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1.6k · Sep 2017
O MY SKY Sep 2017
Behind every beauty, lies another beauty-
A beauty that speaks louder and paints
The true colours of the beauty behind.

Behind that beauty, is a slippery world of walls
Where all men must endeavour to climb
In order to win the banner of trust
And to achieve the trophy of love.
Behind that beauty is sadness lurking
Just behind those extraordinary eyes.

Behind that beauty is a tale to tell.
A roller coaster ride
That speaks Of Love, loss, pain, gain
Heartbreaks and Victories.
Behind that beauty lies humility
Formed by numerous experiences.
A door leading to a bit of ugliness inside in disguise.
A past full of histories of negativity, ills and wrongs
And once there dwelt insecurity and vanity
In an age of immaturity.

Despite these poisons,
Failure failed to corrupt that beauty
Or crush the human decency behind that beauty
Behind that alluring smile lies
An enticing heart,
It’s a paradise of scam, a world full of shames
That aims at nothing tangible-yet stakes a claim to fame
Expecting bows before a throne of jealousy.

A beautiful foundation that once
Held an unstable core of emotions
That ran deep with contempt and scorn
For those who tried to guess at what lay beneath,
Holding secret desires that beauty within,
Played hide and seek…
It seems there's so much beauty
That lies behind that beauty..

~ O My Sky ~
546 · May 2017
Door to My Heart♡
O MY SKY May 2017
You came to my heart,
touched my soul,
changed my day,
I love that love,
and you are mine.
My only one and only soulmate is you 'my own breath'... ❤
suggest titles if any....
362 · May 2017
Rosy Girl..
O MY SKY May 2017
Discerning your scent,
Assuaging my senses,
Oh! the rosy girl,
Come with your unicorn
In my universe,
Want to see the brilliance of your eyes,
In my captivating paradise,
Paint me a rainbow,
Grow me a moon,
Dip me in a sunset,
Sprinkle some stars,
I am afloat in an unfolding dream,
Don't wake me up just yet.

Poetess ~ Oh My Star☆
358 · Jun 2017
I l♡vĔ to...
O MY SKY Jun 2017
Under this hard shell,
I love to love you,
I love to be close to you,
I love your craziness,
Your words,
Your fragrance,
Your essence,
And I madly love your whole being.

~ yOur rOse  ♡
333 · Jun 2017
O MY SKY Jun 2017
I have a melody in my soul
That resonates in my chest,
A grain of stars in my eyes
That shines upon your skins,
And a heartbeat without end of thousand words
That begins with your name.

Poetess ~ O MY SKY ❤️
326 · Sep 2017
I found lovely You
O MY SKY Sep 2017
I need to scribe to you
To describe the colours
of your soul among the stars,
A song of million voices
Poems of eternal light
Sung by lovely birds in the sky,
Because that's what you are.

Poet - O My Sky ~
310 · Jun 2017
O MY SKY Jun 2017
I know how to touch
You in many ways.
With the hands,
With the words,
With the eyes,
With thoughts,
But what I love most
Is rubbing you with my caressing silence.

~ Straight from my ♡
suggest or have a recommendation for pen name as every poem i wrote  on this page have different pen name s like ~O my star   ~yOur rOse
~Straight from my ♡

I'm in bit in confused state
273 · May 2017
..Lovely World..
O MY SKY May 2017
What do you stand for by frowns at dazzles?
Too various to be kept,
World is enough in its depth,width and length.

Don't you see efforts to fill doors with light?
Too far to be fetched,
World is an ocean,a river,a lake or a puddle.

Dared you add an ease to be reckoned a legacy?
Too simple to be woven ,
World is about you with keys to queries too queer for you.

Don't you have devices brought to you by mighty mortals?
Too firm to be unfixed,
World is as many a form as you can happen to....
250 · Jul 2017
O MY SKY Jul 2017
Although you don't love me and although there is nobody to miss you as much as I'm always missing you each second in my life like the SKY misses the SUN during the nights, yet I still choose you, O My Love.

~ O My Sky ~
227 · Aug 2019
O MY SKY Aug 2019
Come arise my sunbeam,
Sunbathe me with your
Celestial honey eyes,
For you’ve my entire
Universe in your hands.

Poet — O My Sky
226 · Jul 2017
O MY SKY Jul 2017
You’re the only heaven I desire,
Let me light your soul on fire,
You’re the only air I need to breathe,
Your smile and laugh bring joy to me,
Your presence is the beauty of my life,
And you're the essence of every aspect
Of my life.

~ O My Sky ~
215 · Jun 2023
O MY SKY Jun 2023
O My Sky,
I shall trace the curves
Of your poetic lips
Until they lead me
To your fragile heart
And seraphic soul. 💕

~ O My Sky

— The End —