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218 · Jun 2019
Olivia M Jun 2019
I have this dance
The partners change
and so does the style
but it always ends the same

Sometimes the dance is a waltz
and I am held gently
being swept across the floor
my feet hardly touching it

Sometimes the dance is a mosh pit
where I am thrown around
I ache all over
And am left at the mercy of others

Some of my partners are kind
They lead me softly
and I know I'm safe

Other times my partners are not.
I am at their mercy
and I pray that I'll live to dance another day

No matter what the dance is
or who my partner is
at the end of the night
I leave alone
217 · Jun 2019
Best Friend
Olivia M Jun 2019
Dear god just notice me
Not the way that you have
although that’s been nice too
See the way I look at you
Hear my heart pound when I’m around you
understand that “I love you”
means so much more than it implies
205 · Jun 2019
That's What She Said
Olivia M Jun 2019
Leave me alone
I don't want to do that
202 · Jun 2019
Freckles and Constellations
Olivia M Jun 2019
You cover your skin with primer and foundation and blush
Eyeshadow and mascara and bronzer and lipstick
but with all that makeup who can see your face?

When all the lies are gone
the beauty is in the freckles and lines and blemishes
I see planets and galaxies when you look my way
There are constellations in your skin
and there's a supernova in your smile

And space is cold and stars burn out and die
But I want to see your face for eternity
This poem is about how true beauty isn't what you put on, it's what's already there
182 · Jun 2019
Olivia M Jun 2019
"Find something that you like"
And I searched hard and long
And I couldn't
151 · Jun 2019
The Plunge
Olivia M Jun 2019
The wind bites at her cheeks as she stands at the dock
the ocean churning, living, breathing underneath her
dark and deep, deep, deep

She shivers and pulls the thin cardigan closer around herself
her whole body shaking as she looks at the stars
cold and far, far away

Her hair is thrown this way and that by the wind
absentmindedly she secures it loosely
trapped and nowhere to go

She takes a deep breath and feels the crisp cool air fill her lungs
She hesitates for only a second
then takes the plunge
This poem is  about feeling alienated by mental health issues. "Taking the plunge" refers to beginning the healing process, whether that means self care or help from others. It's the plunge into a cold ocean because asking for help and recovering are not easy things to do.

— The End —