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I could not save you from the fire inside yourself.
I was fuel to the flames.
Was I fascinated or petrified by the scars you wore?
You brightened and burned
In a single breath.
You have always been an illuminating inferno.
I cannot help that I was drawn to your warmth.
I am tired of writing poems of the same sentiment repeatedly.
Yet, composing these soliloquies
Reminds me that suffering can be well crafted.
Rhythmic, elegant, and alluring.

Maybe we are all just trying to find the most captivating way to convey our misery,
Recount our misfortunes,
So we may feel heard.
Again and
Again and
To the body that houses my soul, mind, and matter:
I am sorry that I have never considered you enough.
You have always been:
Too much of this, too little of that.
As many times as I detest this disease
I think I secretly love its company.
Throat burned from the nothingness left inside of me,
Lightheadedness makes me loveable.
The only way I am digestible is when I have nothing left to digest.
My thoughts flow just like this poem
Self-loving to self-loathing in the span of seconds.
I'll start again tomorrow.
Where is it written that you are not worthy?
That darkness makes you unloveable.
That loving you is a responsibility I cannot carry
Or should not carry.
Who taught you that you are a monster undeserving of compassion?
It is not simple to unlearn the unbecoming bits of me.
Toxicity is in the title.
Self-assurance has seldom met me.
Envy, my closest friend.
Ill-temper, a close second.
Visions of the thens,
Contemplation of the whys.
What a strange notion it is
That you've become past tense.
I flirted with the idea of forgiveness,
Fiddled with it between my fingers.
I then invited indignation,
Allowed her to stay too long at the table.
Rage-ridden I found myself.
Once she left fearfulness followed,
Grief grew beside her
In tandem, they existed.
I now await apathy
I hope she arrives soon.
But then there would be nothing left to write.
I think I will always know love to be this way
Hot and cold
Light then dark
And how would I know any different?
Devotion and detachment
Are so embedded within my framework
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