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Yesenia Gonzales Jun 2014
I love you no matter what direction life takes us as long as we are together. I married you because the word love was real yet fulfilled with you. I love to grow old with you and walk through the beach at sunset. The day light was beautiful, the breeze felt like feathers on my skin. I held you gentle and told you I was there to stay because you and I belong together. I love you for who you are thus not for what you are not. You are the love of my life; the voices in my dreams and Centre of my heart. Thee I love you like this.
Yesenia Gonzales Jun 2014
The flight seems long but I did not mind it. I sat by window and thought of you. The reflection of the light was ,shiny and so very beautiful. Time was not moving fast enough to feel it in my heart. The imagine of you kept running through my mind thee I could not wait to touch the ground and hold you tight.The distance did not matter,the place is not important, I love you no matter what. The day I met you was complete because I found you.

— The End —