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Apr 2014 · 1.7k
Z Apr 2014
shivers, and shakes,
hearts are easy to break.
like mirror, showing me my flaws,
i look in your eyes,
i retract my claws.
i do not want to cause you hurt,
i do not want to make this worse.
i don't want to lie anymore.

so take this key.
lock the door.
what we had,
what you want,
isn't there

what do i do with this.
Apr 2014 · 520
kind of love.
Z Apr 2014
I have yet to find the kind of love that I’ve been searching for.
I’ve found someone who loved my sadness, someone who loved my bitchiness, and someone who loved my happiness…but I need to find someone who can love all of those things that compose me.
I need more than just one or the other.
I need full, accepting, gut-wrenchingly deep love,
that knocks me over and pounds me against the rocks like an ocean wave, before bringing me to rest on the soft, warm sand.
I need the kind of love that rages like a summer storm, with torrential rain, gutsy winds, and booming thunder, that ends in a rainbow.

I need the kind of love that takes my breath away.

But I don’t know if I’ll ever find it.
Jul 2013 · 1000
Z Jul 2013
my writing seems to only come easily,
when i'm writing things i want to say to you,
but i can't.
right now i'm sitting here thinking about all the things from you
that get caught up in the thickets of my mind
like a nagging piece of a splinter that can't seem to get out of my palm.
the pain, although less than it would be if the whole splinter had stuck,
is still noticeable if i poke it, **** it, try to find it again,
pin point exactly where i have to press to make it hurt.
and once i've found that spot,
i keep pressing.
not because i like the way it feels,
but it's comforting, to know that i know what makes it hurt.
it's comforting, to know that it's still there, a constant reminder that the splinter was never fully removed.
it seems cliche,
to say that i miss you, but not who you are now.
i miss who you used to be.
the person who wrote me word by word, line by line, letter by letter,
their entire thought process..
where is she now?
i think about you,
and that letter you wrote.
"do deep people just conform the shallow way of thinking?"
you did.
did i?
i suppose that's something that we'll never know.
so it will keep nagging me,
bothering me,
like that small piece of splinter,
until i find away to get it out.
or until it gets infected and eventually kills me.
whichever comes first.
Jul 2013 · 641
4 w's, & an h.
Z Jul 2013
when* did this happen again?
when did i start staying awake at night,
stuck inside my own thoughts?
when did i turn back into this person?
what happened to me?
what can i do?
who do i turn to?
no one
who can figure me out, if i can't?
no one
why does this keep happening.
why am i writing these words that no one will see,
no one will care.
nothing will change.
how do i proceed?

with caution.
scratch that.
throw caution to the wind.
Jul 2013 · 909
be my someone.
Z Jul 2013
for once,
i just want to be me,
and have someone love me for it.
i want it to be okay that i like to eat m&m;'s at night,
and that i don't work out every day.
i want it to be okay that sometimes i want to just sleep,
and not do anything productive.
i want it to be okay that sometimes i want to have adventures,
and go act like a little kid.
i want it to be okay that i can be needy,
or ******,
or kind,
or funny,
or mean.
i want it to be okay that i'm not really who i say i am one-hundred percent of the time.
and when the time comes for me to be me,
i want someone who can deal with the difference.
someone who understands that underneath everything i try to be,
there are things that i just AM,
things that i can't help.
i want someone to take my hand,
and run in the rain with me,
and not care that in five minutes i might be crying,
or laughing,
or both.
i need someone.
i just need someone.
May 2013 · 577
Z May 2013
all i want to be is real.
it seems strange to think,
that i've never done anything substantial.
i've never had a dream that i chased,
until i caught it.
i have chased
and ran
until my finger tips
brushed the edge,
until i could almost grasp on,
to the kite tails..
and then
i give up.
i always give up.
and i wish
that i could be more than that.
i wish i was a dreamer,
a maker,
a creator.
but more than anything,
i wish i was a live-er.
i person who despite all else,
could remember each moment
of each day.
a person who could live.
and breath.
and feel.
a person who is real.
Mar 2013 · 884
Z Mar 2013
oh, hello there,
you can call me, the master of the **** ups.
the leader of the young bucks,
who strikes the streets with bad luck.
who's always up for a quick ****,
a little nip/tuck,
you feel like you belong?
welcome to the world,
now you're stuck.

