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Aug 2020 · 94
Xenna Aug 2020
I know I'm difficult
I know I'm hard to handle
I know my mind is my worse enemy
But I'm trying to suppress the screams

I know I'm stressed
I know it's hard to breathe
I know it's hard to communicate
But I'm trying to put a smile on my

I know I'm too much
I know my anxiety is taking control
I know I no longer wanna exist
But I've been trying for years

I know your love started to fade
I know the way you look at me  
I know that you know I see it
But I'm trying to still believe you care

I know your stressed
I know you don't mean what you say
I know you pity me with the
       "I'm sorry"
But I'm trying my hardest to be blind

I know how you dont look at me
           when I speak
I know you dont wanna hear my pain
I know you dont think about me
But I'm trying to have time go back

I know, I know, I know
But I'm tired of trying now
Jul 2018 · 185
Here we are
Xenna Jul 2018
Here we are...

A brewing toxin of emotions
That will bubble and fester
Out of control

Here we are...

A creation of chemicals
Of two mixtures
Combining; entwining

Here we are...

A living example of love
Living experience of mistakes
The forshadowing events of regrets
Its not finished, just the begining of something I've been writing.
Jan 2017 · 355
Your Master
Xenna Jan 2017
Dance, tormented soul.
Sing, broken heart.
Cry, fractured bones.

As your master hits the ground.
Pounding their fists against the pavement,
Causing the floor to be written with flesh and blood.

Speak, tearing flesh.
Stand, damaged mind.
Move, sealed lips.

As your owner screams.
Only allowing the darkness to hear.
Causing silence around them as they gasp for air.

Reach, crippled arm.
Draw, collapsing eyes.
Swim, invisible cries.

Your master lives, yet dies.
Breathes, yet Drowns.
Smiles, yet hides.

Scream, shaking fingers.
Bleed, unspoken words.
Write, oppressed emotions.

Your master loves you, yet hates you.
you cannot dare to leave unless they decide to leave this realm.
So you must stay to become your master's body and mind.
Dec 2016 · 413
I'm Enough
Xenna Dec 2016
Am I not pretty enough?
Thin enough?
Thick enough?
You've cheated me on me twice
Now its my turn to roll the dice.

Am I not good enough?
Smart enough?
stupid enough?
To get stirred by your words
So my mind can miss the worse.

Aren't I enough for you?
Funny enough?
Sweet enough?
I was told I was a fool
For falling in love with you.

Don't I love you enough?
Am I clingy?
Am I distant?
I forgave you the first
Thinking you'll never do worse.

However, I was dead wrong.
Thinking it would be a beautiful song,
But my heart has been torn
As my mind has been worn
By the lies you had spew
And everyone knew.

I gave you my trust,
But all you wanted was lust.
You had put me in a trance,
But there was no romance.
I gave you one last chance.
Now, I don't believe I can trust another man.

You took my heart
And broke it apart
But from this tragedy
I had grew rapidly.
So I say thanks
For no longer leaving me blank
So I could be able to see
That you were never right for me.
Dec 2016 · 293
No Longer On Top
Xenna Dec 2016
I am me, but not really me.
What do you mean you ask?
Well this is my body,
But in my mind there is someone else
Who's on top.

I cannot breathe with out their say
Nor can I think without their thoughts.
I am their vessel, their ship.
I am nothing but a doll that cannot live without it's owner

Go ahead and call me insane
But, the person on top
Will force me to believe that's crazy.
Dec 2016 · 323
Beauty In The Shadows
Xenna Dec 2016
Darkness develops, deadly
We become drenched in it
By nightfall
Yet, we sleep when it's
Fully appeared.

Darkness develops, deadly
For we consider anything
In the rage, category of

Still most beautiful things
Lay within the grasps
Of the shadows
That we forget sometimes
Dec 2016 · 365
A Conversation
Xenna Dec 2016

How are you?
I've been good

I've been meaning to ask.
but why do you always hide behind a mask?
What do you mean?

