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Aug 2011 · 641
Well of love
Yaffa Yaffa Aug 2011
My love you is as a well,
Deep and filled with the most important resource,
But it’s not for the body but for a broken soul,
So it’s filled with love,
And my love for you just won’t seek to extinct,
So my love won’t dry out,
Now don’t make my love overfill,
So please take a bucket to the well,
And fill it and when you’re thirsty please come back,
Reside near me and visit me daily,
Partake of my love,
So it’ll become part of you.
Aug 2011 · 636
Our love?
Yaffa Yaffa Aug 2011
They say that the eyes are windows to the soul,
And the soul holds all the secrets,
And secrets are something that we keep to ourselves,
So maybe if I were a light ray I’d penetrate the eyes,
And discover your secrets,
Because maybe you love me too and have kept it to yourself,
Then if I knew about your love for me I’d reveal mine,
And maybe just for once the universe would break its rules,
So like Snow White and the Prince we would live happily ever after,
And maybe our love would be a secret and you’ll keep it deep within the wells of your soul,
And you’ll keep it close to you wherever you may go,
Or maybe I’ll be your secret and you’ll have be inside you,
And hold me close to your heart,
So I can hear the sound of your heartbeat,
Or the sound of your heart,
And know if you love me,
But all these things are like my childhood imagination,
And there’s no way for me to find out if you love me,
Other than you opening up,
But if you do love me too,
You won’t believe my love for you is true,
So my love will be a hypothesis;
Something I’ll have to prove,
But I’d do anything to be your secret,
But I’ve got to step down from the stars back to earth,
And realize that your love for me holds a question mark after it.
Yaffa Yaffa Aug 2011
If I could have had the whole world listening,
I would not talk about the past,
Instead I’d talk about direction and the right path,
I’d talk about unity,
Promote non-violence,
And never about my sexuality,
I would not talk about religion,
Or politics,
Instead I’d talk about unanimous decisions,
And never about a one world government,
I would promote equal rights,
And to every individual one wish granted,
I would not take money from the poor,
Nor from the rich,
Instead I’d talk about freely giving,
And not about paying taxes,
I would not talk about the problems we face,
Instead I’d talk about a solution to each,
And when I look at population seven billion,
I won’t see a rainbow,
I’d see our race as a zebra,
For at the end of the day we are all human beings,
I would not talk about education,
Nor would I talk about social status,
For one day we must all become part of the past,
And so will our achievements,
Because we do not become known because of the present,
But because of our pasts;
No one sees us as what we will do but what have done,
And I’ll talk about the topics we shun,
Because they’re still there but we hide them in the dark,
And I won’t talk about my struggles,
Nor about yours,
Nor will I talk about our achievements,
But I’ll talk about what we all have done,
And where our actions have brought us,
But most foremost I won’t promote my sexuality,
I’d talk about equality.
Jul 2011 · 644
The Doctor
Yaffa Yaffa Jul 2011
Soft brown locks down to your waist,
The way you walk drives me crazy,
All that self-esteem and confidence,
Leaves me cardiac arrested,
But you don't let it go to your head,
You walk with confidence in every step,
You know why you're there when you go to every sick patient's bed,
The way you direct the nurses,
And put your pen to paper,
Makes me sure that you know your work well,
The way you saw about me with smiling eyes,
Put some hope into that mind of mine,
But I guess that's how you see about every patient,
So I won't put my hopes up too high,
But in the next three years when I'm eighteen,
Find my file,
Give me a call if you remember me,
But for now,
You're just that doctor that drives me crazy,
Guess you're not doing your work right,
Because after taking that dose of medication you prescribed,
I'm still sick,
Thinking of your pretty face every second of the day,
Guess I got to forget about you,
But lately I've been trying to get ill,
Hoping that I'll have to take a visit,
But makes no use trying,
Because just the thought of you keeps me healthy.
Jul 2011 · 756
If you only knew
Yaffa Yaffa Jul 2011
Remember the first time we looked into each others eyes,
Everything was just silent as we showed our beautiful smiles,
Your lips were in kissing distance,
But you didn't think of your lips meeting mine,
Sending off fireworks,
Making me shiver to my bone,
Because we were just friends,
Normal friends,
But for those few seconds you stared at me,
My world became dark and filled with dreams,
Rain was falling,
And lightning stroked,
It was just the both of us,
In each others arms,
The room was dark but I still saw your face,
Your eyes were fixed on mine,
We held hands tightly,
I was nervous,
Filled with anxiety,
But you seemed calm,
Just the touch of your palm,
And I knew that you felt safe with me,
But just as I was about to move in,
You giggled and I was right back into reality,
I blushed red,
You did not know what I was thinking,
In your mind it was just some silly little game,
You turned around as the exam was about to be started,
But during that examination,
I thought about my orientation,
Taking glimpses of you now and again,
And wishing that I could pull your short, brown hair,
I smiled to myself,
Maybe it's just a phase,
There's no way I'm attracted to another girl,
But since that day there's only been a population of two in my world.
Yaffa Yaffa Jul 2011
All this criticism, persecution,
Hatred, scorn,
Thrown towards us,
Two women,
Two men,
Immoral relationship they say,
Against God's word,
That's not the way He wanted it,
But one woman, two men,
Two women, one man,
Nothing's wrong with that,
16 year old teenage girl sleeping with the married man,
Nothing's said about them,
And if something's said, it's done in whispers,
Rumshop or evening gossip,
But me,
Harsh words are thrown my way,
No one cares about the tears they cause,
But when the woman down the road slept with my ex-husband,
I deserved it because I did not do enough to keep him,
They say,
But when I had a one night stand with the woman from the other town,
Words were thrown my way,
Because when I have ***,
There's no product formed from the substrate,
Or because when two products come together, there's no reaction,
Othan than multiple ******* caused by erogenous pleasure,
Or because I use toys,
And you need none,
Or is it because God made Adam and Eve,
And destroyed ***** and Gomorrah,
But he did not make Adam and Eve and the next door neighbour Steve,
And last time I checked he was on the merge of destroying Nineveh.

You say we destroy the definition of marriage or family,
But the contraceptives you use contribute to Global Warming,
Which sounds better?
A home started by a relationship like mine,
Or an Earth that's on the merge of dying?

They say,
That relationships like mine add nothing to society,
But relationships like yours cause fatherless homes,
Contributing to prostitution and gang wars,
Or multiple abortions before the age of 25,
Talking about my acts of erogenous pleasure causing no reaction, no creation,
But relationships like yours cause abortions,
Destruction of life, right in the middle of creation,
You call it abortion I call it ******,
Termination of life,
So who's the criminal?
But because of the sexuality placed upon me,
I'm persecuted,
I'm scrutinized,
Verbally abused,
And people like you are easily accepted,
But don't forget,
I'm the product of a heterosexual relationship.
Jul 2011 · 651
Why hate us?
Yaffa Yaffa Jul 2011
You say it's wrong,
Because it's a sin,
You teach little children that lying's wrong,
Because it's a sin,
But last time I checked you did not hate them for it.

— The End —