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231 · May 2017
telling wishes
WordWerks May 2017
birthday candles blaze
before you and someone asks,
do you still stay mum?

does telling goals trick
the unconscious to believe
it's already done?

are there flower signs
to tell the bees another
has already come?
230 · May 2017
WordWerks May 2017
I remember fondly
Those raucous chlorine days
Of shriveled hands
And laughs with friends,
Under those hot summer rays.

There, we played pirates,
Jousting with our noodles,
We walked ship's plank,
Played shark in tank,
And dove for treasured jewels.

We made great whirlpools and
Had  submarine races.
We belly flopped
And caught the "croc",
With smiles on our faces.
230 · Feb 2017
a prayer
WordWerks Feb 2017
a prayer that all things
be made beautiful
that oneness is one hand
joined to every other hand
mine to yours
and love that connects
two hands can create
228 · May 2017
WordWerks May 2017
individualists, freaks,
eccentric, ******, oddball,
offbeat, loser, not in clique,
we must be outsiders all
214 · Mar 2022
New Driver
WordWerks Mar 2022
The first time I drove, it was in a parking lot.
I remember the damage of mowing the curb blocks.
And how my father, with his head held in his hands,
Didn't even bother to to scold in reprimand,
But, instead, he reached to give me a high fiver,
It was then I pled that I was now a driver.
214 · Nov 2015
WordWerks Nov 2015
made you laugh,
made you moan,
took away you're being alone

made you frown
and say bye,
and for this you now make me cry
212 · May 2017
spring rain
WordWerks May 2017
i am a party-crasher,
a spider web across the face.
around me, i hear the
chitter of birds and the
nervous giggles of people
scurrying under my wet
confetti, my glitter bomb,
as i write my graffiti

i am a party-crasher.
though, i'm neither invited and don't
know those around me, nor
do i care about their
awkwardness or petty
concerns and desires.
i'm here to party, but more
importantly, i know how to
211 · May 2017
signs on meeting you
WordWerks May 2017
slow: gesture
caution: hint
wrong way: signal
detour: flag
emergency exit
208 · Nov 2015
WordWerks Nov 2015
From the center of Love,
May love stretch across the earth
And fill the hearts of men.

From the center of Will
May purpose guide the wills of men,
Permitting mindfulness in our thoughts.

From the point of Light,
May light descend upon the earth
And fill the spirit of men

May love and mindfulness and light restore the Plan on earth.
207 · Apr 2017
WordWerks Apr 2017
passionate vessel with scarred
canvas seeks hope since love is
never and loss inevitable
206 · Nov 2015
beauty walks
WordWerks Nov 2015
beauty walks among
the brambles and the
catacombs of men's
lives on milky wings
199 · Nov 2015
these words
WordWerks Nov 2015
it is wistful to know
i've only words to show
my hopes or my desire,
not having smiles or glance,
to stir your heart or wet your pants
195 · Jul 2022
love cookbook
WordWerks Jul 2022
microwave food or
conversations, but
lasting love is best
prepared in a crock ***.
193 · Mar 2022
a kiss
WordWerks Mar 2022
a kiss, as i perceive,
is not heart-shaped,
as you might believe,
but is probably round,
and is certainly red,
like a matador's cape -
as an omen of  things ahead.

it's neither chaperoned
with some remarks,
nor as good when thrown,
but often given in thanks
or followed with a sigh.
sometimes there's sparks,
but sometimes, it's just goodbye.

kiss is neither a vow,
nor monarch seal,
but when disavowed
there seems to be a loss.
it is like tasting soup:
some salt may add appeal,
but, often it just tastes like goop.
192 · May 2017
the most i ever cried
WordWerks May 2017
the most that i had ever cried
was not when a loved one died,
nor with the loss of cherished pet,
nor with some profound regret,
nor when i gave my marriage vows
nor with friend's loss I espoused
nor when i found that i was broke,
nor when plans went up in smoke,
nor all the inevitable harms,
but holding my newborn in my arms
but holding my newborn in my arms
188 · Jun 2022
the comfort zone
WordWerks Jun 2022
the comfort zone is not a place.
you can't touch, hear or see  it.
instead, it's that amount of grace
the universe will remit.

