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Lewis Findley Feb 2011
is what seperates


from greed

and there is no room in our family

for greed

From Quinn Martin's

"The FBI"

starring Efrem Zimbalist Jr
to the emergency hospital with herniation
On my fat belly I would crawl on gravel 1 mile
for a big, toothless smile at her third ****** trial
There's no doubt that her love for me is tried & true
after she bruised my white, bony *** cheeks black & blue

If all my friends were slimy turds, you'd be the slimiest. Stephanie Zimbalist or Stephanie Powers? Don't drag me into your theater of horror as ever & forever are beyond yonder. You 100% most definitely kind of remind me of someone I sort of almost know nailing excruciating to crucify to crucible. Anyway, you have an impressive command of the Queen's English. "Mommy can we go to the park and listen to the Semi-Gay *******?"; "I don't know. Is that a rock band?"; "Maybe."

— The End —