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378 · Mar 2014
Boogie Monster
yaraly garcia Mar 2014
Child molesters take you
like the boogie monster that's under your bed
They get into your head
and they won't come out
they stop you from your future
they take the childhood
out of your bare hand
you didn't see the light for years
your stuck with a mad man
taking your life away
his the boogie monster you wished you never met.
but deep inside you know that mad man didn't want to hurt you
his suffering inside
with no one to help him
his a child stuck inside a evil man body
he doesn't know how to escape from his pain
his life is under the ground with his life choice he made
his scared to let go for himself
his under pressure with himself
he doesn't know what to do
his minded is stuck under the ground
he known as the boogie monster
the mad man
he know his evil but knows how to change
he need hope to start something new, in his life
he was once the boogie monster that was under your bed.
371 · Feb 2014
His Black Abyss
yaraly garcia Feb 2014
My heart broke,
when i saw him within
the injustice he suffered,
what they said to him.
they beat him down,
and caused him great pain,
they hurt him so much,
that he didn't get up again,
he just layed there
as they beat him down.
he didn't move,
nor make a sound,
they broke his soul,
they poisoned his heart,
they hurt him so much,
that he fell apart.
little by little he tore at the seams,
little by little they killed his dream.
the pain was too great for him to bare.
so much so that his warm heart felt to ice,
becomes a cold stare.
he bid fairwell to the world,
as he blew it a kiss,
before he fell into his depression,
His Black Abyss.

— The End —