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Nov 2015 · 169
I Believe
Z8647 Nov 2015
I believe things can get better,
That this storm will stop.
I believe that the pain will end soon,
That this wave will roll.
I believe that we can make it,
If we don't jump too soon.
I believe that ...
I believe that...
I believe that...
I believe that...
Nov 2015 · 202
Dumb Things
Z8647 Nov 2015
Its all a lie
A huge mirage
Life has a mask
And you have to take it off
I know its hard
It will just get harder
Trust me, I've done so many
Dumb things
Oct 2015 · 185
Break Free From You
Z8647 Oct 2015
I'm gonna break free
from your wrath
I'm gonna break free
from this treacherous dream
I'm gonna hold on
to what I have
Cause It's not
worth losing
I'm just gonna break free
from you
Oct 2015 · 266
Lonely Girl
Z8647 Oct 2015
You said "no, a friend stays by your side "
Oh no
But no friend would lie
What you did
Is the same thing as a cheater
You're a cheater
Just a cheater

Well turn around and look at me Now
I'm standing top of the world
Well look at you stuck at level two
You're just a lonely girl
And look at me way past level twenty-three
You're just a lonely girl
Oct 2015 · 325
For Tyler
Z8647 Oct 2015
For Tyler
I had you in my hand
Until I let you go
For Tyler
You were just in reach
Until I quite trying
And if I could go back
I would do it again

Cause I learned a lesson
To wait before you fall
And I learned a lesson
to wait for it all
To steam down
For the trees to stand tall
For Tyler for Tyler for Tyler

My mother she warned me
She told me to wait
And when I rushed to the Chesapeake
Hidden by a bay
She told me to wait
But I said I needed to run
Run to you
Oct 2015 · 180
Z8647 Oct 2015
Will you
Stand by my side
Will you
Catch me when I fall
Will you tell me
Its just fine?
I do not know.
Oct 2015 · 151
Z8647 Oct 2015
You said that I was the only one for you
You said nothing you could lose could break you
And I stood and watched you
When you crumpled to your knees
After what you did no need to thank me

And I watched you steal everything I had
Everything I already was and am
And the stolen heart you never gave back
Well, its rotten, you rotted it
And from this point on you stood
By the story lines
And in your life you stood by my stolen heart

— The End —