you should have stayed home,
in your warm bed,
with the pillows cuddling,
your fragile head.
where in your dreams you can see,
whatever you want them to be,
trust me, kid,
you don't want to end up like me.

you can call me the spinner of dark rhymes,
on my down time,
i like to write lines,
that can help define,
the chaotic thoughts,
of a twisted mind.

i don't like this,
or where it's going,
my rhyme's don't seem,
to be flowing.

i guess i'll go now,
never knowing,
what'd it'd be like,
if i kept
Mar 2013 · 473
Z Mar 2013
what do people get,
by being so ******* honest?
it's not like i ever do the right
i just fight
and re-write
until they become
haunt me at night,
and i say
and replay
that don't need to be replayed.
but the night
all these out of sight
that i can't seem to find during the day.
Z Feb 2013
"i'm not going anywhere, kid",
you told me,
more times then i can count.
so tell me please,
how you can walk past me now,
and not meet my eyes,
and not smile in my direction,
and not run over to me,
and throw your arms around me,
like you have so many times before.
tell me how,
you can walk straight past me,
and look the other way,
as i stand in stunned silence,
wondering how,
after every time i've let you come back,
it's so easy for you,
to walk away again.
but i'll keep standing here,
for you.
Z Feb 2013
"i don't love her like that",
you told me,
sometime last summer.
and i didn't say anything.
i just sat there in the dark,
waiting for you to continue,
because i knew you would.
"i love her", you said,
"but i love you too."
i cringed at the words,
as they seemed in though my pores,
into my blood,
and coursed through my body.
even then,
they were a lie.
i knew how you felt,
about her.
what i didn't know was how hard it would be,
to accept it.
Z Feb 2013
"i don't like eye contact",
you told me,
somewhere around the very first time we talked.
"what are you afraid of?" i asked you,
because that was my first thought.
you never really answered,
and i never really pushed you too,
but now..i wish i had.
i wish i had asked,
again and again,
the who,
the why,
the what,
the where,
the how.
but, i never did.
and maybe that was my first mistake.
Z Feb 2013
"i don't like eye contact",
you told me,
somewhere around the very first time we talked.
"what are you afraid of?" i asked you,
because that was my first thought.
you never really answered,
and i never really pushed you too,
but now..i wish i had.
i wish i had asked,
again and again,
the who,
the why,
the what,
the where,
the how.
but, i never did.
and maybe that was my first mistake.
Jan 2013 · 602
Z Jan 2013
i think there's a person,
who lives inside of me,
a person who i've never met,
a person i call Z.

and when I am feeling happy,
like nothing can go wrong,
this other person who lives in me,
decides to come along.

Z takes my happy thoughts,
and throws them on the ground,
and when i try to sleep at night,
Z spins my mind around.

if i am having normal dreams,
of planes, and rain and things,
scary night-time monsters
is what dear Z will bring.

many people tell me,
how to fix myself,
they want me to take my issues,
and store them on a shelf.

the doctors all tell me,
the same thing, over and over again,
just pop a pill,
and take a spill,
into a place where there's no pain.

and then dear Z, he hides away,
in a place solitary, and confined,
instead of finding his way out,
he hides inside my mind.

until i'm fine,
and the doctors say,
to stop the pills,
i'll be okay.

but then here comes dear Z again,
he shows up at my door,
the minute i pull myself out of the haze of drugs,
he twists my mind once more.

