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Xilhouette Mar 2018
Strange it really is
To call a place with people
That I just dont know,

Save a few bottles
And glasses with beer on tap,
Somewhere I call home.
Welcome to Spektral

Xilhouette Dec 2010
Simply wonderful
An amazing facade
A fantastic mask

Where oh where
Did I once see

By the sea
By these people?
Strangers in and out
Moving on?

Where oh where
Did I once grasp

Cold and empty;
The house of gold
The villa of superiority;
A broken bone

Where oh where
Is my only refuge

Silver pen,
Black ink,
White lie:
Comfort me

For I was once a god
For I was once in power
For there is no one I could need
For this silhouette is vanishing

Cold heart;
Blind eye;
A question,
An answer:

Why oh why
Am I unloved

I am simply
Depression... Always at your service...
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Feb 2011
We'll see birds flying
We'll see sun rising
We'll hear winds sighing
As for you, enticing

I'll hear fireworks roar
You'll see my eyes shine
For I love you forever more;
Complete and benign

I just hope this would happen
I just hope you were mine
I bet this day will be barren
But, if you're my valentine...
Xilhouette © 2011
Xilhouette Jan 2016
I stand under the sun,
Waiting for a bus
As I watch people have fun
As I watch them in a fuss

I stand under the heat of summer
Waiting for a ride
As the other people sunder,
And lose their pride

Suddenly there came rain
and the bus is nowhere in sight
the other people left, being insane
from the dark clouds of night

Yet I stood there waiting for my ride
Believing it wouldn't be a shame
If i continued my stride...
Suddenly a flash of light! It's here, it came
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette May 2018
It's ******
It's gore
It's death
It's destruction

It's pain
It's torment
It's torture
It's suffering

It's fear
It's uncertainty
It's weakness
It's every breakdown you could possibly think of

All for

A moment of peace
Maybe romance

All for one moment of happiness
Xilhouette Jan 2016
In the morning when you wake,
You smile, then you take
A deep breath, for courage to come
And take a shot of something like ***
Giving yourself to I,
Using all your power not to ask why.
I remember why I love you.
Look me in the eye as I'll imbue
A feeling that you once knew
Run toward me and I'll make clear the hue

I love it when you become weak,
Like the lamb so innocent, so meek
On another note, there's your voice
Vibrating in my ear, making me rejoice.
Everything you do, I definitely love
Yet sometimes I forget, that I'm ashamed of...
Oh but don't you ever grieve for I am
Unable to leave, for I too am a lamb
© 2012 Xilhouette

" For this very wonderful girl that I fell in love with. I'm sorry that I'm not perfect. But for you, I'll make myself perfect "
Xilhouette Mar 2019
Not when clouds turn grey
Nor when the wind ceases to howl

Not when the ground shakes
Nor the earth rumbles

Not even when mountains erupt
Or when the forest sunders

Only when

Souls tear apart
With a sound that makes even the mightiest ones shudder

When your mind breaks
And you give in to despair
Like pillars of cement
Coming down to the abyss

Only When

You seek solace in cigarettes
Or see a better life by the bottle

Does the world end
Xilhouette Feb 2018
In ropes, little Sparrow attempts to fly
Feet tangled to the ground
But with wings ready to glide

The first burst of flight,
Sparrow struggles.
Sand and gravel getting in the way of
its lonely path

Then the next,
was none so different.
Winds howling;
Give it up its impossible
Your freedom is highly improbable

Shackles mocking Sparrow:
This is reality
The ground is your home
The sky is fantasy
There is no sun, no stars, no moon for you
What lies beyond is simply tragedy

Sparrow does not listen.
Wings beat against the shackles
Against the chains of reality
Sparrow gains a boost.
A last surge of adrenaline
The ropes seem to weaken;
Now courage seems to thicken

A gust of hope from beneath the wings.
One more.
Just one more.
And Sparrow is free.
Free from this dastardly reality...

And finally at long last.
The fetters have given.
The shackles have broke.
The rope has snapped.

For a moment. Just a moment.
Sparrow is free. Free to the edge.

To the cage of fantasy.

Sparrow realizes.
There is no freedom.
No ground
No rope
No shackle.
No not anymore.

There is but the fantasy
Of the sun the moon and the stars
The forests the skies the seas unending.

Oh lonely Sparrow
Sad little Sparrow
You were once fettered to the chains of reality
Only to be chained
and bound
by the horror of fantasy.

Oh sad little being
Once again you have returned
To the melancholy
You may or may not have earned.
Only a miracle can save me
Xilhouette Nov 2010
It all starts with a pen.
Perhaps a line and then
Scribble round and about
Of course with some doubt
That you will like them,
Then after wards: "Yay! A poem!"
But if you think its like your 'femme'
Which is more impossible than a gem
I beg you just don't shout
Like an extremist devout...
Besides, if you think again,
It all starts with a pen
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Feb 2011
Eating with myself;
Not the best thing to do huh?
I'd beg to differ.
The spell of "alone" always gets me, and I like it; whether it hurts me or not. Xilhouette © 2011
Xilhouette Oct 2016
You were a bud
Hiding beauty inside yourself

A bud waiting to bloom
And bloomed beautifully you did

Now a rose you shown your color
A dazzling red growing from green

Hid inside a glass dome you wait
People thinking youd never break

You were a rose hidden inside a shell
Yet You had fallen from the skies and your petals fell
You will return to the sky where you belong
Among the roses and your thorns

My dear you were a fallen rose
But my dear; to everyone
   you are still a rose
Xilhouette Apr 2010
Simple, friendly
Singing, laughing, smiling
Actress, happiness, sadness, poet
Writing, creating, dreaming
Defeatist, amorous
A simple diamante. Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Zap the lightning. Crash the thunder.
Even immortals; they will sunder
Under my wrath they will be lit
So mortals prepare and so be it.
© 2016 Xilhouette

— The End —