Well I've seen you struggle
Yet, you don't cry.*
You just act shy
And just smile

It's ok if you don't answer
I don't mean to pressure.
I was just wondering why
You never cry.
I cry...
But on the inside
Because the shadows of my past
Lingers on to me.
I hate to have it reappear.
It haunts me when I'm happy.
It slips it's way through
Before I sleep.
I wasn't always
Yet I do it to avoid the questions
That others will always ask.
So to me, ignored by these
Stubborn people.
I do nothing but smile.
I smile
To tell myself
to try and forget the past,
Yet it still stands in
The corner
Glaring at me

I'm sorry, I didn't know.
It's ok I just never showed.
Dec 2016 · 281
The Trees
Xenna Dec 2016
The wind ravishes the trees.
They sway in fear.
They scream with their cries.
As we sit idly by.
Dec 2016 · 580
Daily Routine
Xenna Dec 2016
The wind blows lightly,
Brushing against her face.
Letting her hair run rampaged.  
It was raining,
No one on the streets.
Waiting for her bus.
With tears in her eyes.
The rain masking them.
So much on her mind
and no longer willing to tell.

She was living out her
Daily routine.
Jun 2016 · 362
I fear...
Xenna Jun 2016
I fear the beasts under my bed
I fear the monsters who corrupt society
I fear the creatures that allow the racism and stereoypes inhabit their mind
I fear the inequality that people say we dont have
I fear the critizism we get for doing what we love.
I fear the place where we have become
I fear the reality that others love
I fear the media who supports self confidence but tears it back down again
I fear that the world is nigh with how we treat the world.
I fear the wars that we start which can be advoided.
I fear the wars we see on our streets
I fear the gangs today, When back then they didnt harm the innocent
I fear this place were manners are wanted but not performed.
I fear fear but not as much i fear how humans have become

When people question if we still have humanity
Where people question if we are truly equal
Where people question if we are diverse
Where people question if we truely are free.
Where people question why we scapegoat
Where people question if the governmet will be there
Where people question the loyalty.

I fear what humans have become the most
Jun 2016 · 270
My Life
Xenna Jun 2016
I've been there to remove
And clear all of your tears.
I've been bought,
Just to be used.

You need me,
But then you just
Toss me away.

I allow you to lean on my shoulder
To soak my clothes and tears
With your
Snot and tears.

That's all I've been to you,
To be used
And thrown away.

You'd rather spill your heart out
And walk away,
Without a friendship
Or even a conversation.
You barely care
About how I feel...

Oh well,
I'm just a tissue
After all.
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
Watch Me Grow...
Xenna Jun 2016
I was told I was everything,
But in the end people consider me as
As unwanted.

I was told I could be anyone,
Yet everything I consider as me and what I desired
Was destroyed
And hated.

I was told I can follow my dreams.
In the end, the were always broken down by the same person,
Saying, " It is too unrealistic, because
It's just a dream."

I was told I could love anyone,
But had to give everything I have
just to get a
Fragment of love.
So love is impossible for me.

I was told to live,
But each day they come to me
Spilling out their hearts.
Yet, when It came to me
I was ignored.
They told me to disappear.

They told me I can do anything and live my life,
Still in the end it was shut down,
As they exclaim, " How? How are you going to do it?
You can't,
You're not rich,
You don't have connections or opportunities.
You can barely take care of yourself."

Hypocrites, they are.
Worst of all, they are my family and my friends,
But I want them to
Watch me...

Watch me...
As I grow up stronger
From each and every step
Each and every fall and mistake.
In which I learn from.

I want them to watch me
Grow as a leader.
I want them to watch me
To I can become who I truly want to be,
That I long for,
That I dream of.

I want them to watch me,
So I can show them and others that you can't abide
By others words.
That actions are more important.
Your actions define you,
Not your name
Not your past,
Not your class.
It's what you choose to do.

Do you choose to be a follower
For the rest of your life?
Or do you struggle with change
To become a leader?

I want them to watch me...
In my steps
To becoming what I wish and
A  leader.
May 2016 · 336
The Enclosed World
Xenna May 2016
I felt the sun on my skin,
the warming,
yet stinging sensation is left.
I was staring
outside my window
from the corner of my bed,
trying to block
out the yelling from the otherside of the door with
my cries.

