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49 · Feb 2021
Fighting the Figure
Who is this devil inside me?
That shames my shape
And detests my dimensions.
The one who proclaims
That the ins should go out and the outs should go in.
The one that protests
That my figure should be fuller,
More voluptuous,
More shapley.
What a devilish notion,
That I am worthless without a womanly waist.
"It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply"
You read the words of David Jones in a loving, yet disheartening voice.
We paused
I wondered what it would look like when we found each other, drenched in different shades of feeling.
Weather-resistant is a large feat.
What if I had found the bright-colored sun, and you were still stuck in the rainshower.
I imagine offering you an umbrella
You'd decline
Not because you enjoyed the wet weather, but because it was your birthplace
Melancholy was your native tongue and I wasn't yet fluent in the language.
Eventually, you would find the light again and relish in it.
You looked so **** beautiful when you rejoiced over goodness.
Until that day, we would play house,
Naive and near-sighted.
I think this is why they hate young people.
45 · Apr 2022
The sun is my god
The sun is my god.

She is bold and giving
And never asks about wrongdoing.
She heals unconditionally
Without question or concern.
You need not look far to see all the good she is capable of.
The tulips have told me she is their god too.

She brings life and light
And solace to the soul.
She has never requested I repent
Or cite scripture to be welcomed by her.

She wraps me in her warmth
Whether I am devout or disinterested.

The sun is my god
And my god is she something.
44 · Oct 2020
I fell in love with the shadow of you.
The round edges and dark spaces.
They complimented my jaggedness and bliss.
43 · Oct 2020
It lives there
I suspect we often know the answer all along.
The one we’ve refused to say out loud.
The one that irks us when the dimness of the evening arrives.
I think we know it in our marrow to be true,
That which we cannot gather the words for.
43 · May 2021
In a state of blue,
You are indifferent to the notion of we.
Passionless embraces and deadpan expressions.
I do my best to fill the vacancy that so blatantly sits behind your smile.
You've become comfortable in your melancholy.
At home in your hollowness.
39 · Sep 2020
Old Friend
Here I dwell,
Embedded in the memory of you.
I reside in the there
of which you once existed.
I am inferior,
Delirious in the concept of your being.
Far from where you are
I question the complexity of this madness.
I ponder aimlessly at the thought of your return.
Sluggish and hopeless I find myself waiting,
May we ever be again my old friend?
38 · Sep 2020
Past Tense
101 days since I breathed your being,
Attempted to grip your fleeting words
Of love and melancholy.
2,400 hours of wilting and restoration;
Growth, nonlinear.
I contemplated the meaning,
My fault, yours, neither.
I pleaded with the was, thens, and hads.
33 · Oct 2020
Life has never been fair.
It has been cold, unloving, and unjust.
Your frustrations are rooted in the saddest of truths. We are alone on this journey faced with many challenging and unkind realities.
But in this unjustness, I hope you see the potential to move forward, to build a house full of dreams on this uneven foundation.
I hope you feel together in our aloneness and learn to bear the cold hand in hand.
And when this world takes from you,
I hope you choose to give to it more than it has taken.
31 · Sep 2020

— The End —