you see the pills,
with all their thrills,
cannot get rid of Z,
for they don't know,
that despite the odds,
Z is really me.
they tell me its depression, but i think it's just my mind.
Jan 2013 · 526
Z Jan 2013
you know what i hate,
more than i should?
i hate when you text me,
when i start feeling good.
i hate when i'm happy,
and i'm on a high,
and instead of hello,
you give me goodbye.
i hate how you look,
with your hair in your eyes,
and i hate how i get,
that moment of surprise.
when i see your name,
though situations have changed,
the feelings remain.
it all feels the same.
Dec 2012 · 585
x (marks the spot).
Z Dec 2012
marks the spot,
on my hand,
where i take yours gently,
just on command.

marks the spot,
on my lips,
where i taste you,
and your lackluster kiss.

marks the spot,
on my heart,
where i keep all the things,
that could tear me apart.

marks the spot,
on my soul,
where i keep all the secrets,
that have never been told.

marks the spot,
on my arm,
where i keep all the anger,
in the form of a scar.

marks the spot,
on my eyes,
where i keep all the bad things,
the terrible lies.

marks the spot,
where i sit and jot
down every thought,
hoping i don't get caught,
believe it or not,
and that no one ever finds,
the x,
that marks all these spots.
Dec 2012 · 2.7k
what if..
Z Dec 2012
when i was little,
i used to read those books,
you know,
by shel silverstein?
where the sidewalk ends,
a light in the attic?
there was a poem in one,
and it went like this:
"Last night, while I lay thinking here,
some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
and pranced and partied all night long
and sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I'm dumb in school?
Whatif they've closed the swimming pool?
Whatif I get beat up?
Whatif there's poison in my cup?
Whatif I start to cry?
Whatif I get sick and die?
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?
Whatif I don't grow taller?
Whatif my head starts getting smaller?
Whatif the fish won't bite?
Whatif the wind tears up my kite?
Whatif they start a war?
Whatif my parents get divorced?
Whatif the bus is late?
Whatif my teeth don't grow in straight?
Whatif I tear my pants?
Whatif I never learn to dance?
Everything seems well, and then
the nighttime Whatifs strike again!"
and that poem sticks in my head,
a lot.
"whatif's" control my every thought.
my "whatif's" keep me,
all in check,
when they breathe their "whatif's",
on my neck.
they keep me waiting,
and wary,
"whatif" life, wasn't so scary?
"whatif" i could live,
and not be so afraid,
"whatif" i was sure,
of the choices i've made?
i guess i'll find out soon,
but "whatif" i don't.
to be honest i'm scared,
that maybe i won't.
just rambling, kind of. that poem gets stuck in my head all the time, just like a lot of other Shel Silverstein poems. so. yep!
Dec 2012 · 780
visions (in my head).
Z Dec 2012
i have this vision in my head,
it comes each night when i lay in bed.
i lay in the dark, as quiet as can be,
and listen to the wind as it whispers through the trees.
the wind it whispers, things you never said,
as i pull back my blankets, and sneak out of my bed.
i tiptoe down the stairs, across  the old wood floor,
then i pass right by the kitchen, and slip out my back porch door.
i walk out into the moonlight, as the wind blows back my hair,
and for a second i can hear your voice, it's almost like you're there.
for me it's so hard to admit, that the you i knew is gone,
sometimes i try to close my eyes, and pretend that nothing's wrong.
my feet come to the cold concrete,
to the place where the grass and sidewalk meet.
i stare into the cold dark night,
and the moon gives off a silver light.
from there i'm stuck in memories,
and the wind still whispers in the trees.
across my skin it sends a chill, i hear 'i love you kid, and always will'.
but i know the words come from the sky,
a sick illusion from my aching mind.
the match it strikes, the fire burns,
with each inhale, my stomach turns.
my insides twist, as i start to cry,
the tears fall slowly from my tired eyes.
you see,
this cigarette is like you now,
in so many different ways,
it knows the feeling of my lips,
*but the smoke, it never stays.
Dec 2012 · 5.3k
Z Dec 2012
the only thing i truly seek,
is a way to be
my own kind of unique.
the things i think,
the way i speak,
all contribute,
to being unique.
my own style,
my own technique,
my own way,
to be
Dec 2012 · 757
tick. tock. time.
Z Dec 2012
remember that rhyme?
the one about time?
with the mouse, and the house,
and the tick-tock of the clock?
hickory, dickory dock,
i'm like a mouse,
stuck in a clock.
the time it ticks,
the time it tocks,
and you and i,
we stick,
and talk.
and you tell me about your life,
and how she's hurt you so,
and i sit here and wonder,
if you even know.
you hurt me the same,
in case it doesn't show.
i felt for you.
and hope.
and i held on,
even at the end of my rope.
until my hands were burned,
and my arms were sore,
and i couldn't hold on,
to nothing anymore.
and even then i held, still,
fought against my body,
and my brains will,
because my heart,
would simply ****,
to feel your touch,
to know that thrill.
but eventually time,
it ripped you away,
i could not hold on,
i could not stay,
what could be done was done,
what i could, i did say.
and still you pulled that rope away.
i thought you were my life line,
that one day,
you might be mine.
but you aren't,
and you weren't,
and you never will,
because even though it hurts,
you love her still.
time heals all wounds,
or at least thats what i'm told,
and in the winter nights,
when your cold heart keeps you cold,
i hope you know that i could have been yours,
to have and to hold,
only if i would have told,
if only i could have been so bold.
hickory, dickory, dock.
the mouse ran up the clock,
the clock struck "done",
the mouse ran down,
I worked really ******* this. And I really like the flow of it when I read it out loud.
Dec 2012 · 1.9k
sensing sadness.
Z Dec 2012
i think in a way,
i can sense sadness.
and even though it's different for everyone,
sadness has a way of sensing me, too.

