It was a beautiful day today
So i took a wallk
in the woods i spent my childhood
And much of my twenties exploring
I gave up on the woods ten years ago
When i gave up hunting
Today i went hunting for memories
With a pen and paper
I cannot say that my hearing
And eyesight are better today
I can say that i heard and saw more
Such as the purple flowers in the undergrowth
Years ago i would have returned
With grand tales
Today i returned
With a short story
Today i was tired and breathless
From the hike up the hill
Sweating profusely
And coughing forcefully
II could however blame that
On a chest cold
Rather than my sixteen year
Pack a day habit
The trail is not exactly the same
But much is the same
And it does still go by
Many fond memories
The deerstand from which
I shot my first deer with a bow & arrow
23 years ago still stands
However the ladder has curiously moved
Again there was a deer
Under the same stand
And i could not imagine
Ever shooting the deer today
Today the trail takes a more gentle
Climb to the top where i went
Looking for the tree under which
I made love to my high school sweetheart
At first i thought it was gone
But then i found it
Right where we left it
The tree that has not changed
I remembered Laying out a blanket
But soon realized that was not the truth
She was not a sweetheart
And we were not making love
As with much of my youth
i was guided by lust
Rather than by love
Or respect for anything
I would have done almost anything
To get rid of that memory
Fifteen years ago
while today i cherish it
My foul mouth has not changed
Proven when i said "*******"
after nearly stepping on a turkey
Startling me as much as the bird
I stopped to check out the shale pit
I used to spend hours there
Scouring for fossil remains
Of plants and animals
I never found anything
But that didn't stop me from looking
Today i picked up one lump of shale
Looked it over and laughed
A pair of squirrels did not think
It was so funny
****** scurrying up a tree
And barking at me in unison
I guss the biggest impression i got
Was how much the woods
Has not changed
While much of me has
All the changes
may not be for better
But not all
For worse either
I shouldn't have given up on the woods
and i have been given several chances
So i am going to give the woods
Another chance as well