but, if you should be found outside
this determinate that's not 3d,
there is one truth that can be implied
you're with splendid company
173 · Aug 2022
Pied Piper
WordWerks Aug 2022
When Hamelin's least favorite visitor departed,
Many of the township were broken hearted
At loss of their youth, but 'twas not perfect justice.
But where to find another pack, swarm or mischief?
Did Washington, DC ever come to mind?
171 · Mar 2022
WordWerks Mar 2022
Should naive Psyche have believed such
Her new husband to be a beast?
While modern woman have much
Perceived all men, unless deceased,
Propend to be just that way -
A truth that need't the light of day.

Should the pretty boy Cupid
Really have been so, so ******
(Or was he just being stupid)
For believing humans might insist
The truth, as human nature thereof.
Curiosity is much stronger than love.
WordWerks Mar 2022
How many ways can there be
To say "I love you" realistically?
You can promise to be faithful
And obey, be grateful
For each and every day,
Say how happy you're together,
Or you're birds of a feather,
But I contend all ways are not equal.

Or say she completes you,
Or how she brings your life value,
How much she's very special,
A one in a million miracle.
That you think of her a lot -
Cannot live another day without
Her, and how much you'll be devout.
That these truths are unequivocal.

You can tell her additionally
How she's unconditionally
Accepted and how she supercharges
Your libido and your being at large
And how she makes you feel.
Still better, practice what you mean
And how on you she can lean,
But you can't say, "Will you be my Marge?"
148 · Mar 2022
renegade lady
WordWerks Mar 2022
renegade lady,
with your imperfect smile,
steal us away into the darkness,
if just for a while.
enchant me with a thread of hope
that only desire can bring
just remind that it will soon be spring
127 · Mar 2022
you're a songless earworm
WordWerks Mar 2022
you're a songless earworm,
a mind loop.  you keep bubbling,
percolating, rhythmically
strumming my ability
to think of anything else.  

i can't get you out of my mind.
122 · Aug 2022
Ode to the Potato Chip
WordWerks Aug 2022
Thou yet unravish'd apple of the earth,
Had thou been the issue of a tree, most
Would swear thou are what gave evil birth,
As some kind of Mephistophelean host,
To entice the stressed, as well as bored,
With your crunchy, oily, salty snare,  
A potato-y communion slice,
Where beauty is truth, truth's beauty there -
The facts of which can not be ignored.
If only one could just suffice.
108 · Feb 2023
Measuring Affinity
WordWerks Feb 2023
In measuring affinity, there's so few ways,
Such as the depth of love that's found in a gaze
Or in its shortened breaths that come out with a sigh,
When with the one who makes your heart fly high.

Affinity brings a much quickened heartbeat's pace,
As well as the rush of blood brought to the face,
Sweaty palms and widened pupils when you are near,
Is a sign of the passion that you hold dear.

In those intimate moments you've shared between,
It's the mutuality where love can be seen,
Measuring affinity is more than words,
It is in the way that love ignites and stirs.

So if you're wondering if love is true,
Just pay attention to what your body will do,
For in the breaths, heartbeats, pupils, face, and more,
You will find the measure of the love you adore.
94 · Mar 2022
a beautiful life
WordWerks Mar 2022
some say life's a maze,
a battle or a race,
a stage, a prison
or even onion,
but beautiful lives
are not that hard,
at least in regard
to how one best thrives.

but you do not need
big piles of money,
being handsome or
by the world adored.
you don't need a spouse,
quite devoted to you,
doing work you choose,
or a fancy house.

but as you've been told,
have no grudges hold,
live with no regrets,
forgive and forget,
live life with candor,
to yourself be true
with the things you do,
but don't be bystander

so, pick a journey,
canvas or story.
tend your life's garden,
ferry your ocean,
canoe your river,
bicycle or skate,
but make no mistake,
do it as a giver.
90 · May 2022
time/space vs space/time
WordWerks May 2022
while (true) {
   if (in (time-space))
   else if (in (space-time))
88 · Sep 2022
Plato's Cave
WordWerks Sep 2022
I am held captive in Plato's cave,
Forever, it seems, to be enslaved
To its wall-cast shadows, smells, and sounds,
Which we must accept as true and real
Because our own senses so expound.

