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Yoko pema Mar 2017
They said am a part of them
But they treat me so different
No one know how i fell in
Because my face mask
Always Hide my tears
Oh Dear!why i am the one
Why things can't goes as i want
No more fears beacuse
I couldn't stay ,I couldn't fight
Loneliness its hurt
But know i pray at night
Just to be true to myself
Where there is only me no one else
And not to be alone inside
                                    Yoko Pema
My heart feallings
Yoko pema Jun 2017
Wish to know you
but why you so closed
Wating here for you
yet i am still invisible
its hard to pronounce
But i love you
Tall and skinny
perfect for me
wish to be yours
thou its funny
went closed to you
****! you ignor me
Don't take it as a bad
and also dont go Mad .
i wrote this poem for a boy whom i love snice 6th month ..i really love you n  please let me in #nean
Yoko pema Mar 2017
Middle of the night
      I miss you
Because your my love
  Middle of the night
    I want to hug you
Because your my love

                                --    Yoko pema
Yoko pema Jun 2017
You will always be those slippers
and the one i talk to you in my mind
you was my fav,you was so best
how could i be so careless
that i lose my best
i did not lose but i lost
and i was so stare
but i bless the one who take it away
cause i know i will get
new one to walk away.
Yoko pema Jun 2017
You came to my way
My heart began to ram
I wasn't sure what to do
So i just walk on

I look back onto you
Yet I'm still invisible to you
I day dream about the day
When i see you
And all i want to say is I Love You
This is for my crush ..
Yoko pema Apr 2018
You treate me like a optional
So i left you like a choice !

— The End —