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ccd Jul 2018
I knew no different
than to be diffident
it was all I had
all I could grasp in my mind’s hand
the earth shook
and I did too
clinging to anything that reminded me of home
because I knew wholeheartedly
no matter how tough of an act I put on
up there, on the stage

I was scared
I am scared
I will always be scared

words cling to the inside of my throat
because it is all they have before
they are gone forever
lost in a sea of vowels and consonants

- c.d.d.
today’s wotd, picked by yours truly, is diffident
adj; hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence [m.w.]
ccd Jul 2018
i’m not talking about “fake smiles”
the kinds that cover up sadness and grief
they are easy to spot and recognize
(they stand out,
ironically, like a mask)
especially if you, yourself
have experienced sadness or grief

i’m talking about the appearance(s)

like the almost unnoticeable circles under your eyes
or the way you wear your hair

like the day after
you didn’t show up at school
or work
or anywhere

you stopped smiling
or, at least,
when no one was watching

you avoided

if we    live    in a world
where everything we do is controlled by

then why are we even here?

I guess everything is
as alive

- c.c.d.
today’s wotd, picked by yours truly, is illusory
adj; based on or producing illusion
ccd Jul 2018
the gray horizon looms ahead
pebbly shorelines with yellowy sand
a gloomy gull walks alone
for sadness he has long since known
a dot of white against the beach
his empty home is hard to reach
a thorny nest of string and branch
since gull’s abode has to withstand
the hungry breeze and angered seas
the rain, the birds, and tipsy trees
yet through it all he makes it home
saturnine smile and lunch in tow

- c.c.d.
today’s word of the day, picked by yours truly, is saturnine
adj; of a gloomy or surly disposition [m.w.]
Beaux Feb 2020

Ironic be it the day
I've decided to write a poem a day for February to help find motivation again. It will not all be good, but it will be something.

— The End —