But, how do we really know what's true
When perception can give little clue
Why anything matters or perchance
To know why this life is not a curse?
But, when words fall short, I choose to dance.
79 · Jan 2023
Love is not a fortress
WordWerks Jan 2023
Love is not a fortress.
It cannot keep us safe,
It cannot guard our hearts,
From the pain and strife we face.

It can't keep us from hurt,
Nor can it stay our tears,
It can't protect our lives,
As it can't hold back our fears.

Love is not a fortress.
It's so fragile at best -
So easily broken,
Even for those who're blessed.

Love is not a fortress,
It's the bridge gladly crossed,
It's the path we must take,
No matter what 'ere the cost.
77 · Oct 2022
WordWerks Oct 2022
Romantic marriage is illogical.
Nobody is despised, who can
Successfully make marriage work.
Illogical people are despised.
Therefore, all romantics are not married.
What C.S. Lewis would have written.
76 · Mar 2022
WordWerks Mar 2022
Who wouldn't enter lion's den
To save a helpless child  
Or stand against oppression
When justice is denied?
Who wouldn't risk the pain
That love can sometimes bring,
Or endure, when all seems lost,
Or not to suffer betrayal's sting?

But how many can bear defeat,
When those around all cheer?
Or, how should one ever meet  
The grief of our fear?  
For me, great courage,
As difficult as it may be,  
Lies in seeking out the truth  
Wherever principle can be gleaned.
74 · May 2023
My Regrets
WordWerks May 2023
(Verse 1)
When I wake up in the morning,
I'm often filled with regret
For all the things I wish I'd done
And the things I can't forget.

While I can't unsay the things I've said,
Or take back the lies I've told
There's no one else instead
I want to be with when I'm old
If you could give me one more chance
I promise I'll mind my ways,
"Cause heaven only knows
I'm learning from my mistakes.

(Verse 2)
I know I can't change the past,
What's done is done I know,
But I try to improve my lot 'cause
It's from my mistakes I grow.

While I can't unsay the things I've said,
Or take back the lies I've told
There's no one else instead
I want to be with when I'm old
If you could give me one more chance
I promise I'll mind my ways,
"Cause heaven only knows
I'm learning from my mistakes.

I know I'm not alone,
'Cause we all make mistakes.
But regret can't hold us back,
Disappointments can't be our brakes.

While I can't unsay the things I've said,
Or take back the lies I've told
There's no one else instead
I want to be with when I'm old
If you could give me one more chance
I promise I'll mind my ways,
"Cause heaven only knows
I'm learning from my mistakes.
72 · Mar 2022
The Promotion
WordWerks Mar 2022
Change happens very slowly, on our little farm.
When the boss called us in, we were a bit alarmed.
I admit to my chagrin, I didn't have a clue,
But the boss still insisted there was all good news.

He started off by saying how we'd all done our part,
But one had really taken his job to heart
And never had forsaken his very post
And for this reason, he should deserve a toast.

I looked at everyone, but no one could guess,
Because that's one quality we all possessed.
With sentimentality for his ineptment,
Scarecrow's been promoted to management.
70 · Mar 2022
WordWerks Mar 2022
silence isn't an answer.
does this dress make me look fat?
have you sent your payment yet?

silence isn't a question.
it is neither a query,
nor some kind of conundrum.

silence is a place.
it is the mcdonalds for
finding even more questions.
64 · Jun 2022
my best friend coffee
WordWerks Jun 2022
her acrid smell revives me,
animating my dreams and
arousing my slumber,
enlivening my spirit.
she then cuddles with me in
in the brisk morning air.
she partakes breakfast
and inspires me to be
someone better than myself
without saying a word.
63 · May 2022
A Honeymoon
WordWerks May 2022
Honeymoons may be many things, but
They aren't some measurement of time,
More often they are diagnostic tools,
Dead battery, a check engine light,
Low oil, no seat belts, or low on fuel.
61 · Feb 2022
what is beauty for?
WordWerks Feb 2022
some say there's beauty
in the colors of sunsets
or the panoramic view
from a mountaintop
or in a sip of coffee