i've always been attracted to those types of people.
you know the kind i'm talking about.
with their sad smiles, and deep eyes.
the kind of people who have a story,
the kind of people who have scars.

those people are my kind of people.
you, first, with your parents divorce,
and your bottled up rage,
and the bruises you gave to me in the middle of the night,
in the bedroom on the first floor,
while everyone else was asleep.
the sadness you carried turned into rage,
and i fought to keep you in check.

and then you,
with your closet secrets,
and the dust swept under your rug.
your sadness seeped through those guards on your eyes,
and found its way right into my heart.
you etched yourself into my life,
until the sadness you felt,
i felt myself,
and your soft touches,
and sweet words,
melted into me.
and then it was all gone,
taken away in a flash,
and you walked away without a second glance.

you, next,
with your ever lasting smiles,
and modest attitude.
you never understand how much fun you are,
because you're so focused and caught up in being sad.
i saw stories in your eyes,
and the more stories i heard,
the more i learned why you were sad all the time.
but i wish the most for you, and i wish more than anything that you could be happy.
but sad people well,
they're made to be sad.
but you kept me in check.
we would talk for hours,
about pet names, and would you rathers,
and truths that i told no one but you.
and for awhile there,
i thought you could make me happy.
but our sadness together was too much,
and i ran and hid from the happiness
that i might have found in you.

you, finally,
you weren't the saddest,
or the happiest.
in fact, when i met you,
i didnt even think you were a sad person.
until i saw what she did to you,
how she broke you.
you are sad,
but because of your secrets.
because there's nothing else for you to do but hide.
you should be able to be yourself,
and live your life how you want to.

