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278 · May 2014
it's not your business !
yosrineee May 2014
Please don't judge
Let it be God's job

Shut your mouth
Before I throw it out
#you #know #my #name #not #my #story
228 · May 2014
a dreamer
yosrineee May 2014
I came to this space through a tiny space
By The God grace
I'm ready to face
All this place

I'm growing

But I'm not ready to leave
By this eve
There's a big dream of mine
That I'll toast the wine
It's jut note for myself...Where's the goal is need to be reached
223 · May 2014
just miss
yosrineee May 2014
Means emptiness
But re-reaching
I'm hopeless

Both of us already have
A brand new brighter home
But there's a box I save
That I kept my poem

I just miss
Re-reading it
But I'm too selfish
To admit

I just miss
#poem #for #friend
183 · May 2014
(was) friend of mine
yosrineee May 2014
We were good
Even best
Suddenly came a bad mood
I wasn't hope that will be the last
Of us

Not even need follower
Untill you didn't realize what we were
There was a whisper I doubted
Untill made me give up
On us

Were we truly good ?
I might be fooled by myself
Even we shared the food
We still have our own shelf

You need a year for summer
While I was praying for rain
My skin became amber
I'm so plain
She was good
She is good
Always good
In her way
Which I can't come along
We are different
#friend #loosing

— The End —