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4.6k · Aug 2014
Seven advice of MEVLANA
Your Thoughts Aug 2014
In generosity and helping others be like a river
In compassion and grace be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults be like the night
In anger and fury be like the dead

In modesty and humility be like the earth
In tolerance be like a sea

Either exist as you are or be as you look.
806 · Mar 2015
...Reminds me ...
Your Thoughts Mar 2015
How can a such a beautiful thing
Can harm so much
Its red flames are so high
that it reaches the clouds

It spreads so fast in such a little time
that reminds me of Usain Bold

Beauty reminds me of my hometown from far
The ruins reminds me of a city been bombed
771 · Aug 2014
Your Thoughts Aug 2014
Knowledge is like a light

in the dark house ....
602 · Aug 2014
Lost you forever....
Your Thoughts Aug 2014
Walk I said
Without looking back
Walk till it's the end...

They will catch you
If you look back
Don't want you my love
To be there

Oh dear what have you done
Told you not to look back
I was happy that I saved you once
From that creepy dark place

But know I lost you for ever....
587 · Aug 2014
Go ahead
Your Thoughts Aug 2014
Look right
Look left
Then go ahead
462 · Aug 2014
Your Thoughts Aug 2014
Leaves of the pink flower flies up high
to the clear blue sky
Later lands back to their brown stem
399 · Aug 2014
What a....
Your Thoughts Aug 2014
What a judge mental society
With a heart a black as coal
hard as stone

What a society with no feelings
with a tongue long as
girraffes  neck ..
My anger towards the society came out as poem :)
379 · Mar 2015
Your Thoughts Mar 2015
Long time , no see
Here I came back
    Hello Poetry
370 · Aug 2014
Your Thoughts Aug 2014
Always think before
you say,
other wise you have to say
sorry in the future

=your thoughts
360 · Aug 2014
344 · Aug 2014
Blind to see....
Your Thoughts Aug 2014
What difference will it make
To the blind the diamond
Is just a glass
Don't think you are the glass
When the one that looks at you is blind.....
327 · Mar 2015
298 · Aug 2014

— The End —