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1.5k · Nov 2013
Moon Trance
Zach Claycomb Nov 2013
Lids open with a snap
to thick, almost solid,
streams of  moonlight

In the silver haze,
Black holes peer
from an alabaster face

Complete paralysis
crushes my hope of escape
every skin cell stitched to the sheets

My mind terrified,
my body tingling
with unexpected relaxation

Waves of calm roll
through every muscle
turning me to nothing
feeling as if my bones
have vanished with
the interrupted dream

The swing of a medallion
through beams of static light
My eyes swivel in their sockets
Skinny fingers snap
Everything turns to black
1.2k · Nov 2013
Zach Claycomb Nov 2013
Did someone give you the wrong script?
Those aren’t the right lines!
You’ve lost the recipe to life
What's the missing ingredient?
In five miles, turn right
The map flew out the window
No No No No No
This is how it should go.
Status quo
**** it
                                                               Write your own story
1.0k · Aug 2013
Red Rocks
Zach Claycomb Aug 2013
Red giants loom in the distance,
Sand is shuffling like a deck of cards.
The heavens put the earth to bed
under a blanket of cool transparent blue.
Bright eyes above, millions, look down
upon us with teary eyes.
990 · Nov 2013
Hide and Go Seek
Zach Claycomb Nov 2013
Retinas burn

Pupils, opaque,
retract to pins
then return again
with darkness

Empty eyes sparkle
in the moonlight

hot yet cold stream
down a set of cheeks
like an unattended running sink

Translucent clouds roll in
to obscure sight

Almost home
Take off the tears and
put on that smile
966 · Mar 2013
Zach Claycomb Mar 2013
my life  Turns.
tHings falling like a scud missile.
i nErvously clench my sweaty hands.
clears around my dust-covered body
and everything is placed perfectly...............
she has placed them --- perfectly, perfectly, perfect.
strong, stronger than ever.
who is she? an angel? a demon?
finally, i already had my seatbelt on.
my life
begins again, finally began.
happiness overwhelms like an overflowing sink
"i love you"s fall out of my mouth
"thank you"s enter my brain
IT begins
895 · Mar 2013
Zach Claycomb Mar 2013
Innards twist
like salt on a slug.
Phlegm boils out
of sundried orifices.
Maggots find
a fresh fancy feast.
Once witnessing
eyeballs turn to prunes.
Flush turns pallid-- transparent.
The fine line between
has thus been crossed.
We're dead now.
Now is gone.
All gone.
784 · Mar 2013
Zach Claycomb Mar 2013
Lying in my bunk,
the chattering teeth
sound like hail stones
bouncing off a tin roof.
But it's not hailing here.
No, not here in Hell.
Here in Hell it's putting down
a hefty December snow.
Since when does it snow
in Hell?

It's summer in Hell.
That must be when it snows
in Hell.

warm tangerine glow
and circling spotlights,
like blood-driven sharks,
illuminate the dead sky.
Two chimneys tower
over the grounds like
erupting brick volcanoes.

I open the window
to capture a snowflake.
One wobbles lethargically
into my palm and crumbles
into white ash...

Arbeit Macht Frei...
Free as a snowflake
in the summer breeze
737 · Mar 2013
"Savage" Encounter
Zach Claycomb Mar 2013
Noxious cold blinds,
his blood pulses and
the brain goes numb.
Panic fills the smoke-thick

A "Who's there?" falls
before a silent response.
A clack under a thumb.
The musket metal gleams
like water in the moonlight.

A fire's scent drifts into his nostrils
as a steady beat of drums --
"war drums"
wiggle through the trees
into his electrified mind.

Moving forward,
the forest canopy transforms--
illuminated tangerine.
Sparks snap like upward
travelling orange muse.

Feathers dance
above the flames.
[war cries]
He retreats back
into the leafy abyss.
730 · Jan 2014
Zach Claycomb Jan 2014
Muscles peacefully twitch.
The light of consciousness
shrivels to dim as I fall
further into warm darkness.
The brain starts to paint.
Like seeing the world
for the first time
through dreamy eyes,
your smiling face
emerges from blackness.
729 · Nov 2013
Zach Claycomb Nov 2013
Follow your heart…
What heart?
The one locked in that box?
I forgot the combination.