That door,
That bolted door,
was the difference
between the worlds of
and relaxation,
which I lay in fright of the other side.

That side which holds
the anger,
the animals that will tear each others throats if willing.
I fear leaving my world and
entering that world of reality.
I've been pushed to this corner
by people who I thought  where standing by my side,
who told me they loved me
and the ones that left me standing on the edge of the cliff of life.

Trying so hard to push forward
against the concrete wall
that they had built against me. Scarping and tearing my flesh
against this wall,
I finally,
gave up.
I had not gave up my life,
but instead I gave up the feelings
that basic humans need,
yet was forced to keep the ones
that others will gladly give away.
The pain,
and sadness.

I no longer have the sense of joy for the things I have,
but the sense of jealously of what others have,
No longer the feeling of happiness, but I fake it,
to seem normal to the
human eye.
No longer the feeling of excitement of being with others,
but the fear of what they will do,
what they could do and
the harsh breathing which has been coming from

All of these experiences
lay behind
the door,
if you listen.
you can hear it.
amongst the yelling.
its claws against
the bolted door,
to come in
for me to exit,
To be torn to pieces
by the animals that reside there.

Fearing that I will soon lose
my sanity,
I Curl up against the corner
of my enclosed,
single window room.
where  I hold my ears within
the clasp of my palms,
where my fingers are
tangled within the strands of my hair, where I feel the moist drop and streams run down my face.

As I stare out side the window
to the sky as a flock flies by,
and where i beg
to join them,
but that's impossible,
the lost of some humanity
no longer grants me the right to fly.

within the view of my sight
i glimpse at the scars
that lay flat against my skin,
each one representing a day
where i suffered and wanted to be gone,
but also another day that i had
These scars give me some encouragement
to survive
to live another day
because one day it will happen,
where i will leave my world
and break down
the bolted door.
Where i can
finally stand up
and fight against the wall,
to push through and live,
to gain  back the emotions
i have once lost.
My hands grasps
against my head,
curled my body
to the wall,
as a eerie voice
through the door
speaking my name

I try to ignore it and
whisper to myself
"One day, just one more day then i'll be safe".
May 2016 · 211
I Will
Xenna May 2016
The words "I will"
are powerful.
it is you who can bring out that power.

We say "I will"
thousands of times.
we have never done.

"I will" is a promise
to yourself,
to others,
that you WILL DO.

Still we break that promise
when it gets too hard.
we promise things that are unheard.

we promise to do many things.
these promises are unspoken.

We promise things that we already do.
we say,
I will survive.
I will love.
I will help.
I will defend.
I will learn.
I will work.
I will be in pain.
I will be lonely.
I will hate,
but I will forgive.
I will cry.

**I will be human.
May 2016 · 248
Losing To The Bottle
Xenna May 2016
He sits on the side
With a bottle in his hands.
His dream was to teach,
But now each bottle was his deed.

He used to have kids.
But they were just a bother.
His child now was the bottle
that rested on against his cheek.

He wanted to marry,
But she couldn’t dare.
After all her heart was someplace else.
So the bottle has became his love.

He wished and he desired
To be kissed and to be held
By the warm touch of her finger tips.
Yet now he has drowned in the bottle that he has so chosen.
Where he lies now, at the bottom of this bottle.
Where he has lost a battle and finally lost the war.
Still in its writing and editing phase.
Jan 2016 · 235
Darkness Falling
Xenna Jan 2016
The darkness awakens
Within her heart,
Once the tears leave
Her puffy red eyes
And her blood
Escapes the ribbon like wrists.

She has become tired
And longing her demise
But she doesn't see the
People who are by
That try to understand
And who stands by her side.

Still she slices
Tempting to die.
Knowing her life is slowly deteriorating
They scream to help,
To let her live a peaceful life,
Before the pins teared away her
Morality and humanity
Leaving a broken capsule.
Sadly, she is deafened by her screams,
As she carves each line
Counting each day being
Engulfed with pain,
And the scars she tries to erase
That they knifed
Onto her heart and mind.

