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Yevette Lee Feb 2014
The makings of slave
The makings of a slave
He treated me like a farmer tending land
He praised me nourished me
gently raked his fingers
through my soft brown soil
Poured forth affirming words like oil

Then suddenly those kinds words stopped
  Everything besides the unfastening of his zipper
  from the bottom to the top

Without warning  he'd
****** me up into his arms
till and toil my heartbroken soil around the clock
just that zipper from bottom to top

Thought it was me
So my heart I did unlock
In vain
steadily tick-tock tick -tock

We were
Distant planets drifting farther apart
I tell you the truth
It's the start of:
Yevette Lee Feb 2014
Cinnamon brown dandelion
with a chocolate stem
covered in a white blanket
floating on sandy-striped sheets
thoughts running a marathon
around & around in my head

My goal for today is I'm
going to get out of bed
I repeatedly tell myself
get out of bed!
I am going to stop crying
Over a
yabyum coitus love affair

It's just one of those days
"I feel you everywhere"
My soul silently screams
How dare you !
ensnare me in your  love

To be from everlasting to everlasting
" oh my dear wife"

little do you know
I secretly hate you
heart filled with strife
cold bursts of chills
Prussian blue ice  

a love like mine and yours
will never re-occur
more than twice
for heaven's sake not
Oh, what a sacrifice!
Yevette Lee Feb 2014
I've searched your misty gray eyes a million times
trying to find a reflection of love
for me

Inspite of the words that flow from your lips
yet your eyes tell a colorful story of your past maybe
I ponder
something happened before our time
here come I carelessly  twirling
in this fine quest called love
but my dancing arrival was greeted
with iron clad doors
Yevette Lee Feb 2014
I light a vanilla ice cream scented candle  to fill the air
As I lie in bed
I see you like a child sitting in a dark corner .   Just to feel the warmth of you

Every time I walk away
                 I LOVE YOU.    

Each hug is priceless                                I think about things like

Who will hold your hand  ?                    Who will be your light ?

to guide you out of the arising darkness            Isn't that love ?  

Whose lips will catch your tears and  
breathe life back into your cheeks?   If only I could lend you my eternal sight

To end your lonely and seemingly endless blight  

bright star .......                     You are a bright star .
This poem was created out of my inner feeling for someone I love.
Yevette Lee Feb 2014
I cup your ears in my hands then I kiss your forehead, your eyes, tip of your nose, your cheekbones and finally your lips systematically removing your doubt & fear  of my love for you.  
Ten fingers embrace your shoulders; trace  your spine  ******* the unworthiness while kissing entire center of your being sealing just how much you mean to me ; yet your eyes tell me a different  story every time possessing a thieves glare as if you've taking mischievously what was giving
So I lifted & uncleave from you yet before leaving I held your hands turning them palm side up
I kissed your palms unlocking the shackles of guilt that you thought no one noticed  
giving you freedom to live
freedom to be .
Yevette Lee Feb 2014
Heaven opened the gates of clouds

placing a white blanket on

the shoulders of the earth

painting a picture of pleasure

for the eyes of those who will inherit her

reminding those that wither

and shall fade away like a flower

to consider their ways .
Yevette Lee Feb 2014
When I look into your eyes

Truth swells up inside of me                

and I want to tell you everything  

Unashamedly I would do so

Just to watch your ****** expressions  

in hiding curiosity  

of learning the language to your soul .
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