I’m keeping it safe
because i’m a pyromaniac.
I am obsessed with your flames.
Dowse me in gasoline and
snap that match

Poison is you,
you and me.
Light that cigarette
and let the nicotine flow,
keep me coming back for more.

I’m trapped down here,
too weak to climb that rope,
too scared.
696 · Nov 2013
Zach Claycomb Nov 2013
Liquor lazily drips
from lonely lips
Tears flow from broke
blood red eyes
Cold invades
a once warm heart
Clothing torn to tatters
along with a life
Spare change from sorry pockets
rattle against embarrassed tin
Ashamed he walks
dreaming of yesterday’s life
680 · Jan 2015
Zach Claycomb Jan 2015
Rising with resistance,
eyes glued shut attempt
to flicker with dissidence.
Floodgates burst with roaring light.
Grogs of apparent dust
roll from the tongue
as the throat swallows Velcro.
The brain and the heart switch places,
pounding with impatient adrenaline.
The internal rooster has crowed.
Stand up.
679 · Nov 2013
Zach Claycomb Nov 2013
An unknown lunch feeds
a rally of starving flames
Smoke pollutes the grassy afternoon air
with sweet, stomach aching aroma
The wandering yellowish belches
offer the only smoky clue
585 · Nov 2013
Zach Claycomb Nov 2013
Hyde of leather and eyes of dirt
No blood, no fluids
just ancient bronzed bones
The dead man moans
with a dried mummified tongue
sealed in a mouth of maggot breath
Dust plumes outward like smoke
with every gargled holler
Every step sounding like
a crumpling paper bag
He walks, he stumbles, drunk
back into the shadows
563 · Nov 2013
Zach Claycomb Nov 2013
Take my hand
and walk to the top
Pick me up
please don't let me drop

Come on
Come inside
Don't mind the smell
my love just died

Wrap your arms
around my neck
Make me believe
I am not just a wreck

Teach me how
to love someone again
Living without you
feels like a dated sin

Tear down the bricks
I can't see over this wall
Piece by piece,
It stands way too ******* tall

Right now, the earth is spinning
way too fast
Slow it down please
let me walk straight at last

I'm shivering
It's way too cold in here
Come build me a fire
and melt away my fear

Lately, I've been feeling
so numb
But the more I think,
I feel mostly dumb.
562 · Nov 2013
Zach Claycomb Nov 2013
You are me,
can't you see
I am you,
who will you be

It's how it all goes
and how it all flows
you are Poe
and I'm that crow

We are homeless
and sometimes boneless
I was born deaf
A lot of times your name is Jeff

We were everyone on earth
We are everyone at birth

One big chain
But time is differently arranged

Do you remember being me?
I wonder how many I will grow up to be?
546 · Mar 2013
The Dark and I
Zach Claycomb Mar 2013
Gazing into the dismal moon,
I hear violent sounds,
murderous sounds.

Leaves are crawling, dead
in the breeze
like zombies.

The dark earth below
clutches my shoes,
with black, muddy fangs.

The trees are singing
a fright-filled number.
Logs are making fists.

The forest is alive.
I am in the heart
of every sort of unknown.

Looming and lingering in the night,
these strangers breath
goosebumps down my neck.

Brightness shoots out of the flashlight,
shadows instantly disappear.
I cannot see anything.
Still unknown.
509 · Nov 2014
Zach Claycomb Nov 2014
Her brain is a groaning throat.
Vibrating pipes.
Malevolence drips from her nostrils
like slowly sliding slime.  
Fever creeps through her reason,
sickening tissue to black.
Try licking the wounds
and the tongue turns to pus.
Her heart a ticking time bomb,
ready to explode into meaningless molecules.
Whimpering innocently oozes from
clear blue eyes.
The tears fall from your eyes.
426 · Nov 2015
Zach Claycomb Nov 2015
Clouds slowly swirl,
bulging fat with juice.
Waves erupt,
crashing into dark sands.
Wind slaps the arched back of the sea
with a whistling hand,
spraying salty water into black.
Flashes of white
numb your brain with light
Falling rain glistens
around strobes of shadow
pasted on bent palms.

Open your eyes.
It all subsides.
408 · Jan 2016
Zach Claycomb Jan 2016
Holding on with hands so cold,
waiting for the moment to let go,
to step through the door
onto dimensions unseen.
Breaking out from the daydream
into the stars
You look back upon us
through an electric eye.

                               The sky will never be the same.

— The End —