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382 · Apr 2016
God bless // 11:48 pm
Yuka Kang Apr 2016
God bless your soul for being my first heartbreak 
because it taught me that not everyone can be trusted
God bless your soul for discriminating against me
because it taught me that those words were simply just words, not the truth
God bless your soul for isolating me
because it taught me that I can pick my own self up
God bless your soul for telling me that I'll be nothing but a failure
because it taught me that I'll be the one laughing in the end
God bless your soul for telling me that I was ugly in middle school
because look at me now
God bless your soul for being my first betrayal encounter
because it taught me that I'm not the only one doing what it takes to survive
Gob bless your soul for telling me that I was too weak
because now, I am stronger than ever
God bless your soul for you letting go of my hand
because it taught me to lead my own path
God bless you and this universe
because I owe it all to you for creating who I am today
322 · Jun 2016
Oath to Remember // 1:47 am
Yuka Kang Jun 2016
I can solomnly swear, that I will not be defeated
Even if it will cause myself to sacrifice sleep for the purpose that I will not have to dream
So desire and expectations will not blossom
I will continue to believe to disbelieve
I will remain where I belong
simply for realization
I must not lose the grasp of vitality for it is
the outcome of strength or flaw
You must not become the reason for
my jubilance
You cannot be the source of trust
You will not be the solution of aid for myself
You will not conquer
I will be my own sensation
Not you
Not ever
317 · May 2016
Repeat // 2:12 am
Yuka Kang May 2016
There are moments where I get extremely depressed
usually only lasting for the maximum of five minutes

Although it only lasts for five minutes
it is the most dreadful minutes I've ever lived

Each second feels like a decade
and each minute feels like a century

The depression has no reasoning
it just comes and it just goes

After the five minutes
I am reborn

and so it repeats
304 · Apr 2016
Purpose // 7:28 pm
Yuka Kang Apr 2016
...and you were standing there
back as straight as can be
standing there with a purpose
like you've belonged there for a lifetime
I've never seen something so beautiful
so exquisite
you've found your purpose and
you've never looked as candid as one could be
up to this day
living harmoniously with the
wind, water, and land
you gave me a promise
you were my purpose...
266 · Apr 2016
Control // 2:04 am
Yuka Kang Apr 2016
She could be anything you described
A charming cynic
Showered with independence
Not a single hint of fear
Not a single drop of hope
She failed to believe the world 
So she found her own
A world only she could live in
It is not a dream nor a fantasy
It was a world she created for her own
Her world of solutions 
She created her own destiny
Her own fate
No one could stop her
For they were not the ones with the power
She was her own power
She was her own control
234 · Apr 2016
Untitled // 5:12 pm
Yuka Kang Apr 2016
I am fearful of my vivid imaginations 
through which haunts me in the dark
When there is light
all is vast
all is present
The unseen could be seen
When there is darkness
all is gone
except for my awareness
visualizing every little elements that I once saw in the light
When there is light
I feel isolated
When there is darkness
I feel suffocated
232 · Apr 2016
human // 12:31 pm
Yuka Kang Apr 2016
...there are many different types of people in this world
the good and the evil
depressed and the unimpressed
people who are blessed
people who are stressed
the saints and the wicked
a pure heart
a good soul 
mind full of spite
cursing anyone who walks by
hatred overpowering 
or  kindness overbearing
the noticed and the unnoticed 
lack of motivation
or filled with conversations 
people are different
all unique
all human...

— The End —