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Zabid SF Oct 2013
So there sits a boy under the shade of an old oak tree
He sees the lofty clouds form shapes surreal
And thinks he of the love that haunts his dreams:
Oh Sun, take leave so my Moon may shine her beams.
Zabid SF Sep 2013
The impotence of my pen.
A tip once wet with joy now lay sullenly dry.
Where do I start and how should I end?
The buzzing bees and petals speak no joy 
Of art to this heavy heart.
No playful muse dances in gaiety with this pen,
No holy spirit flows through the crevices
Of this mind, barren,
As this leaf of paper
Where within,
Lies not a spot of life.
Zabid SF Aug 2011
For we'll fade away, for sure,
As sure as how today
passes on,
fast or slow,
it passes
and so,
do we fade away.
Zabid SF May 2011
I love you God, I really do.
I am sure that You would know this better than anyone else.
But as I do love, so do I sin
For in loving you, so do you teach my tender heart to love another
Of mortal being (from dust do we descent, to dust will we descend)
And in love does my weak frame yearn
To be touched
To be caressed
For love turns (in the eye) the heavenly ******
To the hellish *****
From innocent shepherdess
To the alluring temptress
I tremble so when your words do I read in the Book of Truth
For the final judgement will (so) soon be upon me
When I will bow before You
A humble servant, shamed
For you breathed me into the world spotless and pure
And I return tainted, impure
With sins of kinds to many to implore
But then do I read in the same Book of Truth,
Of your love for me and all my breed.
How You,
The tenderest of lords do wield
The rod only to yield
When remorse do this lowly creature's heart fill.
For your love is fair,
Impartial and true
So my love is fair
A creation by You.
And so does this fiery flame that I do feel rages on
Burning me in this world and after
And so I pray to you dear true One,
Let me be her, and she, me
In a union blessed by Your holy grace
For then can I face
You as a man who has loved
And in returning, loved.
Zabid SF Jan 2011
I met the Piper yesterday
He said he’s on his way
I smiled and turned to let him be
He said ‘Come follow me!’
Then stared me in the eyes he did
And saw the pains I hid
He piped a tune so my soul does sooth
A tune of longing truth.
Zabid SF Jan 2011
Believe in yourself they said,
Once upon my little age.
I twirled and leaped with a heart so strong,
The stars for play and the sun for aim.
The days were bright,
While the nights were light,
Once upon my little age.
But now
My ears are clapped with shame and guilt,
The rain pours on to wrench me dry
Of mind and self I have no more.
“You have lost your way,” so now they said.
“Believe in us, we’ll light your path,
A stranger we’re not to your errant heart.
Come now this way,
this way,” they said.
Divine by thought they are surely not,
Neither by might, by heart or by warmth.
But years wrinkled by toils of time.
Their hissing words whip through my ears,
My eyes see none,
But none ahead!
My heart feels none,
But rage and hate.
Oh how I yearn to turn this page,
Once upon my little age.
Zabid SF Jan 2011
I am wrong for my wrongs, guilty as charged.
Guilty as a child who innocently sins.
Guilty for drifting away from Your dreams.
Guilty for lacking in all that You need.
Guilty for being the fuel of Your grief.
Guilty for the life I have forced You to lead.
Guilty as charged with no room for a plead.

Maybe one day, I’ll fade out of sight.
Maybe that day my wrongs will be right.
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