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Oct 2012 · 487
z Oct 2012
I guess that's why she never got it right.
She never bothered to make a mistake,
Never fell to learn a lesson.
Too afraid to move. Too afraid to live.
Oct 2012 · 611
z Oct 2012
You met me at transition.
Got a sip of rebirth, but...
your energy swallowed me whole.
I got lost in it, let myself have my fill,
forgot to walk the road to ascension.

This is where I led myself, to the black hole inside me.
shaking hands with my most unwanted guest.
I sink in my own gravity,
without your familiar energy to levitate me.

What a strange time to collide,
at my prime i'm left in tatters.
forgot my own bright ball of energy.
Now I have to find my way back again.

Find it back again....
Oct 2012 · 560
z Oct 2012
Wasn’t it last night that we finally found out,
How our idiosyncrasies couldn’t ever agree?
And that we couldn’t make sense to the world and to ours.
Too bad, I thought great things start out this way.
And that rarities are often misunderstood, cascaded geniuses.
At some point we just have to take the kaleidoscope off our eyes,
And let reality dominate our field of vision.
The truth is…
The fire has died.
We’re looking into each other’s eyes, taking sensible steps back trying to say these silent goodbyes.
And all along we thought the universe conspired,
We thought the time was right.
Now we couldn’t even think straight enough,
To decipher what we could and could not mend.
What is plausible to pursue, and to leave behind?
We’re both crooked in this limbo.
Our hands hold on tight,
And remember to recite this passage:
“Till death do us part.”
Oct 2012 · 2.9k
z Oct 2012
On the way back all these thoughts poured,
Leaving me more opaque than when I left.
All the fears resurfaced with their horns and pitchforks...
No, I didn't tread through this tedious hell just to fail.

And then a voice said:

"Facing your demons, and the ones you thought you left behind, never was easy. You get scared and overwhelmed, but that's why you pray. "

...and that's why suddenly, we could all move again.
Jan 2012 · 532
z Jan 2012
A despicable thought eats through me,
And grinds my bones to dust.
Oh my tongue wants to scream it out loud
As I forge a smile when I answered yes.
...definitely Yes.
To your question.

The ideas are pulling me down.
Its stronger than gravity.
And I sink down below,
Beneath the line of wanting more to know

Yes curiousity killed me.
...It caught me by the neck,
And choked me till I'm all out of air
Till I'm all out of sense to connect.
No, I'm not strong enough to forget.

Satisfaction, please fasten me to my seat.
I can not give in every chance I get!
Dont want to regress and become so much less,
Than what I fear could be...
Dec 2011 · 1.6k
Living in a suitcase
z Dec 2011
Packing and unpacking
Everything you own and know,
Just to survive juggling three households in a week.
You come home to your own room,
Fall asleep on your own bed
Then wake up feeling like a stranger in a motel.
Wake up to get up to pack some more,
For another trip to who knows where.
All you know is that it's a balancing act;
This yoyo motion keeps you running somehow,
This is your life now.
What a struggle it is to keep sanity intact,
You bend over backwards to keep it all together.
As you look at your luggage
With ******* on a twist
And a pounding headache,
You think to yourself...what a glorious mess!
Where's permanence when you need it ******?!
Dec 2011 · 817
z Dec 2011
For 5 immortal minutes...
we run faster than the wind,
and go back through time.
Way back when what we only knew,
was the punishment of pain
and the reward of pleasure.

For 5 immortal minutes,
everything else was a blur of noise
we mindlessly danced to and played along with.
Moments of emancipation...
we owned.

All these days we shouldered the responsibilities
of raising and rearing,
and thought that youth is but a distant past.
But not for these immortal 5 minutes.
Cause in those minutes,
we got to be kids again...
in mommy-daddy games...
at a 7-year old's party.
Nov 2011 · 426
z Nov 2011
In your words, arise no comfort.
So I stare.
Please don't ask me why the volume is down,
cause you can't amplify an absent sound.

So which is the lesser evil?
To lose it...
or to break it?

— The End —