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Jakob Doran Dec 2013
We've built a city of memories from the ground to the sky,
they bloom between the buildings carrying offerings:
empty bottles once filled with imagined glories.
This spilled life courses beneath coarse tarmac, and it rolls beneath our feet.
the memories hide in the quiet corners where we heard the collusion of class.
They whisper from those thick front doors, with their shined brass streaming past.
They scream around the empty rooms, last echoes of a congregation,
baying and booming for their salvation under  pools of bass dripped ceilings.
They cling still, with their matching wordsto floors and buses, to fields and swings,
a tribute to the nameless places which birthed important things.
They meander amongst looming, fissured trees, caught in half-dark places,
then float to rest upon a bench between our pale white faces.
These memories now were moments then; as they skittered away down the lawn,
they left us silent but comfortably so, in the air of a red-grey dawn.
Ranjima Ranji Sep 2015
i love when wind kisses my cheeks
today,when i walk along the grasses
where dew drops are paved,and
shines bright as my delight inside
i love the way where butterflies welcome me,..

for the feast in their garden
but,never as delicious as that feeling
which now rules my heart
when ever i look around
i can see everything reflected
with my own gracefullness

i have no wordsto explain
what i feel now,when
i'm on the peak
i saw dry leaves shed down,&
rising sweet flowers of BLISS
blooming everywhere on my way;of life

i'm chilled and charmed
when i got the first drop,
of this rain,in my streched hands.
waves in my heart are beyond everything
& at it's extreme freequency

god had blessed me with his,
smiling rays of light.
i'm happy and thankfull
for everything i ever had....
kego Aug 2014
I really missed you

If you were here i would first start at the roots, making my way through the strands of your hair, just to remind my hands where it all started.

Then i would make my way down to your ears, but my mouth would be mute because im up to my ears in unwritten words!! Rather i would let my heart speak andhopefully you could decipher its truest ache.

On your neck i would leave the kind of kisses only known by those who have lost their soulmates in war, yet still write that message in a bottle hoping by some miracle, the letter find its way to their lost love! the magic used to seal such a letter is true loves most sincere kiss!!

On your body my hands would explore like one blinded for the first time eager to learn brail, just to be able to cmmunicate with the help of my fingers, i would re-discover the contours of your body!! & With the excitement of one who is about to have their first kiss, my lips would explore the texture's of your skin.

My fingers again like an eager brail student would cool the soles of your feet, like one who's journey has been long yet only begun.

After all that i would embrace you! & like past african tribes who commmunicated with the universe through the beating of a drum and chanting! my breath would silently chant audible wordsto your ears, while my heart like the drum beat reaches out to yours!

But after all that i wouldnt DARE embrace your lips! That would be for you to choose to do as a response to me sharing my entire BEING with you~(@^_^@)~
Just really missed someone

— The End —