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karen hoose Jul 2010
Your apathy is deafening in the nothingness of its soundless declaration of my rank and grateful is the feeling inside of this obsession which ties me to some kind of passionate facsimilie since the next indicated step from here is clearly feeling amputee status.
Woopee, yay me.
Is it true?
There's only one soulmate?
I hope it isn't
I pray to everything

Because if there's only one
only one
that one
she's gone
don't misunderstand
she's alive
but she's gone

I thought soulmates were meant though
why was she my soulmate?
She didn't feel the same way
I should have went after
but I'm sick of the chase

I think i'll just lie here
comforted in darkness
writing crazy little things
until I hit some sort of

oh, wait, I have some xanies

— The End —