While her wrists sting
And she starts to feel relieved.
The tingling of the grasps
By multiple hands
Covering her wounds.
As they scream and shout
"We're here, don't push us out."

A tear sheds down her cheek
As a smile begins to form
And a "Thank you"
is whispered.
Jan 2016 · 232
Xenna Jan 2016
The shadow lusters
As the darkness glistens
By the rays of hope slowly fading.

And I lay here dead.
My head above clouds,
As the stars grow apart the skys
And descend to our world.
Oct 2015 · 233
Xenna Oct 2015
I am living,
But I am dead.
My heart has
Been carved out
By the idea of
"Death do us part".

He has gone so far away
Where my arms cannot reach.
Where my voice lingers in the shadows.
Where my love withers in darkness.
Where my warmth ceases to exist.

I've made a river flow
Full of thousands of tears,
But these tears are not
Shown on a mask.
They are shed within
As my body
As my mind
And as my heart
Is torn to shreds
By each tear that
Is created.

My thoughts
Are filled of nothing
But them.
Circling the phrase
"It could've change'
"It's my fault".

But one thing
Is certain
That these words
My heart says
But is unspoken
"I love you"
Is closed with
Sep 2015 · 300
Xenna Sep 2015
I can hear her,
The clicking of her heels,
They’re coming closer.
The smoke of the tar
That flowed through her mouth.
My heart begins to race
As it’s about to explode.

“So it goes”

I don't allow myself, never,
To see her face.
Embarrassment overwhelms
My mind
As hope fills hers.
I don’t accept the life she gave,
I’d rather be dead in my grave.

“So it goes”

The pain she suffered
To bring me here.
As I sit here
The covers over my head.
As the doors opens and she walks through
Like a great typhoon,
I begin to die of the pain.

“So it goes”

Embarrassment  fills my mind,
She hopes I say “hello”
But no!
I am ungrateful
Of the life she handed me
Especially when I, myself
Wish I haven’t survived.

“So it goes”…
As my eyes close
This poem was inspired by the novel "Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt Vonnegut.
Jun 2015 · 391
Broken and Unspoken
Xenna Jun 2015
He stands there
With his heart
In his hands
And a knife
On the floor.
For he cut out his heart
To show his love
Just for her,
Because she wanted
Materials to express it.
For his words wasnt
Enough to satisfy.

She stands there
Of such a ****** act.
As she exclaims
She didn't want his heart,
But jewels,
To brag.

So his heart slipped
Through his hands,
Along with his life
Surrounded by blood
And by her lies.
Escaping from the emptiness
That was craved out.
As it was to
Create and live
The emotion
Of love,
But now
It leads nowhere
As it stains
The floor black as night.

She runs
Away as the
Final words
Pass through
His colorless lips
Stuttering his

"I love you"
Thank you for reading, hopefully you enjoyed.
Jun 2015 · 633
One Last Time
Xenna Jun 2015
Time to time
It wonders by
Without a breathe
It reeks of death.
Cloaked in red
But dark as black.
As his hands clasp
To his partners grasp,
Tight as death.
He appears at the door
And at her bed,
to glimpse at her
To entwine
His finger along with hers.
As she breathes her final breathe
He sheds his only tear
As he stares
At her demise.
This is a rough draft, it's not quite there yet, but thanks for reading. Hopfully you enjoyed it.
Apr 2015 · 441
Wanting To Disappear
Xenna Apr 2015
Have you ever
Had that moment
In your life when
Everything went
Down hill
And you just
Wanted to disappear?

That feeling was
Every waking moment
For this girl.
Bullied for years
She never thought
She was good
Always thought
She was weak.
Always thought
She was a

Ridiculed by many
And by all
To conclude
She was
Justified by their
She lived blinded
By memories
That haunt her,
Even to this day.
"Your not good
Circled her
Becoming silent
Sacred to
Speak up
Knowing that
She's going
To be
Shut down.

