different directions
going to different locations
some out of religious obligation
some out of unconditional love
and all I really know is that
I don't care where I go
as long as my footsteps in the snow
get to be alongside hers
from now until eternity
Merry Christmas, you filthy animals.
476 · Dec 2017
Generic Title
Zachary William Dec 2017
followed by

u n u s u a l

endless metaphor
describing pain
and injustice


you're a poet, harry
461 · Jun 2017
Zachary William Jun 2017
We all have
a story
and rumor
has it that
the more
you collect
the more
you are
the higher the chances
are of you winning
the Prize
and I hear it's
a good one.
So take that pain
take that sorrow
impale it on your
and let it
into something
more beautiful
and more permanent
than pain.
Where does poetry come from anyway?
450 · Jun 2017
Zachary William Jun 2017
I saw a flower
wilting beautifully
in a bed of
and I wondered if it
was afraid to face the sun
because it perhaps forgot
and in its attempts
at self preservation
it starved itself of what
it needed
--the sunshine.
443 · Apr 2018
Moon Man
Zachary William Apr 2018
He liked to think
he had eyes
like the moon
reflecting back
unto everyone
the things best kept
but instead he found
himself hurtling
through space
with the promise of a sunrise
being always
out of reach
420 · Jun 2017
Zachary William Jun 2017
I remember how
you got upset over
the fact that I didn't cry when
we reconnected after several years
and I still think
about how absurd that
is to me
because there's no way in hell
that after two marriages
and countless jobs
that you hadn't encountered
a situation in which the narrative
in your mind
did not match up with
how things unfolded in your life
and what do tears do anyway?
Sobbing in a George Webb's
would only make the desolate
atmosphere even worse.
For the unaware, Webb's is this chain of 24 hour diners similar to Waffle House in terms of sadness.
417 · Dec 2017
Zachary William Dec 2017
We went to the
humane society
to get acquainted
with some cats
and we met a cat
who was returned
after five years in
a loving home
because he was
an inconvenience
and found another
"hidden treasure"
which was an
awfully nice
way of saying
that this cat had
been abused
and would never
be a 'normal' cat
a plaything for your
a trophy for your
and in his bleary
eyes as he tried to hide
behind a scratching
post to avoid the fingers
of strangers poking through
the safety of his plexiglass
in his eyes I saw
more humanity
than I'd ever seen or felt
in my life
and I sent a silent
prayer to my intermittent god
hoping that he found a home
and happiness
because he never did anything wrong
other than be born into a world
where the value of life
is on a sliding scale
based on agenda and feeling
rather than the simple
that life needs
to flourish

