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Stéphanie K Jun 2012
here I go again
writing about you
wondering where you are
just missing you

you don't know how much I love you
I hope you can feel
I wish I could call you
to make it all real

here I stand
looking at the sky
wherever you are
wathever how far
promise to look up
know i do that too
you'll see a cloud
and maybe I'll see him too
Mateus Dec 2017
all this time
i was fleeing for you,
i don't know what i have done
didn't know what i must do

all of this time
(free time)
i could come and met you
but i didn't let you
stay near to me.

now, tell, my soul, what do you now see?
a beggard, asking for forgiveness;
or a warrior, wich passes for many

does it matter, what you think?
you know, i know
i stink;
with the smell of many rats
[of sewers

just because men
were put in shame
because of me
(or was it just
i don´t remember...

well, in any case,
the bigger sin
[was i).
Will i die
in disgrace?
or will i find
a place,
with peace
just for me?

will i live to see
[my destiny?
i don't know, but i must

so, wathever i found
in the future,
i must remain
and wandering
trought the darkness and the light
to be in sight
of, whatever it is,

(or happiness).

— The End —