So she
Without a
For her
Is sewn
Shut by
The words
"Go die"

You may
Think these
Words came
From those
People Who
disregarded her
But these
Words were
Her own

Controlled by
The torture of
Stress and
Suicidal thoughts.
She had come
To hate
Her life
To the point of
No return.
Scared of leaving
Marks and
Questions to be
Heard she
Said no to the
Razor but yes
to the nails.
The nails that
Grew long as
She wanted
And sharp as
She desired,
At the tip
Of her finger.
Easily to gain
Slowly it
Relieving pain
The redness,
The string
Let's her
Breathe again.

Even though
She wants
to disappear
And leave this
World behind
She has
To stay,
To endure,
So others
May live
their lives.

She hates
Her life
But if she
Died others
Will follow
For she
Helps them
To cope
With their
Apr 2015 · 400
I'll Give You A Trigger
Xenna Apr 2015
A recurring dream
That only a Shadow
"I'll give you a trigger."

What does it mean?
A trigger?
Will it give me a gun?
And become one
With the people
On the streets?

Those people who
Take the freedom
And abuse it.
Those people who
Control and sell
The living as

Yet no one
Stops them.
We pass by
Like it's accetable

We never pay
To things
Not about us,
But we watch,
Because misfortune
Excites us.
Makes us
Happy that it is
'Not us'.

We do not help
For we are selfish,
Passing by the
Without a care.
For it is our nature
To believe our situation
Is the worst.

We say we need
To change
Most fear it,
But others accept it.

We need a scene
To trigger an effect,

"I'll give you a trigger
Would you gladly accept?"
Jan 2015 · 380
Once Mine
Xenna Jan 2015
My love my love,
I wish you were only mine
But from the place I stay
Above you weep
But with another man.
We promised to be together,
But death do us part.
Death is our end
And my end has come
So has our love
Jan 2015 · 363
My Love
Xenna Jan 2015
My love,
I stayed
by your side
I held your frozen hand
in the pool
of your blood.
I kept repeating
the words
that drowned out by my tears
drowning in this blood
drenched world,
our world,
my world.
That I created,
to live by your side.
I gaze
into your disappearing
sky eyes,
for a moment
It drove me
mad a second time
but remembering
your death
ceased my rage.
I will say this once more,
as I grip onto
my sticky stained shirt.
I am not
MAD, not
I am normal
your pain can only kept me
Dec 2014 · 403
Xenna Dec 2014
Give me a reason to listen
To all of your fears
That you want to disappear
Wash away the dirt that
Makes you feel filth
Removing the layers of film
Exposing your relief
But at what cost?
The doors won't close now, but
Will be an opening
That bleeds black and blue.

I'm sorry I can't help
I'm also at the edge
Grabbing your hand wanting to
Walk back,
But the pushing is to strong

So what?
Should we fall?
Should we jump?
For what?
Our will
Is stronger
Let us push
Raise our heads
And fight

For what's right.
Dec 2014 · 281
Xenna Dec 2014
I'm not
There will
Be people
To care
To hate.
There will
Be peace
In my
Soul. To
But it will
Soon end
When he
From the
Deep to
us. To take
Us away
Since we
Are in trance
We will
To fly away.
Nov 2014 · 341
Xenna Nov 2014
I'm gasping for air
Within my despair,
Weighing me down

Save Me

I want a savior,
I want someone to say,
"It's okay, I'm here to stay."

I need a savior,
I need someone to grasp,
My hand and pull me up

Fast, I'm slipping

I longed for a savior,
But it's to late.
I can hardly hear their muffled voices

It's to late.

If someone were to save me now,
They will slip past my bubbles
And caress the tips of my fingers.

Those bubbles soon will reach
The surface
My final words,
"Save me"

My tears as well as theirs
Shall company the salty taste
Of this this bottomless sea,
surrounding me
Containing of all my tears.
Where I will endlessly sinking,
Witnessing them try and yet fail to
*Save me.
Oct 2014 · 320
These Hands
Xenna Oct 2014
So many hands
Held me and helped me
But one pair
Was their for me

They held on as I cried
As I lied to myself
They comforted me and accepted me

These hands
Never spoke harsh words

These hands of darkness
Are my savior
Darkness is my home, my place to escape reality
These hands open up to me
Oct 2014 · 408
Xenna Oct 2014
Can you hear it?
Can u feel it?
The breath of the one....

