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room spins but i do not feel dizzy i am used to the spinning dancingon air i do not care i am painter yet prefer bare walls i am writer yetfavor blank page i practice yoga daily yet suffer angst a romantic withno one to love no one loves me we unheard voices sing to imaginaryaudiences world not yet born anyone who knows me knows i’m wildconflicted vulnerable mistake-prone trapped in lost boy skittish atsight of blood frightened by shadows scenes on tv movies terrified byviolent humankind why do people trust treasure animals? because animalsdon’t lie cheat steal talk ****** gossip why am i always beingmisconstrued misunderstood? why do women get so ******* at me theyyell slap slam door? why do i just want to not remember get numb die?what do birds see horses know dogs sense dolphins dream butterfliesremember soldiers want to forget? room spins but i do not feel dizzy iam used to the spinning
purushottamarao Apr 2015
Blue jacaranda flowers
spread all over
the drive ways and walking paths
advising onlookers
that the spring has sprung.

The scenic beauty of lalwns and backyards
instill more delight in the autumnal hearts
which were let down with heavy snow fall
and wind chills withno way to goout
toget things done in scheduled manner .

The geenery all around masquerading
the withered blues of winter trees
slowly disappeared from heart and soul.
Family is power
Family is all that remains
we all say that
but we never do what we say
think about the struggles that your family does
all for your happiness and comfort
not asking for anything in return
your father works everyday to get you the food you need and the education you obtain
He never rests uneye til he sees you safe
mothers what can I say
they westand the pain to bring you life
they sit next to you and never sleep when your sick and tired
They give you all the love that nkbody could give
they love you no matter how much you did wrong
these are just simple thing from major sacrifices they have done
how do we repay them
some of us hit them withno mercy or thought
we shout out them and treat them like devils who have nothing to do but torcher us
they try to give us a hand and we just shut them up
when they become old we through them in nursing home to not deal with there problems at all.
although they cared for us when we scream and shout.
they never told us to go somewhere to not bother them and never to be heard again
they pray for us everyday but have we done the same.
everybody hold your hands up high and thank God for the family we have.
it is a blessing and a gift to have a loving parent in this dark cool place.
hug your mother and your father everyday and thank them for everything they made.
to make you the man or woman you are today .
pray for them everyday to protect them and to have mercy on them when they pass away.

— The End —