And I cried in the car
on the way home
because I have no space for
him in my life
and I wept
over the pain
and panic in his eyes
that is so easily recognizable
after you've seen the same
eyes in your mirror
for too many years
and all I can do I rewrite
the narrative for my cats,
rescued from poor circumstance
and impulse
and give them life
and help them flourish
and breathe into their
very existence
a notion of security and hope
and warmth
and love
Love your pets as they love you.
396 · Jun 2017
Instead Of
Zachary William Jun 2017
Instead of trying
to stigmatize
perhaps you should
and realize that
everyone flinches from
pain and for some people
life hurts so ******* much
that flinching out of existence
seems to be the only option
and instead of trying
to minimize
perhaps you should be trying
to sympathize
and it doesn't matter
if nobody was there
for you during the
bad times
that you pretend didn't
because withholding
your compassion from
those who need it most
is the worst sort of death
you can inflict
and there's no
justifying it.
384 · Jun 2017
I Need a Friend
Zachary William Jun 2017
I need a friend
with whom
I can talk about
things like
and the shudder of
the earth when we
write a line that
seems to resonate
with infinity
and with whom
I can discuss
the fear of rejection
and the sneaking suspicion
that maybe none of this
is actually very good
and I've struck
an anomaly
and I need a friend
who will bear with me
during moments of weakness
where i want to burn away all of
my words
384 · Jul 2017
Zachary William Jul 2017
Your age is
but the number
of times you've traveled
around the sun
hurtling at
nineteen miles per second
endlessly through the expanding
so don't tell me
that there's nothing
interesting about you
fellow space traveler
don't tell me there is nothing
remarkable about crashing
through the universe
while sitting in your armchair
you are an astronaut
capable of searing
the stars
Do not float.
382 · Jul 2017
Forget Forgive
Zachary William Jul 2017
Don't forget the past
but rather forgive
it because of the two
choices only one
the bleeding
that come forth to haunt
you in your dreams
and waking hours
and when you let go
of the pain and let it
fall below
you will be truly free
to remember the lessons
without a need for
379 · Dec 2017
Zachary William Dec 2017
I'm really trying
to be jaded and
disappointed by
everyone else
as they tread water
flinging political
like daggers
and passive facebook
statuses like
and I can't help
but feel
at everything
McDonalds and chrome
shiny and beautiful
shades of dried blood
on our hands and lips
and all I can do
I pretend I'm not a part
of that
as my car is littered
with fast food garbage
and my thoughts littered
with judgements against
people I've never met
and I write
instead of bleeding
because this feels
just a little bit
377 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
I read through
my recent stuff
again and I
appear to be
over something
or other
but the words
sound nice
as I write
about my
waning hope
and I suppose that's
all a poet
can really ask for
375 · Nov 2017
The Rain
Zachary William Nov 2017
It was misty
and gloomy
as though we had
lost rights to the sun
because we'd
and I got out of
my car to try and talk
to someone in charge
but the second my door
fell from the skies,
spat by angels at our
collective sin
and I tried to tell them
they had the wrong guy
but the rain just went
into my mouth and
made me choke
and I ran into the library
newly baptized and shivering
and an old man
all dry and sweatered
asked me
"It's it raining out there still?"
374 · Sep 2017
On Religion, 2
Zachary William Sep 2017
"God's really a nice guy
once you get to know
they said
after the flood
374 · May 2018
Zachary William May 2018
I’m tucked away nicely in the JC section of the library. Apparently, they use the Library of Congress method of categorizing and organizing the library literature here instead of the Dewey Decimal system. I suppose it’s one way to set this community college campus apart from the uneducated townsfolk who still want numbers to tell them where to find their books. Looking at the shelves nearby, I see a great deal of books about dictators and rights and privacy, so I guess this section of the library is all politically charged. Which would explain this headache and general feeling of frustration, but that also could just be from the procrastinating I can’t stop doing. Strangely enough, I have been blocked into this row by a librarian who has her cart of endless knowledge parked in the middle of the political aisle of books. I don’t know where she ran off to, but I’m starting to get antsy. I mean, what if there’s a fire? All these books aren’t exactly flame retardant and the last time I had to jump through a wall of fire it wasn’t the best experience. I imagine these stacks of knowledge burning and I wonder how much it would be missed. There’s a book here titled “Management in the Public Service: The Quest for Effective Performance” and I can’t even tell you what the first page says because the second my eyes landed on the words, I fell asleep. But hey, the librarian is back and she moving her cart of ideas out of the way so that I may procrastinate in peace.
370 · Dec 2018
The Apple
Zachary William Dec 2018
Maybe original sin
is just a term
we gave to
our inability
to believe
in anything
so pure
as love
369 · Sep 2017
Zachary William Sep 2017
I've spent more time
than usual lately
thinking about friends
who became strangers
and I feel a mix of
sadness and anger
when I let myself go
and forget that
we are all in a perpetual
state of flux
and the space we occupy is
only as temporary
as the nights we spent together laying
on blankets under the stars
and hiding out in your mom's car
that you finally got to borrow since your
sister was out of town for the weekends
and I always am too busy mourning
my newfound stranger group
that I never remember to
remember those to whom
I became a stranger for some reason
or another
as there is no emotional profit
in counting those you've left
only those who left you
in this great wheel
of organic existence
368 · Aug 2017
Zachary William Aug 2017
We stood there,
the fire lapping
at our feet,
and argued about
the best way
to achieve salvation
instead of putting
the fire out.
365 · Apr 2014
Gone With The Wind
Zachary William Apr 2014
I put a picture of my parents,
Fifteen years divorced,
Into my copy of Gone With the Wind
and took a moment to muse over the irony.
362 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
I hear Buddha
whispering something
in the corner
both profound
and simple
(not that the two are mutually exclusive)
and I'm sitting here
not raging
I don't "rage"
at anything
but I do find this world


But I'm not sure why
since things are pretty
okay right now
all things considered
and we must remember
to consider
all things
the lobster
the children
the inevitable heat-death of the universe
and rejoice
in our abilities to consider
and to evolve
things like the
poetry we write
by adding creative
as a flourish for
simple words
that feel profound when
we write them
but when we read them
they are as obvious
as they ever were.
358 · Mar 2018
Zachary William Mar 2018
My cat,
tried to ****
my Venus Flytrap
and he claims that
he was just trying to
protect me
but I think it's because
he's a little ****.

I find it
to stay in a bad mood when
both of my cats decide
to lay on my chest and
purr away
all of my frustrations
and anxieties about the world
352 · Jan 2019
Zachary William Jan 2019
she walks
through the
gardens of sunset
and plants all
turn to see just
what radiance has
come into the
garden of Eden

what Eve shall remain
as we grow old together
and our suns
begin their descents
into tomorrow?
344 · Jun 2018
That damn cat
Zachary William Jun 2018
I'm still
down about
the little kitty cat
and I think my
other cat
knows because she's
relaxing with me
while I listen to
an old Doobie Brothers
even though she's more of a
Marty Robbins kind of cat
so that's how
I know she's thinking
of me.
340 · Jan 2019
I saw a cat
Zachary William Jan 2019
I saw a cat today
a kitten, actually
orange and white
with its guts spilled out
on the street
and as I drove by it kept
trying to get up
and I cried and cried
because it was suffering and
I could not help

I saw it again later
one with the road
now unrecognizable
in death
and I felt a degree of relief
because it was done
and there was no more kitten
trying to drag
its loosed insides
across the cold pavement
near 28th and University
and in that moment
I understood
why some people opt for
the permanent solution
instead of suffering
with their insides out
on the street
as everyone else passes by
334 · Oct 2017
Zachary William Oct 2017
I do not
what I struggle with
every day
but I do
know that I struggle
I wouldn't be
so worn out
from waking up
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