Knock knock
It's at the door
Leave it shut
Or if it comes in
Darkness shall take over

Don't let it in

You are food
You can't escape
There is no escape from the darkness
Oct 2014 · 313
The Monster
Xenna Oct 2014
It resides in the place; where as children we fear the most,
He despises the light, for he can not touch it
As I lay under the sheets
He lurks in the shadows
Watching my every movement
He means no harm
At least he tells me

The thing, this creature,the monster
I do not fear him for he
My friend
With white sharp teeth that glisten in the moonlight
With blood red eyes
His skin so black as darkness in
Which he conceals himself
He speaks the tales of himself
Of people who fear him

He wishes to belong
No he wants to be seen
But living in darkness is what people fears the most
But not me
Oct 2014 · 327
Xenna Oct 2014
My nightmares
Consist of nothing, but
Repeating everlasting terror
Altered scenarios.
Unspeakable words
Like pins tearing away your mind
As you try to speak.

As it ends with death
Yet to be awaken by death.
An unfavable repetition
Of thy end
By thy loves
Which includes
My sincere loneliness
Has been left affront.

Although my nightmares are my fears
My reality is far more worse.
Oct 2014 · 5.1k
Pawns For Entertainment
Xenna Oct 2014
They tell me to stand
I do nothing but fall
They tell me eat
I do nothing but starve
They tell me to be me
I can't when altering is what I can only do
They tell me to be free
I do nothing but obey
Obey their laws
For it is life

We do the opposite of what they say
By the pictures they show
And what they desire
For we follow the hypocrite society
For we must obey
To fit

For we are their pawns
For their entertainment
Aug 2014 · 333
Xenna Aug 2014
Love  is like a thorny rose,
the fragrance will Create a smile and seem perfect
but the thorns will only cease to **** your hands and bleed,
but even tho the pain is In durable
we still grasp It tightly
to never let go the  beautiful sensation.
And leave us blind of the full pain
It created.
Aug 2014 · 388
Xenna Aug 2014
Demon, is disgusting,
Of the evil that is created with
Bringing only misfortune
Even if a glimpse of joy appears
It kills it.

Grasping the hatred and tears
It survives
Giving hated emotions
For free

I am a demon
This is the disgusting truth
After all
Aug 2014 · 387
Tell The Sky
Xenna Aug 2014
Tell the sky
" That your beauty
Will soon disappear  
Into the abyss of sadness
And all you can do is cry for help,
But no one can help
Soon the tears will stop.
Enduring the pain you smile,
So colorful,
But the gray will
consume you again."
Jul 2014 · 343
Red or Blue
Xenna Jul 2014
Red* or Blue
The bet is your life
In the stall you wage
The fear of choice
Controls you
You shall crave,
Death shall convey

Blue the color
Of your face
As you suffocate

Red the scarlet color
As you are sliced
And bathed
In your blood

Choose wisely
The wager is your life
After all
Jul 2014 · 338
"I'm trying"
Xenna Jul 2014
"I'm trying"
Not to cry
When my worlds gone mad

When these tears start to flow
A plain expression is shown

"I'm trying" to change
Like many of you wanted

From standing up
To living each day like the last

The truth behind these words
Is fear
The fear of losing something important
Or myself

These tears have no control
They come and they go
But stay forever inside
Behind the words
"I'm trying"
Xenna Jun 2014
I'll tell you a story
Of a girl who desired
All the pain to wash away
She tells you her problems, but all you say
"Don't think that way"
Being told is not advice
Even though she agrees,
She cries.
You wonder why she feels this away,
But all you do Is stand and stare.

She thinks you don't care,
But you do, do you not?

Those four words
Don't help anymore
But shows her the way
To ending her fate.

Those four words don't
Guide her the way.
Telling is not saving,
But listening may.
Jun 2014 · 288
Xenna Jun 2014
I'm a closed book
You can see that I smile  
But it doesn't show that I'm suffering.
The words that you spew at me,
Tears out my pages.