thats the thing though,
about sadness,
us sad people,
we cling to it.
we hold on to it.
and we learn to depend on it.
"you can get addicted to certain kind of sadness."
and thats that.
mostly just rambling. but its all true.
Dec 2012 · 752
Z Dec 2012
a little give,
a little take,
watch it bend,
but it doesn't break.
it resists the pressure,
and snaps back into place.
1. the act or power of resisting, opposing, or withstanding.
although powerful thoughts can be quite demanding.
to do it or not?
fight off the thoughts,
resist the urge,
to binge and purge,
yourself in negative things.
lost and lowly,
carefully, and slowly,
resist the pain resistance brings.
Z Nov 2012
to you,
i always thought you were
the quiet type.
i have a problem, with things
like that.
i feel the strongest compulsion to talk
to the quiet ones.
they're the ones with the best stories.
that certainly was true,
with you.
i always was attracted to you,
in many different ways.
like i told you,
i saw a story in your eyes,
the very first day.
there were so many thoughts,
in my head at that time.
maybe this will be easier if i try to rhyme.
i wanted to get to know you,
and i never had a doubt,
that everything i thought,
we would talk about.
i knew i could be honest with you,
and always speak my mind,
and whenever i needed someone,
i could count on you every time.
and even when you seemed sad,
you always seemed to smile,
and eventually we started talking,
although it took awhile.
all those times in math class,
you laughed along with us,
and slowly but surely,
we gained each others trust.
back then i was scared,
of being what i was,
and i denied my feelings,
and hid them just because.
i didn't realize then,
exactly how i felt,
until the night you grabbed my hand,
and my heart began to melt.
there are a lot of things i cant explain,
about the things i said and did,
and when i realized how much i cared,
i simply ran and hid.
i was just so scared of it,
and how you made me feel,
so i called ******* on my hand of cards,
and tossed away the deal.
you deserved and explanation,
for things that couldn't be explained,
and when i dropped right out of your life,
hell is what you gained.
i watched for months,
as she treated you,
like you meant nothing to her,
and it really hurt my heart inside,
because i knew how sweet you were.
you treated her like she hung the stars,
in the sky above,
but she had blackness in her heart,
that couldn't be cleared by love.
so i sat on the sidelines,
and watched her break your heart,
while the idiot i fell for,
was also tearing me apart.
i can only imagine,
how it would be,
if things hadn't happened like they did,
how different things might be right now,
if i had never hid.
i really do care about you,
if thats something you don't realize,
and i'm still interested in hearing the rest,
of the stories in your eyes.
i want you to be in my life,
more then i can show,
but if you want me around at all,
thats something i don't know.
i want to know your stories,
the ones you have yet to tell,
i need you to know,
i miss the times,
when i knew your life so well.
don't be afraid to talk to me,
because i really, truly care,
and like i told you a thousand times,
i'll always be there.
don't ever think you're
a bother to me,
or that i don't want you around,
because a friendship like the one we have,
can never again be found.
so, chief, always remember,
that i remember our story too,
and i want to be a part of your life,
because i care about you.
the captain.
Nov 2012 · 1.6k
Z Nov 2012
pretty funny,
pretty smart,
pretty good looking,
pretty big heart.
pretty normal,
pretty strange,
pretty exciting,
pretty mundane.
pretty lost,
pretty found,
pretty up,
pretty down.
pretty loved,
pretty hated,
pretty bitter,
pretty jaded.
pretty happy,
pretty sad,
pretty good,
pretty bad.
pretty tired,
pretty done,
guess i'm not,
the pretty one.
I hate the word pretty.
Nov 2012 · 418
Z Nov 2012
it's only a scratch,
a scrape,
barely will bleed.
not something
you want,
but something
you need.
it's only a scratch,
a scrape,
barely will scar.
not something
you chose,
but something
you are.
it's only a scratch,
a scrape,
a cut,
refuse to break
just break
out of this rut.
Nov 2012 · 428
never, never.
Z Nov 2012
never, never.
never, ever.
never will i.
never want to.
never have i.
never knew.
never going.
never showing.
never was with you.
never wanted it.
never tried it.
never was it true.
never had it.
never lost it.
never even knew.
never, never
lasts forever.
that's what i learned,
Nov 2012 · 640
life in lies.
Z Nov 2012
i live
my life
in lies.
i keep
my secrets
in my eyes.
yet somehow
you still get hypnotized.
if you ever asked,
i wouldn't deny,
