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Her soul was as free as a bird flying in mid air,her eyes sparkled like stars in the night  sky. Not a day goes by hat i don't think about you and how we used to be. Obtained by sadness that your gone,years has passed scene Ive last saw your face. Taking a closer look on reality id rather be with you,everything happens for a reason an what doesn't **** us makes us stronger. So in honer  of you i wanna speak life  and life for you...Live and grow an be what you expected of me. To yo,you will never be forgotten.
Today i want to thank you for allowing me to awake,for keeping your promise an not to forsake.
Though i have signed you have forgave,so in this matter i want you to be "praised".
All your grace and all your glory,lord i love how you told your story.
The way you held my held high,an said how id fly high in the shy.
No matter how far i go i know who to turn to when I'm feeling low
Speaking to myself is getting old,seems like i have no one else to talk to.My words are becoming thinner ,and trust me im far from a beginner.Time has passed by slowly but surely my time is coming,I almost  cant remember the good old days. Something in my reckless mind screams out for help as my words remain silent. Tip toeing through a field of sorrow,I start feeling like im worth a shiny dime lost deep in someones pocket. I wish i was strapped to a fiery rocket, waved goodbye to everyone as it exploded just so the knew my pain.  Everyone goes through depression but unfortunately Ive never had protection,not giving up on life because living was "once" my goal but right now im on one hell of a roll.....But look Ive  done tried it all!!!!!!!There's no point talking because my words never get too far,id rather just keep my words and feeling bottled up in a jar. I love when people play like they really care,but truthfully their hearts are still and bare. Fighting my inner demon,I cant seem to win  this ever lasting battle.My eyes filled with meaningful tears,mean nothing to anyone. No matter how much Ive tried its never played out my way,just a roll play. Speechless and lost from confusion,wondering why it had to fall on me. I'm going to end this on a good note and say farewell live on and for ever in peace........

— The End —