I desire to hide my existence
For eternity and see tranquil nothingness
But my world is covered in filth
Those monsters call 'me'
This world drenched fear of being unread,
And torn.

I wish for something to carry me away to a place
Where society doesn't brand you.
Where you are not alone,

My world awaits for my arrival within this hard cover.
May 2014 · 2.2k
Smiley Face Scar
Xenna May 2014
I have been hurt
Which left the memory
Of this bite
Which shows that I am
This smiley faced scar
Is it not here from your love?
Is it here from your hatred?
The tears mix with the blood
Flowing from these open wounds
I might be hurt,
But like this scar
I'm smiling
For this won't disappear
And neither my hatred
For the thing that called me a object.
Please give me some feed back.
Jan 2014 · 424
A blind mans dream
Xenna Jan 2014
Roses are black
Violets are black
Even though I can't see
I can still dream

A gentle kiss
The music that makes memories last
Fluttering of butterflies in your stomach
When they are around
Such a loving and peaceful feeling
But painful
Of the stickiness that drips out when you are hurt
The reason why millions of wars
are fought today
The flames of burning passion
Flames of war
And love
For what you

A salty taste
Of vast waters
Drip by drop
it washes away your fears
But it comes as tears
Clearing away of pain
The water
Reflections of the sky
As the clouds
Swims in the ocean called freedom
Such peace
Such remorse
Such a calming voice

The breeze of Mother Nature
Giving homes to the weak
And lost
Leading the way to the right path.
Even though we forget her gentleness
She stands strong giving life
To little or big things,
To our future

A light of hope
Which stands at the end of the tunnel
Giving peace to move on.
Such a loudness but happiness
You receive from such a thing.
Warmth of star that shines up above
granting us the light for the dark
To see our path
We have taken.

Ohh I wish I can see
But I can still dream of such beauty
Dec 2013 · 510
My nightmares
Xenna Dec 2013
My nightmares
Were thoughts of being called useless
Being isolated
Being hated

My nightmares were thoughts of looniness
Beginning with the word of
Why am I like this?

My nightmares were pain that wouldn't go away
No matter how much I begged or pleaded
They stuck to me like pins

My nightmares gave me fear of truly living
Pushing me into darkness
Pushing everyone away

These nightmares were the days of life for the younger me,
But these times of my past
Made me strong
I embrace these times,
Because they created the me who is here today.
Dec 2013 · 534
Who am I?
Xenna Dec 2013
" who am I?" You ask

I am enveloped in this darkness
Where, for a brief moment, a speck of light glimmers
Before my eyes
Showing me an unknown world
If only you can see...
See this creature that stands before me

I am no one
I am obscure to the creature that gazes at me
I fear it, as it fears me
Yet, I feel this tug of recollection towards it

Yet it calls me names
"Fat", "ugly","unwanted"
And more
But why?
It brings you down as well
With those tears in our eyes
But your not
We are beautiful,

Do not hate yourself
With someone else's words!
Be you

"Who am I?"
You ask
I am you, at least the one who understands you.
Dec 2013 · 800
Xenna Dec 2013
How horrible is it to love something that can die
Yet how devastating is it to love something that can die
By your touch

It will wither into nothingness
And slip through the cracks of your hands
As a tear sheds

He stands there with the sun in his hands
No longer breathing.
No longer existing,
But the fragile beating heart is still heard

A tear should not be shed from these hands
Or it will burn the face
Of bones

He has so many appointments
To keep track of, but enough time
To look around.
He sees the world as darkness
and the wounded as light.
The power filled people as fire  
Burning everything to quickly  

But there was one.
He saw innocence in her
Even though she was wounded covered in scars.
He fell in love

Watching from afar
He grew a desire to meet her.
He followed her like a sunflower follows the sun
She was the sun, his whole world.  
His heart was Beating thunder every time he saw her.

He never knew this but his next appointment was her.
Trying to save her life.
He touched her.
She fell.
The sun began to wither into nothingness
and so did his heart
As she slept in his arms not waking up
He shed a tear.
It carved a wound on his face
A memory of love that can't be forgotten

Although he is made of bones
His small black heart still beats of love
For the woman who shined.

— The End —