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YV Oct 2015
The beauty about speaking with words. Is the meaning behind the tongue. You'll endure the red ,black ,and blue.  Its interesting to be told this and that ,to believe you are young.  You are young with the mere mind of an idiot , told at birth. The tongue will tell all . You might be cry , whine, laugh , or even given a somber smirk to what anyone tells you. The ears are spoken by the beauty of the words. Its the art of being able to listen to what is red, black, and blue. The severity of confusing the somber smirk of love , is terrifying ... What is so horrid about speaking and hearing, that it tar. Its spoiled and rotten. Those who you seem happy around you are broken . They are shed into million glass specks that flutter in the wind, wanting to understand this world . The world that isn't so terrifying at young. As a child this planet is home to pretty roses that blossom to the warmth of mother sun . Once the tear of water falls from the heaven the thorns are realized, they are harmful ,yet apart of something so beautiful . You are told to listen and hear like a proper child. Its all unity in one for this place we call home. Live up to those soft petal that shed when the cold autumn arrives . Compliment the blood like color for its unity of sound and tongue brings happiness to this once innocent place.
YV Mar 2015
Keep yourself
Don't talk to me
I was a lie
A lie man kept before the sun rose
A dark side of the light not rose
You walk fashion to a limp lie
Don't talk to me
The world tilts to herself or himself
I am enigma not loved
You cannot be yourself in this rotten world
I miss you talking
It all hurts to be taken to lies
YV Mar 2015
You drag your feet deep in the sea , its bottomless and deep . Listen to the shriek of the heat , it burns against your skin.Lost amongst the dream of red, a red sea, just like a red heat.Alone , you see, is the sea.The sea of what alone is to burn your heart into blue.Yander is black to the heart of a narrow soul, deep and blue .Purple is the sorrow to which you wince and dream.Dream and scream, you'll be lost .Lost without campassion, the head a midst sight.A sight the blind , hear not see.See the realm of your heart is a pity not even deep the sea could keep.
YV Jan 2015
My friend you aren't  alone.The black sky is a mere painting to the heavens that exist in your mind.The ones who actually care don't  drip your compassion on a string. You isolate yourself because its okay to wander for days,let your beauty evolve. The way people tell you that your heart is a rock,become hard enough that'll  become a diamond, so you may shimmer.You glisten with the envy of thier glares,because you are the girl with the flaxen hair. Dance in the shadows,and bestow the diamonds of your heart,so that it'll be your treasure. You a crude diamond with flaxen hair of golden strings,that stroke the purity  of your soul.
YV Aug 2014
Shiver the little twinkles of diamonds they hold, you aren't wealthy .The holes in your eyes , are not dark, not white, but gray.The ash of your dead body , does not spring, but flys to the sky.The blood that gives you life, does not bleed , but weeps.All these twists that spiral, they don't hold neither, they hold one.The confusion of a spoken parallels, are not ....
The man whom sits upon the porch with a lit cigarette, he does not speak, he knows to speak.Now sit, sit with this god, this glory.You see that passion that flakes , he doesn't, he cares for man, not man, but he is man.Shimmer , please say her name, I won't cancel . Can't I be your god?
YV Jul 2014
I twitched an eye, the swell boy laughed.The eye bruised a mixture of purple and green, they fought for a rightful place on my flesh.I felt the burn of a droplet of liquid rim down my eye, the swell boy laughed. The dry cracks in my lips were filled inbetween salty water and iron, the swell boy laughed.I gestured my nose up to the light blue sky, the swell boy laughed.I let out a small moan of desperation, the swell boy hummed.The swell boy eyes silvered to the hunger, the crave of my fear.The swell boy ripped off the rags that dripped from the ends of my corpse, the hunger conquered. I seemed to please the best , that is what I was told.I have no place to sing or shriek, I am a swell boys.The swell boy ate my flesh, it was happiness to them.The water in the well sat unpleasant , I let the purge overcome.You aren't beautiful the swell boy voice howled, I am not.
YV Jul 2014
I can't define my innermost beauty , I define the outermost. I taint my lips with the crimson sin.The unbreakable lines that develop the swoon with the touch of the color absorbing magic.This young enchanting girl once sat staring , she colored and hummed.The glistening amber pits flaked with her gentle smile, she swayed to the skipper of the touch.The touch of playful youth.The girl now sat staring, she colored her eyes, she scowled to him, her hair bunched in dry fire, the smile framed her harsh lies.The girl stood outlooked the world , the delicate exterior flamed to bring her sadness.You cannot lie , You cannot die, You cannot...I cannot stop from telling you .
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