that almost ever word
i've ever said,
has been
a lie.
i'm sick of things,
never going my way.
and i'm sick of never knowing,
the right things to say.
and the words get stuck,
and my hands get tied,
and although i've tried,
i just can't hide,
the secrets that live,
deep inside,
but i can't help but realize,
that writing this,
just like usual,
i lied.
Nov 2012 · 870
Z Nov 2012
knowledge is power,
or at least that's what they tell me.
in my case,
knowledge is more like a weakness.
i know how you how you feel,
about her,
that is.
and that breaks me down.
you love her.
they say your first love
can't compare
to any other love.
i wish i could.
i wish i would have been your,
first love.
i wish i could have been your,
first love.
but i wasn't.
i wish i could compare
to the feeling in the air
when you hear her name
and remember
all the times
that you shared.
but i can't,
and i never will,
and it kills me,
that you care for her still.
she's giving you all you ever wanted.
a new beginning,
a second chance.
why don't you take it?
we could break this off,
right now.
because i can tell
by how you act
that there are feelings for her
that you can't take back.
and i'm sorry for that.
i love you
i need you
but i won't keep you
the love
This poem makes me very sad. It probably could have been written better..but I can't find the words I want to use.
Nov 2012 · 1.1k
just. sick.
Z Nov 2012
i am so sick.
of being made out to look
like the bad guy.
while i stand here,
with my two black eyes,
and you move out,
based on a sad lie.
you are simply
your whole being is
your heart is quite possibly
and i'm no where near
grow the **** up,
would you?
couldn't talk it out like an adult,
could you?
well let me tell you,
should you,
ever try,
to act like you and I,
were ever anything more
than your quick goodbye,
and your ****** up reply,
when i asked you
what i
did wrong
i will look at you,
**** her, because I did nothing wrong. This whole life is *******.
Nov 2012 · 2.7k
Z Nov 2012
which one am i?
or maybe neither.
senses, sensing, emotion.
sometimes, i shut myself off from that.
i don't want to cry,
get upset,
be bothered.
i don't want to be angry,
too much of one,
too little of another.
i guess i can't be both.
i just don't want to be,
Nov 2012 · 8.7k
Z Nov 2012
its said that children dream
of magical heroes,
much like hercules.
or superman.
the avengers.
or power rangers.
they place all their faith
in these mythical strangers.
strangers who fight all the "bad",
and restore all the "good",
as if the heroes themselves,
are never misunderstood.
as if superman,
never lost a single fight,
and the red power-ranger,
never tossed and turned at night.
as if hercules,
never wished he wasn't as strong,
as if the avengers,
always got along.
what children don't realize,
when reading these books,
and watching these shows,
is that everyone has problems,
even the bravest heroes.
Nov 2012 · 992
Z Nov 2012
when i was younger,
my mother called me "grace".
she called me grace,
because that was exactly the thing that i lacked.
thinking about it now,
it occurs to me..
that that is a very sad thing:
to be named after something you lack.
if someone wanted to call me
a name
based on something
i can't do,
or don't have,
or am not,
maybe they would call me..
clear. for i am never quite clear on what i want.
maybe they would call me..
pure. for i have sinned a thousand times.
maybe they would call me..
shame. for i have no shame about the life i have chosen.
maybe they would call me..
beautiful. for many things about me are not quite beautiful.
maybe they would call me..
honesty. for i'm supremely good at spouting lies.
maybe they would call me..
found. for i have never, ever, been so lost.
Nov 2012 · 998
fitting in(sidethelines).
Z Nov 2012
i wish i could reside,
inside the tiny box,
with the thickly drawn lines.
i wish i could abide,
by the rules,
but instead i decide,
to come out,
be heard,
and not hide.
i can't seem to find,
a way inside,
that tiny box,
with the thickly drawn lines.
because my mind,
craves the freedom,
of leaving
these secrets
It's hard to make yourself be someone who you aren't. This poem's about being yourself.
Z Nov 2012
i really don't care,
                 as you sit here and tell me,
about the number votes,
        or when i keep thinking about,
                          the ache in my throat,
          when i think about how
   you leave me thousands of notes,
    telling me i'm your world,
and you love me and need me so dear,
                           i know you aren't lying,
that much is clear.
                but the words had no meaning,
even though i know that they should,
                    and you always tell me,