some would say that there's
beauty in the wonderment
of random acts of kindness
or art or dance or
or just sitting in silence

some might love the sounds
of waves breaking the shoreline
or laughing till you sides ache
or conversations
with a stranger you just met

perhaps you revel
in contour of female form
or some other luscious feasts,
relishing manna
or things worthy of regard

what is beauty for?
beauty's not harmony of
form, color or perception,
but without our minds
beauty would have no purpose
59 · Aug 2022
Shelter Pets
WordWerks Aug 2022
Rin Tin Tin,  Rudy, Charlie Gray, Sandy,
Dodger, Spike, Uggie, Maui, and the *****
Moose, Aleister, Comet, and Benji,  
Buddy, Spuds, Stella,  Mo: all the best,
But did you know they were shelter pets.

Which means they had been forsaken
For very good reasons it may seem,
But THAT someone was quite mistaken,
Because with patience, understanding,
And even love, each could be redeemed.
56 · May 2023
To Measure Affinity
WordWerks May 2023
The way to measure affinity,
Is not looks or femininity,
Or how she speaks, or what she might say,
But how she makes you feel each day.

For she, who makes you feel alive,
With passion, delight, joy, love, and pride,
Is one who shares your soul's true light,
And she'll always that's kept well in sight.

So do not be fooled by outward show,
For affinity is deep below,
In the heart, where love and light reside,
And where your soulmate'll always abide.
55 · Mar 2022
skipping rope
WordWerks Mar 2022
hot pepper, soda pop,
cinderella with
a cherry on top,
i like coffee, sitting
in a tree, miss
lacy, will you marry me?
as the whole world whirls by,
there was just a moment
you thought that you could fly.
48 · Oct 2021
a hole
WordWerks Oct 2021
a hole can be an empty space:
a crater, cave, a pit, or loss

a hole can be sheer enjoyment
a dimple, gorge, or doughnut hole

a hole can also connect things
using a thread or fasteners
45 · Jun 2023
Humpty Dumpty
WordWerks Jun 2023
Humpty Dumpty was a very large gun
Used to protect against the English rebel ****,
But one bright person placed it on a wall
And did not anticipate such a great fall.
WordWerks Jan 10
In the quiet of the afternoon,
When the sun is at its peak,
A gentle breeze whispers through the room,
And thoughts of a nap begin to peak.

The world is alive with vibrant hues,
But in the shadows, a calmness lies,
A beckoning call to take a break,
To rest and recharge, sweet respite takes.

Oh, afternoon nap, a treasure so dear,
A moment of peace, a time to draw near,
To dream of far-off lands and skies,
Or simply to let the worries die.

With each breath, the tension unwinds,
The mind and body find a new rhythm,
A dance of serenity, a gentle sway,
As worries and stress begin to sway.

In the embrace of a soft, cozy bed,
Or a hammock swung beneath a tree,
The afternoon nap, a gift to unwind,
A sanctuary where the soul can be free.

So here's to the nap, a cherished reprieve,
A slice of heaven, a touch of belief,
That in the midst of chaos and strife,
A moment of peace can always be found,
In the sweet, soothing embrace of an afternoon nap.
WordWerks Dec 2023
I did not hear the bells on Christmas Day,
Amidst the tumult and the disarray,
For in the land, a strife was raging high,
And men in bitter conflict dared to die.

Yet in the midst of all the toil and fight,
There shone a glimmer of celestial light,
For God, in His eternal, boundless grace,
Still held us in the circle of His embrace.

Though discord fills the air with mournful knells,
And deep division in the land compels,
The love that came to Earth on Christmas morn,
Reminds us we are not by God forlorn.

So let the bells, though silent, speak the truth,
That is the heart of man, eternal youth,
And in the darkest night, a guiding star,
Reveals that peace and love are never far.

Though silent chimes, there's news from above,
That God still holds us in His tender love,
And though the world may tremble with much discord,
His presence, ever sure, we can afford.

— The End —