The little gold
Shines beautifully
Under the yellow light
Shimmering faces
With a cheeky smile
Come four years
A little older
A little dirtier
But that same cheeky smile
The same little gold
Come another 8 years
The same little gold
Layers and layers
of dark, black
dirt piling up
No more cheeky smiles
Only masks, masks and more masks
Come another 16 years
The same little gold
More and more
More and more
More and more
Layers piling up
The little gold
No more to be seen
Black, coarsened gold
Masks, masks and
more masks
A heart of gold
But not
a mind of gold
Come another 32 years
The little black gold
ceases to exist.
Under the thousands
and thousands
and thousands
of other layers
But a new layer of gold
Twas not the gold
formed first
Formed last
Old is gold.