you'd marry me now if you could.
        and i feel like you mean it,
and it makes me sad,
        when you say i'm the best thing,
that you've ever had.
        you deserve so much more,
then me by your side,
                          but you stay here and hold me,
through all the rollings of the tide.
                      and that makes me wonder,
what's wrong with me?
                       you love me,
                  and need me,
that i can see.
        and i once read something,
that stung like a smack,
                     "you always love the person,
       who can't love you back."
and another thing,
        that runs through my mind like a train,
    "the person who you love, and the person that loves you,
                       they are never, ever, the same."
i do my best
     to love you,
            and give you my heart,
but i know in truth,
              you only hold
a small part.
Z Nov 2012
when she was a junior,
things were out of control.
and her days were spent,
living in secrets,
trying to figure out,
exactly who she was,
and what she was doing,
and why she felt the way she did.
and she spent her time thinking,
about the things she kept inside,
and wondering how long,
she could keep carrying the weight,
of unspoken words.
and she was never there,
when her dad came home from work.
and she ate dinner in a different house,
with a different family,
and everything was exciting,
and new,
and she didn't have to ask,
if she could be excused,
but she did anyway.
and she didn't have to help,
with all the chores,
but she did the dishes anyway.
and afterwards,
the two best friends would sneak,
into the back bedroom,
and they would do things,
that two girls
should not do.
and they would explore things,
that made her uneasy.
and before she went to sleep,
in a house that was not hers,
she would get a kiss "goodnight",
but it wasn't from her mom.
and she would think about the secrets,
that she always kept inside.
and things were out of control.
Part six. The last one's coming up next.
Z Nov 2012
when she was a sophomore,
things were looking up.
her days were spent laughing,
with her very best friends,
and acting silly,
where ever she was.
she spent all her time,
taking pictures,
so she wouldn't forget,
the things that made her smile.
and she watched her daddy,
as he come home from work,
and kissed her mom in the kitchen,
and they cooked dinner together,
and ate as a family once again.
and she told her parents about her day,
not leaving out a single detail.
and when she was excused,
she would help her mom with the dishes,
and they would laugh together.
and when she was finished,
she would find something fun to do,
and laugh until her stomach hurt.
and she would say "goodnight" to her parents,
and finish all her homework,
and she would fall asleep,
thinking of her dreams,
and things were looking up.
Part five. Almost finished!
Z Nov 2012
when she was a freshman,
things were harder then they'd ever been.
her days were spent,
trying to figure out,
who she had become.
and she spent all of her time,
in her room by herself,
feeling lost and all alone.
wondering if there was anyone,
as different as she was,
who understood how she felt.
and her dad always worked late,
so her mom rarely cooked dinner.
and she would sit at the table,
eating toaster waffles,
and drinking all her milk
with the cat at her feet, her only company.
and when she was finished,
she would lock herself in the bathroom,
and watch the blood,
as it ran from the cuts that she made on her arm,
and dripped onto the cold tiles.
and she would hide it with a band-aid,
and no one ever asked,
because they didn't want to know.
and when she crawled into her bed at night,
she couldn't fall asleep.
and her mom never said "goodnight",
so she would cry until she couldn't anymore.
and things were harder then they'd ever been.
Part four. Part five soon to come.
Z Nov 2012
when she was a teenager,
things were harder still.
her days were spent,
trying to fit in,
anywhere she could.
and she spent all of her time,
with her "so-called" friends,
lip syncing to the top 40 count down,
and putting on pounds of make-up,
even though
it made her feel like someone that she wasn't.
and she watched her dad,
as he came home from work,
and instantly fell asleep,
as soon as he laid down on the couch.
and her mom called up the stairs,
to tell her it was time for dinner.
but her dad slept through the meal,
so they didn't eat as a family.
and they made small talk about their days,
and she drank water instead of milk,
because she read somewhere,
that it was better for her skin.
and after she was excused,
she would go up in her room,
