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Focus Jordan Mar 2018
Like laying down
On the one part of the floor
Where carpet
Overlapped a different

Separation anxiety
It’s an eye roll away
And a left at Wyncrest Road

It was outside on cold nights
With gloves
Stolen from the lost and found
Beckoning the older kids
Drive up
Have your money ready

Like sitting down in
The shower
Or singing a sad tune
Off key
Like rolling
A broken ankle
And laughing

It’s like working a
Paper route
And never seeing the sun
Just so someone else
Can wake up to the truth
Bagging papers
People's faces are the most honest
Especially on a rainy day
Gotta double bag it then

The song in my head
Isn’t the same beat
As the blood pumping
Through my arm
Or the throbbing
Of my elbow
But *******
Can my feet dance
I think this piece was born out of a massive wave of frustration I was dealing with while working to deliver papers at 2:30 in the morning. To be 20, and in a position like that made me wonder and ask myself how did I get here? Why do I keep pushing forward? And where does it end? The title speaks to holistic remedies and how I feel people look for cheap solutions and short cuts to complex health problems; Apple Cider Vinegar being this magical cure for everything from teeth to skincare to digestion. It seemed odd to me, similar to how people put a carpet in a room with carpeted floors.

— The End —