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Zach Merrill Oct 2010
i'm cooking a soup tonight
cutting my hands and bleeding the base
i';m building thoughts of destruction,
collecting my own army
on the out side i cover the secrets
those lies you saw right thru
i'm not scared i have bled, knees are ready to give.

So **** this town and *******
cuase it won't mean a thing when my plans are thru
and it's not getting better, and it's not alright
and it won't be for a long, long time.

You should bury me now cause i'm dead
i feel lifeless and cold
there's no warmth here left for you to hold
my bed and dreams a place of doom
this home life is a wreak
and i have everything... everything to forget

So **** this town and *******
cuase it won't mean a thing when my plans are thru
and it's not getting better, and it's not alright
and it won't be for a long, long time.

your changeing your ways
your just changeing nothing
you just can't bring back peace
You see these bright sky's
I see them in anger
I just can't look past your shame
your words just mean nothing
due to the warming of good bye.
It's fallen on me.  my head is ok, it's fallen on me.
Zach Merrill Oct 2010
What do i dream of life, and where it go so fast? oh, how Can always go back to those days in the port, on the grassy hill in front of the Bean. A gathering of sorts, an almost mecca for the everyday people and artist alike to enjoy thier coffee's or expand their mind's. Seldom know how i remember those warm golden sunsets on the beaches, where we'd look off on the horizen and wonder what tomorrow would bring. We'd lay on our warm towel's over sand after swiming in the cold waters of the atlantic that i miss so much. What are these days and nights i see before me, as i sway back and forth like a branch in these winter winds? I know who you are now with that draw, that look. Gasp as you see me before you, like a ghost in your mirror. Do you think about the molocules in your body, how the millions of them flow thru you now like my voice thru your ear? Hear me now in his room, with the blank unknown faces of yester year and today, sipping on their what have you's, dreaming of a better tomorrow. The only dream i dream today? I won't Remember in the morning...

Zach Merrill Oct 2010
well? was it worth it, the things we used to do and all the memory warm.

as you trembled with a smile, and all the light on earth fill your heart

down at federal jacks tonight.

so confuse me with your smile

keep me warm today, tonight, tomorrow

and you'll sit, and love the life you have, and drink your coffee to

and just write the poetry, that we make

the ballrooms alomost emty the lights are dim,

it's wonderful to be around to champnge dreams

so confuse me with your smile

keep me warm today, tonight, tomorrow

and you'll sit, and love the life you have, and drink your coffee to

and just write the poetry, that we make

and the timeing was always wrong the weathers changed

and the suns not as warm as your voice,

you my sun, you are my muse, you bring out the best in me

so confuse me with your smile

keep me warm today, tonight, tomorrow

and you'll sit, and love the life you have, and drink your coffee to

and just write the poetry, that we make


— The End —