and I.M. with her "friends",
and when it started getting late,
her mom would tell her to go to bed,
and kiss her on the forehead,
and turn off all the lights.
and when she crawled into her bed,
she didn't say her prayers,
because she was too busy,
trying to figure out
what she would wear,
the next day at school,
and if the friends she had tonight,
would still be there in the morning,
and things were harder still.
Part three. Part four soon to come.
Z Nov 2012
when she was an in-betweener,
things were no so easy.
her days were spent
trying to figure out,
exactly who she was.
and she spent her time,
watching her big sister get ready,
and wondering what she would look like,
with make-up on.
and she watched her dad,
as he dragged himself through the door after work,
and sat down on the couch,
and watched TV
until her mom shouted,
that it was time for dinner.
and they sat at the table,
as a family,
and talked about their days.
and she couldn't be excused,
until she finished all her milk.
and when she was excused,
she would go up to her bedroom,
and sometimes play pretend,
even though her friends,
said it wasn't cool.
and when it was time for her
to go to sleep,
her mom would say "goodnight",
and kiss her on the cheek.
and she would whisper her prayers alone,
even though she still didn't know
exactly what they meant.
and she would fall asleep,
wondering how school would go,
and what she would do the next day,
and things were not so easy.
Part two of the series. Part three is soon to follow.
Z Nov 2012
when she was a child,
things were easier then.
her days were spent playing,
out in her backyard,
with kids from her neighborhood.
and she lived in the worlds of innocence,
and spend her time
swinging on swings,
and playing it-tag.
and watching her dad
as he showed her
how to swing the bat
and catch the ball with two hands.
and her mom stood in the doorway,
and called them in for dinner,
and they sat at the table as a family.
and she couldn't ask to be excused,
until she finished all her milk.
and when she was excused,
she could play outside,
until the street lights came on.
and then it was bath time,
and bed time,
and her mom would tuck her in,
and she would say her prayers,
even though she didn't know what they meant.
and she would fall asleep,
knowing she was safe,
and loved,
and cared for.
things were easier then.
This came to me one night after I had read the poem that's in *Perks of Being a Wallflower*. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I wrote a seven part series. This is part one, so there are six more to come!
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
colly strings.
Z Nov 2012
The words, they whirl
    The thoughts, they swirl,
  Inside a chaotic mind.
   Do you have the time,
    To read between the lines,
And try to define,
The twisted thoughts, of a complex mind?
              Take a leaf of paper,
       Write it all down,
Don’t lead them straight in,
      But explore the pathways around
What hides in your mind.
    Accused of much,
               Guilty of more,
Your lies blow up in my face,
         Like it’s a never ending war.
   You walked out, slammed the door,
Said you needed me,
         Then became unsure.
You stormed out,
     Threw me away.
What could I do, what could I say?
     Open minds, open mine.
Buff it up, and make it shine.
       Take your thoughts, and take your time.
Leave me here, fighting for rhymes,
        To explain,
In words,
        What you’ve done.
I should be over this by now...too bad i'm not.
Nov 2012 · 975
begin. because. be you.
Z Nov 2012
to write.
write out the pain,
and the anger,
and the fights.
write all night.
it's hard.
don't play the "victim" card.
burning bridges?
random words.
take your thoughts
and make them heard.
keeping secrets,
telling lies.
burning bridges,
words can't describe.
you did that,
and i did this,
can't feel your fire,
in this kiss.
drone, drone, drone,
get off the phone.
i miss when things
were all brand new.
i miss when i could be me,
and you,
you could
be you.
Nov 2012 · 726
all of it.
Z Nov 2012
so many things in my life have been a lie.
        i mean it's not really anyones fault but mine.
thats the thing though,
     the faults.
we all falter, and alter, and change how we are.
  but why?
        why do i always think its necessary to be someone else?
stories make me more interesting..
       but for how long?
my memory is so good because
   i got myself into a big mess and i have to keep all the lies i tell in line.
i did this with her
     (and she did this to me)
lies about telling the truth.
    what is the truth, really?
i'm not sure
    if i'll ever know.

— The End —