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Apr 2015 · 308
Thiyi Khine xo Apr 2015
Dear life,
you're a *****.
Everything's wrong
Everything's bad.

No it's not okay
No it won't get better
No there's nothing left to hold on to.
Stop lying to yourself.

There's no reason for happiness
There's nothing to keep you going
There's no one here for you.
You're lying to yourself again.

Well *******.
Because I'm done.
Dear life,
please end.
Nov 2014 · 344
Thiyi Khine xo Nov 2014
Most over-used and mis-used word.
Like a broken recorder, broken.

"I love you".
3 words that slips out of our mouths.
A little too often, a tad too soon.

Love is a powerful word.
Not used appropriately, mostly used casually.
But we still say it as if our life depends on thee.

The actions that follows after,
shows how much we care.
But care and love differs.

Soon comes the screaming and the crying.
Thinking love is just found in fairytales.
Well, no one said love was easy.
We're weak, I'm weak.
Apr 2014 · 330
sad .
Thiyi Khine xo Apr 2014
The monsters that I was scared of as a kid,
turns out to be more than real.
They are infinitely scarier than imagined,
and who knew that they were here all along.

While under a mask that hides my pain,
I wish that the monster in me would go away.
Desperately screaming, cutting, crying
and hoping to one day just be dead.    

The soul within me, all lost and alone,
as I drown myself in the ever-so-perfect alcohol.
The hurt you gave to me was acutely deep,
and I don't ever want it to repeat.
Feb 2014 · 362
You .
Thiyi Khine xo Feb 2014
Going back to the places
I used to adore,
now lies only painful memories
which I one day wish to forget.

All those hugs and all those kisses,  
was just a lie and a faux.
A trap which I stupidly jumped in to.
You made me felt like I was special.
Little did I know I meant nothing,  
and soon you left without even saying goodbye.
Those sweet messages that made my heart flutter,
now feels like ******* rewinding over time.

Even though all of this has happened,
I wonder why I still fall for you.
Maybe it's because I'm just too dumb,          
or maybe because, you are my first ever love.
Feb 2014 · 377
Roses. Me.
Thiyi Khine xo Feb 2014
The petals of roses
Withers, dies, fades.
Just like my current situation
Vulnerable, weak, alone.
Feb 2014 · 490
Thiyi Khine xo Feb 2014
I mope around everyday like a zombie,  
tired and frustrated with the world.  
Until I started talking to you,  
that's when life began to seem more cheery.
Laughing like the stupid ****** I am  
at your hilarious and flirtatious messages.
Your awesome attitude never gets old,
and you never fail to make me smile.
Havin­g to always overthink about the fact
that one day you might just disappear,
I will treasure the moments now,
till I'm alone and worthless once again.

Appreciating the fact that I got to know you,  
I wish for this friendship to last.  
For if I were to lose such an amazing friend,
I would just fall apart and crumble.  

My unique and irreplacable pineapple buddy, 
all the best for your future endeavours.
Thank you for putting up with me,
and may we create more beautiful memories.
Jan 2014 · 885
Depressed (?)
Thiyi Khine xo Jan 2014
All I can hear every single day
is to study hard, and get good grades.
But no one could see, how much I've tried,
and a wall blocks out all my screams for help

Every single test paper I take
is just a reminder of how dumb I can get.
Demoralizing me in every way possible,
I seek for the easiest way to end all my misery

Time continues to fly past
and day by day I'm falling further.
Left stranded in my own despair,
I resorted to what I know I would regret

Filling my lungs with disgusting black ash,
I wandered around alone and lost.
All the pain has now been numb,
as red liquid flows out from the cuts on my wrist
Jan 2014 · 764
That little girl
Thiyi Khine xo Jan 2014
That little girl who used to laugh
and be satisfied with a soft fluffy toy,
will rather play with a sharp blade now
and show everyone a genuine smile    

As genuine as a rose made out of tissue,
that is what the girl is trying to display.    
The inside of her still torn apart and broken,
but no one seems to realise anything
Everyone is convince that she is weird and funny
But after night falls and she, alone in her room,
will cry for eternity as a blade glides
across her wrist, drops of blood trickling down
No one can hear her screams for help,
and everyone will continue to think she's alright
But I know she is not and she will never be
For that little girl who became like that, is me

— The End —