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WordsOfLoved Jun 2013
They say, once you start loving yourself you invite other people to love you in return
but as I stand here, staring at myself in this godforsaken mirror
I am confused
where do I start "loving" myself
do my start with the tired bags under my eyes
or my seemingly large pores
how about my blemished skin
or the scare above my right eyebrow
I'm not asking to be perfect, no
I am comfortable with my flaw ridden face
but as soon as I step in public
the people, they are not
they have something to say
something to point out
but I do love myself
I just get that confused with people telling me I shouldn't
telling me I should adjust myself in order to appease their eyes
but whose eyes are the ones that look back in the mirror?
they are mine
and that's what matters
Love yourself, and you will be loved in return
ha, in this society?
I think not.
WordsOfLoved Jun 2013
Why would you paint false images in my head
giving me hope
water my dreams with your soon forgotten promises
you never intended to put your words to truth, did you?
why would you lead someone on like that
I played out a million scenarios of us in my mind
laughed and smiled as if it were real
and now you speak to me, just because you saw me in public that day
why open an old wound I had to mend on my own
WordsOfLoved Jun 2013
Hand me that bottle
put it to my lips
you just want to watch me burn
I can't love you anymore
intoxicate my thoughts
so I don't think
of what we're losing
so I don't come to reality
let me sleep
lie me down
tuck me in
and say your farewell
I'm not yours anymore
WordsOfLoved Jun 2013
Stir me from my slumber by whispering life into my lips
wake me from this dream my gliding your hand up my arm
to cradle my face
and as my eyes open
awaken me with that smile of yours
send tingles throughout my body
aliven my senses
oh my love
just wake me up
WordsOfLoved Jun 2013
Oh how we smile at the 3 am chats we share
I am always wrapped in your big long sleeve fishing shirt with my legs bare
while you rest in ratty long PJ pants and a random shirt

When the chatting stops, in comes the lovers banter
you're stronger than me?
oh so you think, and oh so I know
but we still wrestle, laughing all the while

Once you've won I battle you in a war of kisses
and at this, I always win
because my love, this is not about strength
I show you my feelings through pressed lips, as do you

then come the cuddles
the sweet but smothering cuddles
where we can connects our heart beats and breaths
lulling ourselves to sleep with the simple sound of us
WordsOfLoved Jun 2013
If I could capture your beauty with words then I would
although I know I never will
but I will die trying
because you,
you deserve it.

You deserve to painted before me with words of love and awe
but adenotting you with words of description
is like trying to sing without vocal cords

Oh how you do words justice
I know see, the meaning of some
because of you

you have showed me the vocabulary of the inner soul
the vocabulary of *love
WordsOfLoved Jun 2013
What beautiful music we make when we are alone
whispering sweet nothings into each others ear
laughing at the drunk smiles we have plastered on our face
our hungry hands met our needy body's
nights like this, covered in nothing but sheets and each others loving embrace
from head to toe we are tangled up
my long curls fall all around your face
you bush them away with a light laugh
making my face flame with a blush
these late night wrestling matches always end in fits of giggles by me
and you with your head thrown back letting out a long held laugh
but in the end, we always wake just how we fell asleep
tangled and intertwined
underneath these sheets
which holds all of the happenings of the previous night
all of our smiles, laughs, lustful words, and lovers secrets
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